
2005 Latest Additions

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Latest Additions 2005

in backward order !

.................................. December 2005

Otafuku Daruma おたふく、お多福達磨 お福達磨 - Ofuku Daruma

Onna Daruma, Female Daruma 女達磨 女だるま

Sahara Dolls 佐原だるま 張子 Papermachee Dolls

Teragaito Kiln  垣外窯

Prison Daruma Fukushima 福島の刑務所福ダルマ

Katsuo-Ji Osaka 勝尾寺 大阪

Kentooshi 遣唐使、 Japanese Envoys to China

Ennin  Jikaku Daishi Ennin 慈覚大師仁円

Potter Lee in Mashiko

Daruma and the Cow

HAIKU and Daruma san

Lyra Daruma

Daruma Magazine 49


.................................. November 2005

Yunomi, Tea Cups ー 湯呑み

Sad Monk Paintings

Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来、Buddha of Medicine

Gangu Toys 玩具

Zeni-ire 銭入れ purse

Suiteki 水滴 water drippers

Hibachi 火鉢 braziers and handwarmers

Sakazuki 杯 sake cups

Kaze Daruma 風だるま、土方

Incense and Daruma お香とだるま

Wa Kei Sei Jaku 和敬清寂 and the Way of Urasenke Tea

Danjiri Festival Float

Shakuhachi Flute 尺八


.................................. October 2005

Kankiten (Ganesh)

Obake Daruma and Halloween

Friendship Dolls

Japanese Ghosts yookai, obake 妖怪、お化け。。。

Doosojin, the Wayside Gods 道祖神

Mitsumine Shrine 三峰神社

Daruma teaching visceral wisdom

Daruma-Do in Germany


.................................. September 2005

Gyoki Bosatsu Gyooki 行基菩薩

Tora Tiger Kokeshi トラだるま Hanshin Tigers

Ringo Apple 林檎だるま 林檎

Engimono for good luck  A Summary 縁起物のまとめ
。。身代わり猿、赤べっこ Migawari Monkey

Kuya Shonin Kuuya Shoonin, Saint Kuya 空也上人


.................................. August 2005

Newsweek Daruma 9月の選挙とだるま

Rush-Leaf Daruma (royoo) 芦葉達磨 Daruma on a reed

Ritual Decorations (shoogongu) 荘厳具 including:
... Banner (ban)
... Canopy (tengai) 天蓋
... Flower Garlands (keman) 華鬘

Bushuu Daruma Koshigaya Daruma, 武州だるま、越谷だるま 張子


.................................. July 2005

Kobori Enshuu Garden Designer, 小堀遠州

CHOOCHIN, lanterns 提灯とだるま

Suminagashi in Japanese manuscripts by Jake Benson

Godai, the five great ones 五大明王、五大力菩薩、五大如来
..... (godai myo-o, godai bosatsu, godai nyorai)

Tabi socks 足袋にだるま

Five Hundred Arhats Gohyaku Rakan 五百羅漢

Daruma-Museum, Okayama Auf Deutsch !

SUIKA <> Daruma as a watermelon スイカのだるま


.................................. June 2005

Basho and Haiku 松尾芭蕉の俳句 Matsuo Basho (Matsuo Bashoo)

Brigitte D 'Ortschy, a German Zen Master

Education with Daruma  教育とだるま

Hokusai 葛飾北斎

Nagarjuna 龍樹 Ryuuju and the Middle Way

Ooasahiko and Hakuchoo Daruma also : Naruto, the German House

Saigyo Hooshi (西行法師) and the Cherry Blossoms

Shikoku Summer 2005 Our own Haiku Pilgrimage


May 2005

Daruma-gama, a Kiln   だるま窯 だるまがま Dharma-gama

First Ceremonies of the year (05) hatsu 初写経など

Food Offerings and Bowls 托鉢、onjiki ki 飲食器など

Kukai, Kobo Daishi 弘法大師 空海 (Kuukai, Kooboo Daishi)

Kumarajiva, the Translator  鳩摩羅什

Nirvana Ceremony 涅槃会、常楽会

Saijiki for Buddhist Events 俳句仏教歳時記


April 2005

Atsugi Daruma 厚木だるま

Bicycle called Daruma  だるま自転車

Enku 円空 彫刻

Gakki, Musical Instruments (01) Big Drum Daiko 大鼓

Geta Sandals 下駄

Hearn, Lafcadio Koizumi Yakumo 小泉八雲 

HOTEI and the seven gods of good luck 布袋と七福神

Issa, a Haiku Master 小林一茶と達磨俳句と俳画

Nantenboo 南天坊 Zen Priest

Oume Aome Sumiyoshi Jinja  青梅 住吉神社

Yamabuki-Iro, Yellow Daruma 山吹色の黄色だるま

Washi, Japanese Paper 和紙


March 2005

Ame, Dagashi, Sweets with Daruma, Sucker Sweets 飴、駄菓子

Coconut Daruma .. ココナツだるま、自然のだるま

Colours Traditional Japanese Colors 日本の伝統的色、色彩

Daruma Memorial Day .. Daruma-ki, Japan 達磨忌, a kigo

Hachimaki - Daruma with Headband 鉢巻だるま

Hako / Boxes 箱いろいろ

Kanamono, Metal Figures  金物

Kimono, Yukata, Nagajuban 着物、浴衣、長じゅばん

Kiri-e, cut-out pictures 。。切り絵、切り紙

KOAN and Haiku (01) ::公案と俳句

MIMIKAKI Earcleaner 耳掻きにだるま

Nishijin Weaving 西陣織 京都 (mousepad)

NOREN Door Curtains のれん 暖簾

Penguin Daruma, a Children's Book

Putter Cover .. a MUST for the Golf Fan ! ゴルフに最高

Santoka, Shinjin Datsuraku and the Begging Bowl

Saru - Monkey 猿とだるま

Shizen . Natural Daruma Shapes .. Stalagmites, Ikura-Cave 井倉洞

Soroban, Abacus ..そろばん 算盤 Abakus

Take - Bamboo Art .. 竹とアジアの美術

Wabi and Sabi  Wabi-Sabi 侘び寂び わびさび

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Latest Aquisitions


RE Some Doubts about Japanese words related to Haiku.


February 2005

Aizu Daruma 会津だるま Papermachee Dolls

ANTIQUES <> Incense Container, Kutani
ANTIQUES <> Pipe with Daruma Face
ANTIQUES <> Tobacco Pouch

Blue Eyes of Daruma Aoi Me no Daruma 青い目のだるま

Darumabune, a Boat だるま舟

Demons .. Oni, Namahage and more 鬼、なまはげなど

Eihei-Ji 永平寺 .. A Visit to a COLD Zen-temple

EMA <> Votive Tablets of Fudo Myo-O 不動明王の絵馬

HEALTH - Some Taoist Lore DaMo Quigong

Hige - Daruma with a Beard ひげ達磨 ひげだるま

Juusanbutsu .. 13 Protector Deities 十三仏

Labyrinth .. Ariadne and the Honey Pot

Laquer Doll from Oouchi, Yakko 大内の漆だるま

Mandala for Life .. A Haiku and Picture Selection

Mandala Therapy  曼荼羅セラピー

Manholes with Daruma マンホールにだるま

Matsuo Basho / The man himself 松尾芭蕉

ME - Blue Eyes of Daruma 青い目のだるまさん

Miharu Daruma 三春だるま Papermachee Dolls

Netsuke with Daruma 根付
Netsuke, Daruma with Onyx Eyes

Okimono, statue made of horn 置物

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. Oyama Fudo, Feb. 28 Festival

Picture by Shiga

Rikyu Gray Sen no Rikyu and the Color GRAY

Satsuma Ware 薩摩焼

Scrolls with Daruma  掛け軸

Setsubun Festival .. Throwing Beans for Good Luck 節分

Star Shrines .. Hoshi Jinja, Myooken Bosatsu (Myoken Bosatsu)

Sumida Pottery <>Vase with Daruma 隅田焼

Takahata Fudo .. with a Daruma Market 高幡不動とだるま市

Tosho-Gu Tokugawa Ieyasu 東照宮と徳川家康

Udon Noodles with Daruma うどんにもだるま


January 2005


.............................. First Sunrise 2005

Asakusa Kannon 。。浅草漢音

Aaron Porter Pears and Daruma, Painting

Box for grammophone needles .. a very special piece !

China : Things Chinese with Nature / Penjing
............Shuilu Liberation Ceremony / CHINA

Clay Dolls for all seasons .. Daruma on Clay Dolls

Courtesans .. Daruma and the Courtesans

Gravestones .. by Mark Schumacher
.. .. .. Ishidoro, Japanese Stone Lanterns .. by Mark Schumacher

Fishhook Daruma !!!

Fundoshi (loincloth) 褌 Fudo Myo-O and Daruma on Loincloth !

Hanga .. Japanese Prints and the World of Go / William Pinckard

Hakata Clay Dolls with Daruma

Itako Female Shamans in Japan 日本のイタコ

Kanda Myoojin and Zenigata .. 神田明神と銭型

Kimono Patterns

Koya-san in Wakayama 。。。和歌山の高野山

Manekineko <> Cats and Daruma 猫と達磨 Beckoning Cats
.. .. Manekineko .. .. Beckoning Cats and other Lucky items, Photo Gallery

Menpeki Kunen, Wallgazing for nine years

Moskitoes and Daruma .. Kutani Pottery

Museum Folk Craft Museum 民芸資料館 Tokyo

Nakamura Collection ...Papermachee Daruma Dolls

Parrot : Daruma and the Parrot

Popeye Doll Museum, Japan .. Some great papermachee Daruma Dolls

Shunga Daruma Look at the next picture too.

Seven Gods of Good Luck 。。。七福神 Shichifukujin

Sokrates meets Daruma Something to smile !

Special Purpose . Daruma for a special purpose .. a great shop collection

Sunafumi <> Walking on Holy Sand (2) 。。砂踏み

TANCHU TERAYAMA and Zen Calligraphy: Hitsuzendo

Teaching Material about Japan

Telephone Cards with Daruma

Yamanashi 山梨親子だるま

Yoshino 吉野 Cherry Blossoms and Mountain Ascetics


The Latest Additions

Please send your contributions to Gabi Greve
Daruma Discussion Forum

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum



Onna Daruma

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Onna Daruma, Daruma as a Woman

女達磨 女だるま 女ダルマ

Daruma News 2005, Nr. 7 had an interesting contribution about the female Daruma.

Murakami san listed 30 dolls from his collection.

1 China, Ban futoo from Rakuyoo 洛陽の搬不倒

2 China, Santooshoo Shangdongsheng, Hoimin no Ban futoo 山東省

3 Korea, Ottoki 韓国のオットキ
ottoki in Korean means okiagari, go fall down and get up again. The dolls come in male and female form.


30 Myanmar (Burma).
Little dolls are sold at the entrance to the many pagodas of Burma.



Female Daruma from Japan

5 Made by Bui Hachi'emon 武井八右衛門

6 Made by Kasama Banjiroo 笠間幡次郎、筑前山川村

7 from Kagoshima 鹿児島

H12.7×W7.7×D8.6(cm) 88.6(g)
粘土、塗、紙、張り子、墨書 / 破損、剥離・接着不良、よごれ

特別展「大正昭和くらしの博物誌 ‐ 民族学の父・渋沢敬三とアチック・ミューゼアム ‐」

8 from Hiroshima 広島の女達磨

H13.2×W8.5×D8.9(cm) 57.0(g)
粘土、塗、紙、張り子、墨書、スタンプ / 亀裂、破損、剥離・接着不良、わん曲・変形、変色・退色、よごれ
「屋根裏の博物館 ‐ 実業家渋沢敬三が育てた民の学問 ‐」展

9 from Kaga 加賀の女達磨
made by Nakajima Menya from Kanazawa 金沢の中島めんやさん

10 from Fukuoka Pref. Yanagigawa 福岡県、柳川の女達磨
made by Yamashita Jinsaburoo 山下仁三郎


Please send your contributions to Gabi Greve
Daruma Discussion Forum

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum



Happy New 2006


All the Best for the New Year of the DOG !

明けましたおめでとうございます !



ガビ と ベル
Gabi and Bernd

GokuRakuAn Haiku Gallery

Please send your contributions to Gabi Greve
Daruma Discussion Forum

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum



Nenga 2006

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

New Year 2006 年賀情報

2006 is the Year of the Dog.

From our local store, little stickers with Dog-Daruma.








ribbon netshop


Studio Gokuu



Copyright(C) 2000-2005 Hotwill Co.


New Year Cards by
Maekawa Senpan


© Antoine Asseraf, 2007


Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum


Teragaito Kiln

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寺垣外窯 Teragaito Kiln

TEL 0564-71-0607





Teragaito Kiln

Please send your contributions to Gabi Greve
Daruma Discussion Forum

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum



Potter Lee in Mashiko


Potter Lee from Mashiko

Daruma calligraphy painted by my grandfather.

Name: Lee
Location: Mashiko, Tochigi, Japan

Born in Osaka Japan, lived in same neighborhood that Sen No Rikyu was from, went to school in Michigan, moved to Minnesota to study with Dainin Katagiri Roshi, moved to Mashiko, Japan to do 3 year apprenticeship with National Living Treasure Tatsuzo Shimaoka, established my own kiln and pottery in Mashiko, Japan.

Check out Lee's BLOG for a great collection of pottery.

Various Photologs.

Here is another site with many photos from the kiln IKIRU

The name Ikiru comes from the Akira Kurosawa movie by the same name.
In English it means: "To Live!"

Jizo Bottles, 5" Tall These bottles are inspired by the stone Jizo statues that are often see at crossroads in the countryside of Japan. Jizo is the guardian of travellers, both in this world and the next.
They are also inspired by the woodprint maker Shiko Munakata.


. Mashikoyaki 益子焼 and Mingei folk craft 民芸  




Daruma and the Cow


Daruma and the Cow / Oxen / Water Buffalo
牛 水牛

2009, the Year of the Ox

This is a Daruma I got from Hoorin-Ji Temple in Kyoto 法輪寺, a Daruma temple that provides clay bells of the Asian zodiac animals with a Daruma for each year. More see below.

Gabi Greve





The Holy Cow in India

Paint the Holy Cow.com


India's majority Hindu community reveres cowsand considers them to be "second mothers" .

About 8,000 years ago, the relationship between cows and man began with the revolutionary advent of domestication in Mesopotamia, the Indus River Valley, and Africa. There were many possible candidates for the job but only the cow fit the specific criteria humankind needed: not too flighty, breeds well in captivity, grows at a good pace, not aggressive, requires a low maintenance diet.

Our ancestors chose wisely: Cows provide just about all of our basic needs, from milk and meat to muscle.

There will be more.


source : blog.goo.ne.jp/seigetu23

Darumoooo !

for friends at the
Moooo! Bar Shiraishi Island, Japan
- source : www.moooobar.com


The famous Ox-Herding Zen Paintings
Searching for the Ox

Picture Nr. 6
Coming home on the cow's back

The struggle is over; he is no more concerned with gain and loss.
He hums a rustic tune of the woodman, he sings simple songs of the village boy. Saddling himself on the cow's back, his eyes are fixed on things not of the earth, earthy. Even if he is called to, he will not turn his head; however enticed, he will no more be kept back.

Riding the cow he leisurely wends his way home,
Enveloped in the evening mist, how tunefully the flute vanishes away!
Singing a ditty, beating time, his heart is filled with a joy indescribable!
That he is now one of those who know, need it be told?

If anyone should ask the meaning of this,
Behold the lilies of the field and its fresh sweet-scented verdure.
source :  D.T. Suzuki

Many Links to the Oxherding paintings

Oxherding pictures by TOMIKICHIRO TOKURIKI

十牛圖 Shiniu tu [Jūgyūzu] "10 Bulls"
by 廓庵師遠 Kuoan Shiyuan [Kakuan Shien]
by 德力富吉郎 Tokuriki Tomikichirō
source : terebess.hu
extensive reference


Buddha Statues and Cows (Bulls, Oxen)

One of the five great wisdom kings, Daiitoku 大威徳明王, is riding a white cow, symbol of enlightenment.

The Cow is also in the seiza, seated position. Sometimes he is depicted with six legs. Sometimes he has six faces with three eyes each, making it 18 eyes.

Read Mark Schumacher about Daiitoku


大威徳明王 Daiitoku Myo-O

Sometimes depicted with six arms and three faces, and riding on six cows.




Daijizai Ten 大自在天
(Makei Shura Ten 摩醯首羅天 (まけいしゅら), Shookara, Maheshvara)
Buddhist version of the destructor Shiva or the wild Rudra.
He is seated on a black-blue water buffalo. Other sources quote a white buffalo.

Ishana Ten, protector of the North-East
also seated on a yellow buffalo. He later became Daijizai Ten.
伊舎那天    東北   諸の魔衆の主

風力を神格化したもので、のちに大自在天、すなわちシヴァ神の化身といわれ、シヴァ神と同一視されるようになり、大自在天によくた姿をしています。忿怒相で三眼をもち、牙を上に突き出している。右手に三叉戟、左手に杯をもち牛に乗ります。 黄色の牛に乗る。浅青肉色.

Read Mark Schumacher about Daijizaiten (with illustration).


Cow-Headed Deities

Kannon With Horse's Head (Batou Kannon Batoo Kannon, 馬頭観音)


Says site reader and contributor GABI
"By neighing like a horse, these deities ward off the bad demons. Batoo Kannon has been known in Japan since 7th century. She is especially honored by the horse breeders in Northern Japan. Nowadays you even find bicycles in front of the stone votive statues on waysides.

There is also a version with the head of an ox (gotoo Kannon, gozu Kannon, gyuutoo Kannon 牛頭観音) or a pig (tontoo Kannon 豚頭観音). ”

Read Mark Schumacher on the Horse-headed Kannon


More about the Ox-headed Kannon

Sometimes it is only a stone marker with the Chinese characters 牛頭観音 or 牛頭観世音inscribed in it.

大佐の牛頭観音群  広島県庄原市西城町大佐
A group of Stone Statues with Ox-headed Kannon in Osa.

馬頭観音だとばかり思っていたが、よくよく見ると観音様の頭には角が生えており牛頭観音だった。 もっとも牛頭観音という観音様はいないので牛頭を抱いた馬頭観音さまということになるのだろうか。


Stone Marker of Ox-headed Kannon in Kawachi

さて、牛と私たちの関係は古く、弥生時代の登呂遺跡(静岡県静岡市)から骨が発掘され、奈良時代には運搬や農耕、乳牛として飼育されたことが文献に見られます。 牛乳は当時から薬として用いられ「蘇(そ)」、「生蘇(なまそ)」と呼ばれ、現在のチーズやヨーグルトの様なものとして貴族階級などで食されていました。


More Links:

これは、本来の解釈とは異なり、無病息災(むびょうそくさい)の祈願や死んだ後の供養が目的と考えられます。 家畜に対する信仰は、馬に限らず、牛や豚にも行われるようになりました。市内にも、牛頭(ぎゅうとう)観音が存在しています。



The Ox-headed Myo-O, Gozu Myoo-Oo 牛頭明王

A Statue of such a Myo-O at Hanno Town, Bamboo Temple 竹寺
There is even a special hall for this deity.


. Somin Shoorai Fu 蘇民将来符 Somin Shorai amulet .
and Gozu Tenno 牛頭天王


Heavenly King with an Ox-Head,
Bull Head Heavenly King, Ox-Headed Deva King
gozu tennoo, gozu tenoo 牛頭天王
The Japanese god of plague
/ Der japanische Gott der Pest

Quote by Richard Thornhill

In mediaeval times, with the fusion of Shinto and Buddhism, Susa-no-O was identified with Gozu Tenno ("Bull-headed King of Heaven"), a Baal-like Hindu god of pestilence. Such identifications were formally abolished in 1868, but he is still often popularly referred to by this name, and is usually shown with bull's horns. He is also referred to simply as Tenno ("King of Heaven"), or as Gion Tenjin ("Heavenly God of Gion").

Before 1868 all Yagumo, Yasaka, Tsushima and Susa-no-O jinja, and most Suga jinja, were called Tennosha, Gozu Tennosha, Gion Gozu Tennosha, Gion Tenjin or Gion Daimyojin.

Folklore contains numerous stories about Gozu Tenno, and it was believed that, like the Greek gods, he sometimes appears in human form requesting hospitality.


In the middle of the Heian Period the theory known as Honji Suijaku, which refers to the manifestation of Buddha in the temporary form of a Shinto deity that tries to save people, spread throughout Japan. From this period social unrest and convulsions of nature occurred, epidemics became prevalent and people were filled with fear and anxiety. Reflecting this social unrest, the Gion Shinko originated in order to pacify vengeful spirits and quell epidemics.

This faith combined worship of the most fearful and strongest Buddhist and Shinto deities, Gozu Tenno and Susano’o. Gozu Tenno, had a head like a bull and guarded a monastery called Gion Shoja where Buddha lived. Susano’o no Mikoto successfully slew an eight-headed dragon Yamata no Orochi after being banished from the Plain of High Heaven. People believed that Susano’o no Mikoto and Gozu Tenno would overcome vengeful spirits, epidemics and devils no matter how fearsome they might be. This was indeed the new faith people had been seeking.

It is widely believed among scholars that the birthplace of Gion Shinko is Susano’o Shrine situated in Shin-ichi, Hiroshima Prefecture. We have clear evidence of this as follows:

“Kibi no Makibi was a man of unequaled intelligence in those days. In the fifth year of Tempyo he returned to Japan and met Gozu Tenno (Susano’o no Mikoto) in Banshu. It is written in an ancient document called Banyoshi that Kibi no Makibi transferred the spirit of Susano’o no Mikoto from Bingo to Hiromine, Harima (present-day Hyogo Prefecture).”



In earlier days, the Gion Festival was called "Gion-e" or "Tenno Sairei" and was held in honor of the god, Gozu Tenno. the festival was first held in Kyoto in the year 876, celebrating the beliefs of both Buddhism and Shintoism. The tutelary god of Gion Monastery was worshipped at Gion Shrine for his protective powers. This custom spread throughout the country.

From the year 1591, the town of Kiryu was formed with the earliest record of a festival being held in 1656. This was the first "Kiryu Gion". At that time, a form of children's dancing using the hands was the focus of this simple event. Near the Honcho 3 chome housing apartments there was once a temple called Shusei-In. This temple worshipped the god Gozu Tenno.


Beginning of the Gion Matsuri

In the case of Yasaka Shrine in Kyoto, in the 18th year of Jogan the Buddhist priest Juzen Ennyo received a divine message from Gozu Tenno (Susano’o no Mikoto) and transferred the spirit of Gozu Tenno from Hiromine in Harima to Kyoto and enshrined the spirit there.
Later Mototsune Fujiwara erected a shrine in Kyoto.


This deity became popular during the Heian period, he is venerated in the pursuit to ward off diseases and physical ailments.


Very detailed LINK:

. Gion Festival and related KIGO  


わいわい天王 - Waiwai Tenno (Hotei)
The Ryu'un-ji Collection

波屋世哉 古渡毛 和夷輪以登 葉也生
Hayase ya kodomo waiwai to hayase

Cheer me on, kids!
Shouting “yeh! yeh! yeh!”,
cheer me on!

“Waiwai” is onomatopoeia for the excited shouts of little children. The “Waiwai Tenno” were beggars who solicited alms by performing on the street and passing out talismans of the deity Gozu Tenno.

Here a Waiwai Tenno, portrayed as Hotei (that is, Hakuin), hands out his talismans, just as Hakuin freely offers his dharma teaching.


The God of Heavenly Punishment

-- literally "the star that metes out heavenly punishment" -- is a demon from the China's Yin-Yang tradition. In Japan, he was incorporated into Esoteric Buddhist prayers. In this painting, he is shown consuming the Ox-headed Deity (J. Gozu Tenno), the pestilence god worshipped at Gion Shrine in Kyoto.

Look at two great photos in an article of Mark Schumacher.


牛頭天王も色々な要素が合体していてよく分からない仏様ですが、元々は牛 の神様で、京都では公家たちが牛車を使っていたため、八坂の地に牛頭天王 を祀る祠が作られたのではないかとも思われます。同じ地に祇園寺と八坂神 社もあったため、平安時代の御霊会・祇園会などを通じて次第に習合してい ったのでしょうか。八坂神社は元々は高麗系の八坂氏の氏神で農耕神だった ようですし、祇園寺は天神・婆利菜女・八王子を祀る寺だったようです。 

この習合の過程の中で、牛頭天王は祇園会で祓う対象としての疫神と考えら れるようになり、また一方ではその本体は須佐之男命であると考えられるよ うになっていきました。その場合、婆利菜女は櫛名田姫であるとします。ま た先代旧事本紀のように、牛頭天王は大国主命であるとの説もあります。 祇園牛頭天王縁起では、牛頭天王は須弥半腹の豊饒国王武塔天王の太子で、 7歳にして身長7尺5寸、頂に3尺の牛頭があり、また3尺の赤角もある。 

長じて王位に付き、牛頭天王と称え、山鳩のお告げで大海中の婆竭羅竜王宮 に入り、第三婆利菜女を娶り、八王子を生んだ、とされています。 また別の説では、牛頭天王はインドの九相国・吉祥園の王で祇園精舎の守護 神であったとの説も聞きます。 

(C) copyright ffortune.net 1995-2005 produced by Lumi.


Demons of Hell, Gozuki Mezuki 牛頭鬼馬頭鬼

The Beasts of Hell "Gozu-Mezu" -- short for "Gozu Rasetsu" and "Mezu Rasetsu" -- refers to beasts that exist in Buddhist hell. With heads resembling those of cows (Gozu) and horses (Mezu), they are said to torture and feed upon the flesh of the deceased (those who have committed sins and are thus in hell).

Read Mark Schumacher on the topic of Gozu-Mezu

Half man, half beast. Kinnara in Indian Mythology.
Read Mark Schumacher on the topic of kinnara

印度でキンナラ。 半身半獣の神様は全体的に中南米とかアフリカ方面に多いような気が。 エジプトにはバステトという猫(ジャガーという話も) の女神がいます。


The Ox, Bull, ushi 丑 and other animals in the Asian Zodiac
Read Mark Schumacher on the subject


Water Buffalo, suigyuu 水牛

Nandi, the Bull of Shiva

This animal can be seen as a seat (suigyuu za 水牛座) for some Buddhist deities. Sometimes one leg is crossed, the other one hangs down on the back of the animal.

Some temples feature the statue of a bull/buffalo in front of the building dedicated to Dai Iitoku, Fudo or Emma. enma

Dai Iitoku Myo-O rides on a blue water buffalo (some sources say a white one).
大威徳明王 :青水牛座

Emma-O 閻魔王, the King of Hell, sometimes sits on a water buffalo too.


King Emma Mandala
Silk Painting, Kamakura Period

Click HERE to look at photos from
Nandi, the mount of Lord Shiva !


Aka-beko, a red cow protecting from smallpox
(like Daruma)

Curtesy of B & C Antiques

Read my Story about Red Things for Good Luck (engimono).

aka-beko, aka beko 赤べこ
The most important of the Aizu Papermachee Dolls is the Red Oxen, Akabeko. The red color is auspicious for warding off illnesses. Many papermachee dolls of the Aizu area are called "Red Things" (akamono) for this reason.
Red things are also good luck symbols for childrearing.

Daruma from Aizu ー 会津若松張り子 


The Cow / Oxen, Bull as kigo for Haiku

. Gion Festival and related KIGO  

. Legends about animals 動物と伝説 .

. Legends about the Red Cow  赤牛と伝説 aka-ushi, akaushi .
and kuroushi, kuro-ushi 黒牛 the black cow






HAIKU and Daruma san


.. .. .. .. Haiku and Daruma san

I am trying to combine my two hobbies, Daruma and Haiku.

Daruma San -
high in the sky
a firework dances


. Daruma Memorial Day 達磨忌 Daruma-ki  
and more KIGO with Daruma


We have some guidelines about the keyword DARUMA and related items, which are listed at the end of this page.

Daruma jumps
to new hights -
this leap day

February 29, 2012


Here are some of the best of the above collections.

Some of Chibi's Contributions

Koinobori, Carp Streamers

Daruma wobbles --
streamers flap
in the May breeze

for the home of

Daruma wobbles --
streamers flap
in the May breeze

Daruma doll
bows and bows
and bows

ear pick --
Daruma squints
one eye

Easter egg plant --
Daruma wears a green


rainy season --
Daruma's beard
becomes thick

gardenia –
the lingering smell of

Daruma's stroll ... Chibi

kuchinashi ya
Daruma talks
you have no mouth
... Gabi

Gardenia in Japanese is Kuchinashi, literally: to have no mouth.


kyoo mo ashita mo.......今日も明日も

Daruma sama
Today and tomorrow
Daruma sama



.. .. .. just one stroke
.. .. .. just three lines
.. .. .. just one life

IPPITSU and ENSOO - One Stroke, One Circle


Matsushima ya suterareta Daruma mo shiawase ja

AAA, Matsushima
even thrown-away Daruma
must be happy!


Daruma in Matsushima


sitting in silence
Daruma meditating
in Japanese

Gabi (this has become my profile foto ! )


spring wind -
Daruma sits


> >>>> Daruma san
>>>>> takes a pause
>>>>> in space and time



shooting stars*:
Daruma recites sutra
after surta!

.. .. .. stars in my eyes
.. .. .. I re-sight the sutra
.. .. .. that I had forgotten

ai... chibi

*The Geminids peaked last night about midnight, USA EST. My sons saw two bolides (fireballs or bright long trailed meteors). I counted four meteors, total, but only was able to see one bolide.

Read more about Haiku and the Leonid Meteor Shower:


snow pellets
on winter coats:
Daruma's eyebrows



New Year comes!
Daruma's worn sandals


Take a look at Daruma's pilgrim sandals replaced here at the temple gate of Saikoku-Ji
CLICK for original ... makobei2008


Happy Valentine!
RED robes and cheeks from
Daruma sama



haru no hi ya Daruma Daishi mo shiri modae

fine spring day -
even Daruma Daishi
is getting restless

Tr. Gabi Greve

Choowa 調和, 読売新聞・四季


.. .. .. .. .. Daruma Haiku Guidelines

Haiku about Daruma san shall have DARUMA as a non-seasonal topic (haigon, KIGO-like keyword).

They can be serious or humorous, since many depictions of Daruma are in both ways.
I have an “Old People’s Home” Gallery in the museum for the many statues where Daruma is shown in a great variety of positions, from dead serious to outrageously funny, sometimes even with a charming lady at this side, but that is a story in itself.

Haigon pointing to Daruma
(the iconography of Daruma, to be scientific)

.. red robe
.. large eyes
.. one eye (me-ire)
.. circle (ensoo)
.. huge earrings (mimikazari)
.. one sandal (sekiri)
.. stone wall (menpeki kunen)
.. on a stone (ishi no ue san nen)
.. yawning (akubi)

This list can grow as we come up with more powerful words pointing to our Daruma san and the ZEN lore, if they inspire you to write a haiku about it. Feel free to add your words to this list.

As for now, check the following basic stories of the Daruma Homepage to learn more about the many symbols and stories connected to Daruma san in Japanese culture.

* * * * * * * * *

Basic Introduction

About the eyes, Painting eyes
Me-ire - Painting Eyes for Daruma 達磨の目入れ
Daruma and his EYES

Earrings and Circle, Ensoo

One Sandal, Sekiri Daruma

Stone wall (and yawning) menpeki to akubi, on a stone

Sake and Daruma


And a Gallery of Nature Pictures
reminding us of Daruma features.
photo album FLICKR

Have fun with your Daruma Haiku!
And add your contributions here as a comment.

Gabi Greve
December 2004


. Daruma Memorial Day 達磨忌 Daruma-ki  
and more KIGO with Daruma



Lyra Daruma

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Lyra Daruma ライアー だるま 

We had some visitors the other day and one of the ladies was performing on a lyre (lyra). Checking a bit more on the instrument, I found this one:

To me, it looks just like Daruma san.


. Lyra Concert at GokuRakuAn November 2005.

a gentle sound
in my kitchen -
Lyra Daruma

ooo ooo ooo

winter wind -- the strum of Daruma's beard

Though, I think the shape of Daruma is quite catholic (in the non-religious sense of that word).


Please send your contributions to Gabi Greve
Daruma Discussion Forum

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum



Daruma Magazine 49

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Daruma Magazine Issue 49

Cover Picture
Wooden Daruma Okimono, 19th c.
31 cm. high, Photo courtesy of Sagemonoya




Buddhist Altars

Lacquer Restoration

Haiku Corner

Tea and the Way of Tea

Woodblock Prints

Contemporary Prints

Ikebana for Winter


Please send your contributions to Gabi Greve
Daruma Discussion Forum

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum



Yunomi Tea Cups

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Tea Cups, Yunomi 湯呑み

The main story with all the details is here:
Yunomi-Drinking Tea with Daruma 湯のみとだるまさん―焼物散歩


A friend gave me this lovely tea cup, could also be a pot to slurp soba, buckwheat noodles.
Made by Miyake Mai.






Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum



Sad Monk Paintings

[ . BACK to TOP . ]

Sad Monk Paintings

Gassho Gabi
I love your site! Very inspiring!
I have some Daruma Sans that I painted awhile ago. I thought you might enjoy.

Namo Amituofo
Shi Yao Feng Shakya -Oregon
Chan Priest

Thank you, Sad Monk, for showing us your Daruma and other paintings!
November 2005


Hello, I am Qiao Seng- The Sad Monk ~
These are some of my original zen paintings. I hope that you enjoy these as much as I did painting them.

Click on the images to see the enlargement.




Chinzo- Bodhidharma
Based on Sengai Gibon The Great!!! Zen Master and Painter.



February 2008

I wanted to share with you these other paintings of Daruma san that I painted.
The last one was sent to me from a friend who was inspired to copy it on his wall.
This painting of damo san was painted when i was copying the masters works, i believe the monk deiryu.

in gassho
sadmonk (rev.yao feng shakya)

Look at all of his seven new paintings in the album.

everything, nothing
here today, gone tommorow
all is a flower


Here is an album with more of his Daruma paintings.


All paintings on this page are © by Sad Monk.

Please send your contributions to Gabi Greve

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum