
Welcome ! 01


Welcome to the Daruma Museum
and the Darumapedia !

Here you find information about Japanese culture,
with Daruma san and with Haiku as your guide.

. DARUMAPEDIA - Latest Additions - NEWS .
. groups.io/g/darumapediamemo .

. Japan - after the BIG earthquake  
Reporting since March 11, 2011


- - - The alphabetical Daruma index: - - -
Use your browser to find a keyword.

. Contents A - C . - - - . Contents D - F .
. Contents G - J . - - - . Contents K .
. Contents L - N . - - - .Contents O - R .
. Contents S . - - -  . Contents T - Z .

wrong spelling: dalma, daluma

... ... ... ... ... ... There are various galleries:

Main Daruma Museum (this blog)  達磨ギャラリー

Papermachee Dolls and Clay Dolls 張子と土人形

Daruma Photo Gallery だるま写真館

Daruma Pilgrims ... だるまと日本の巡礼
More about : Places and People ...

. Persons - Personen - ABC Index - .

 O-Fudo-Sama, Fudo Myo-O ... お不動さま、不動明王
. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O Encyclopedia
Acala Vidyârâja – Vidyaraja – Fudo Myoo .

- Introducing Japanese Deities -

Dragon Art of Asia - A Special Art Gallery

Ceremonies and Festivals of Japan

. Buddhist Temples - ABC-List - .

. Gokuraku 極楽 the Buddhist Paradise .

. Shinto Shrines - ABC-List - .

. Washoku 和食 Japanese Food Culture .

. Talismans and Amulets from Japan お守り omamori . 
Mingei 民芸 Folk Art, toys

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 .

. Kappa 河童 / 合羽 The Water Goblin of Japan .  
and 妖怪 yokai monsters  

. Tengupedia 天狗ペディア Tengu Mountain Goblins .

. Onipedia 日本の鬼 The Demons of Japan .

. The Heian period 平安時代 Heian jidai (794 - 1185) .

. The Edo period 江戸時代 (1603 - 1868) Edopedia .


My Haiku Gallery

. . . WKD : the World Kigo Database  

View all my Activities .. .. Including Haiku - yahoo group -

Enjoy your stay
at the Daruma Museum Galleries!

Dr. Gabi Greve, Daruma Museum, darumapedia
Okayama prefecture, Japan


. Join me on Facebook ! .

. Darumapedia Galleries on Facebook .


- #darumamuseum @darumamuseum -


Contents A - C

Alphabetical List of the Daruma Topics

. . . . . . Who is Daruma ?


- - - The alphabetical Daruma index: - - -
Use your browser to find a keyword.

. Contents A - C . - - - . Contents D - F .
. Contents G - J . - - - . Contents K .
. Contents L - N . - - - .Contents O - R .
. Contents S . - - -  . Contents T - Z .


Aburazara 油皿 Oil Dishes Oribe plates 織部

Acupuncture ... 針灸

Ai 藍 indigo

Ainu Daruma ... アイヌだるま Hokkaido. Papermachee Doll

Aizu Daruma 会津だるま Papermachee Dolls

AKB48 - idols girl group

Akai ... 赤いRed Hoosoo 疱瘡 ..Smallpox, Red and Daruma (by Bernard Faure)

Akita University Daruma 秋田大学 合格だるま

Akubi あくび / 欠伸 Daruma Yawning Yawning and Health - (not screaming)

Akuma no Daruma 悪魔 Daruma the Demon

Aloha Daruma Hawaii

Amabie Daruma アマビエ だるま - Covid-19 epidemic

Amanatto (amanattoo) 甘納豆 sugar-glazed beans
and Daruma gummi sweets だるまグミ

Amaterasu 天照大神 The Sun Deity

Amazake 甘酒 "sweet rice wine"

Ame, dagashi <> Sweets  飴、駄菓子

Ame 雨 rain rain rain -

Anime アニメ <> Animation

Ankake Daruma soup あんかけだるま gankake 願掛け

Anko, sweet bean paste Daruma 餡子だるま , だるまあん

Anzan 安産だるま Daruma for an easy birth and delivery

Aoi Me no Daruma 青い目の達磨 <> Blue Eyes of Daruma
..... Eye-opening Ceremonies for Buddhastatues

Arai Daruma store 荒井だるま屋 Hiratsuka

Arare あられだるま
"Hail stones" crackers

Areaware Daruma Wish Doll

Aritayaki ― Daruma of Arita Pottery 有田焼と達磨さん

Art DE Daruma Exhibition アートDEだるま展 Tokyo. January 2009

. Artists, Persons, People .

Asahi Daruma 朝日 morning sun Daruma

Asakusa Kannon 。。。浅草観音、東京

Asao Fudo and Daruma Market ... 麻生不動だるま市 Kawasaki Town.

ashi 足 Daruma with legs and toes

Atari アタリ modern Plays and Games

Atariya 当たり矢 arrow to hit good luck

Atsugi Daruma 厚木だるま

Auctions for Daruma Items in English and Japanese

Aum, A-Un (阿吽) Alpha Omega

Ayame あやめ 菖蒲 <> Iris Dolls and Daruma

Azuki 小豆 ... Red Beans, "small beans", adzuki and DARUMA

Azumabukuro あづまぶくろ small bags

Azechi Umetaro 畦地梅太郎 Painter


Baby Suit ベビー服Dresses for Children

Bakemono, yookai ... 化け物 妖怪  Ghosts 。。。an overview
Bakeneko, the Monster Cat ... 化け猫 and お化け達磨 O-bake Daruma

Bakuchi 博打 Gambling Daruma Dice Holder

Bankoyaki 萬古焼 だるまpottery

Banzai Daruma design by Mauricio Eiji

Bara 薔薇 rose, roses

bath ball だるまバスボール Daruma Bath Ball

Beads Daruma ... ビーズ だるま Beads kit to make your Daruma

bear brick train / be@rbrick train / bearbrick Daruma

Bear Mascot Bär from Germany

Beesubooru ベースボール Baseball Mascots 野球

bekkoo 鼈甲 / べっこう / べっ甲 tortoiseshell Daruma

Benten, Benzaiten 弁天 弁財天 Deity of Good Luck

Bentoobako 弁当箱 Lunchbox with Daruma Bentoo Bako, Bento Bako, bentobako , Ekiben
..... へのへの HE NO HE NO

Bicycle called Daruma  だるま自転車

BIG Daruma Statue Daruma Temple Koozen-Ji 興禅寺, Wakayama

Big Toe Daruma - Hayato Tokugawa

Biiru ビール beer glass, mug . . .

Bijoo ... 尾錠馬具  ... Buckle for a horse stirrup

Bird and parrot named Daruma

Bishamonten Tanuki ... Bishamon Tanuki 毘沙門狸Bishamonten Daruma Doll

Bizenyaki ― Bizen Pottery and Daruma san 備前焼とだるまさん
. . . Bizenyaki, Aobizen  青備前   and Daruma Kiln(だるま窯)

bolo tie, loop tie ループタイ looptie

Bon, 盆 a tray

Bonji Daruma 梵字だるま with sanskrit letters and Bonji Mandala 梵字曼陀羅

..... Books about Daruma だるまの本、大百科など

Booshi だるま帽子 hat, cap

Bulb, Lightbulb, Gluehbirne

Bukku kabaa ブックカバー Book cover, book covers and book cover design. Notebook cover

Buddhastatuen ... Who is Who Mein Buch auf Deutsch !
My Book in German about Buddha Statues !

Buddhist Deities, my Introduction
Buddhist Protective Deities for the Individual (ichidai mamori honzon)
..... Buddhism and Shintoism

Bunchin 文鎮 ... paperweight

Buriki gangu ブリキ玩具 Tin plate toys. Blechspielzeug

Buroochi Daruma ... Broach .. ブローチ だるま / だるまブローチ. badges with daruma / Badge バッジ

Busshi 仏師 ... - Buddhist sculptors Gallery

bust, kyoozoo ダルマ胸像 bust of Daruma

Bushuu Daruma Koshigaya Daruma, 武州だるま、越谷だるま 張子

Buta ... ぶただるま... Pig as papermachee doll

Butsudan ... 仏壇 Buddhist Family Altar

Butsugai ... Takeda BUTSUGAI Fusen ... 1795~1867

Butsugu, hoogu .. 仏具 .. 法具 Buddhistische Kultgegenstände Japans
(Buddhist Ritual and Ceremonial Tools) .. My Book

Buy a Daruma ! Shopping for Daruma <>「だるま」はどこで買えるの?
..... List with more stores worldwide

Byoobu and Tsuitate - Daruma on a Screen 屏風, 衝立とだるま.
Biombo Exhibition
Osaka Zu Byobu 大阪図屏風 Scenes of Osaka at Eggenberg castle


Calendar - Daruma だるまのカレンダ - Kalender

Calligraphy , shodoo 書道

Camera, Crime prevention camera だるま型防犯カメラ Bohan Kamera watches over stores

Cap Clip だるま キャップクリップマーカー

Carole Davenport Collection
New York

Cartoons with Daruma

CE Mark Daruma for Europa

CHA 茶 <> The world of Tea
The world of TEA and Daruma

Chataku 茶托saucer for tea cup

Chawan 茶碗 tea bowl and gohan chawan for eating rice

Chichibu Daruma 。秩父だるま

chigaidana, chigai-dana 違い棚 staggered shelves

Chigiri-e .. ちぎり絵 Paintings from torn paper

China, Korea and Bodhidharma (01) 中国、韓国のだるま
..... China, Korea and Bodhidharma (02)
..... Chinese Poetry
..... Chinese Symbols in Art

Chirimen ちりめん / 縮緬 crepe silk Daruma

Chokinbako 貯金箱 <> Piggybank with Daruma

Choko Daruma チョコだるま Chocolate

Choochin, lanterns 提灯とだるま. akachoochin, akachochin 赤提灯

Choofu Daruma ちょう布だるまだる Chofu Daruma

Cho-o-Ji, Temple Choo-Oo-Ji 長翁寺 .. and nearby hill: Daruma Zuka だるま塚
Narumi-Juku of the Tokaido

Christian St. Daruma

Christmas tree with Daruma

Chrysanthemum . 達磨菊(ダルマギク) . Darumagiku

Cider Daruma Label, a good luck drink ダルマサイダー. drinks for winning
Citta Daruma / LA CITTADELLA チッタだるま

Clipart with Daruma

Clivia クリビア <> Some clivia flowers named Daruma

Clown, pierrot (dokeshi, piero)


Coca Cola Signboard from Nagano Olympics 1998 and other advertisements
Coconut Daruma .. ココナツだるま、自然のだるま

coffee だるま珈琲 Daruma cohi Kaffee

..... ..... . Collections of Online Daruma / LINKS

Colours Traditional Japanese Colors 日本の伝統的色、色彩

Color Symbol Daruma カラーだるま

Cool Biz Underwear クールビズ ダルマ型スリップ since May 2011

Cosplay コスプレ ・コスチュームプレー / costume parties

Cups and Mugs 湯のみ yunomi, chawan

Cup soup <> カップラーメン Cup Ramen, Cup Raamen

Curry from GLICO グリコカレー / glico カレー職人
Gookaku 合格 to pass the examination


- #amabie -

Contents D - F


Daigen Shuri Bosatsu 大権修理菩薩 (Daigon)
招宝七郎大権修理菩薩, monastery-protecting spirit

Daikokuten ... 大黒天 and Tama Daruma Dolls

Daikon だるま大根 Daruma Daikon radish named Daruma

. daiku 大工 carpenter tools .

Dairokuten Ma-O .. 第六天魔王The God Dairokuten 大六天

Daisu ダイス dice for games saikoro さいころ

Dajare 駄洒落 ダジャレ, だじゃれPuns and Word Plays of the Edo Period

Danjiri だんじり祭り Festival Float

Daru Chan. Daruchan だるチャン a DARUMA BLOG

Daruko and Naruko だる子又は鳴子Clappers and rattles.
also NARUMA なるま.
and Denden Daiko ... でんでんだいこ, でんでん太鼓 ... Twist Drum

Daruma An Farms, Sado Island

Darumart (Daruma Market) and Darum' Art

Darumabune, a Boat だるま舟

- Daruma Club - Dolls -

Daruma Day, August 7, seventh day of eighth month
. . . Nanakorobi yaoki 七転び八起き
seven times down, eight times up

Daruma Days, book by Terry Watada

Daruman Honpo だるまん本舗 Online Characters Store

Daruma Musume ダルマ娘 - Nakamura Hisako 中村久子

Daruma Near 『だるマニア』Darumania store

Darumania - Nakamura photos on Instagram

Daruma News ... だるまNEWS Magazine of the Study Group
Zen Nihon Daruma Kenkyu Kai 全日本だるま研究会

Daruma-dera 達磨寺 see below, Daruma Temples

Daruma-enaga だるま柄長 <> A Bird named Daruma

Darumagama だるま窯 General Introduction to the Daruma Kiln

Daruma Geisha in Postwar Japan

Daruma Ichi 達磨市 Markets to Sell Daruma and kigo

Daruma Magazine of Japanese Antiques

Daruma Memorial Day .. Daruma-ki, Japan 達磨忌

Darumaru maskot from Gunma prefecture だるまる
and Darumaruma だるまるま Maskot from Takasaki Town

Daruma no Sato ダルマの里 Daruma paradise park

Darumappa Ten Exhibition だるまッパ展 April 2010

Daruma Serika ダルマ・セリカ Car name

Daruma shuu 達磨宗 Daruma Sect founded by Dainichibo Noonin 大日房能忍
..... Daruma Uta 達磨歌 Daruma-sect poems

Darumasugi, sugi 達磨杉 / だるま杉 Daruma cedar tree

Daruma Temples  達磨寺 Daruma-dera, Daruma-ji
..... Photo Gallery
..... Overview

Daru raizaa 「ダルライザー」 Rider for Shirakawa Tohoku

. . . . . Deities ... Introducing Japanese Deities, kami to hotoke . . .

densha Daruma densha だるま電車 Daruma train

Deresuke Yashiki でれすけ屋敷 Collection

Design Net and Daruma Traditional Designs of the Edo Period
Design, Japanese Design and Daruma
Designer Daruma Papermachee Doll デザイナーズだるま From Imai Store

Divali Festival, Lakshmi and the Ramayana in India

Dogo : Hime Kitty Daruma, Princess Daruma from Dogo Onsen Matsuyama ひめだるまキティ, 姫だるまキティ

Do it Yourself ! How to make a wooden model for a Daruma. kigata 木型. kakumata 角又

dokidoki Daruma どきどきだるま at the market

- dokuro 髑髏 どくろ Daruma with head skulls -

Donji 鈍字 <> Kanji Riddles of the Edo Period

donkorogoma どんころ独楽 Donkoro spinning top for gambling

Doosojin, the Wayside Gods 道祖神

Doraemon Daruma Dolls (ドラえもん)

Dorei  土鈴 Clay Bells, ceramic bells

Doru ドル $ dollar bill Daruma

Dragon Zodiac Animal Dolls with Daruma 干支辰だるま
Eto animals with Daruma


E ... 絵 ... Paintings of Daruma
- - emoji 絵文字 emoticons, pictograms

- ebay - Daruma collection

Echigojishi 越後獅子 lion dance from Echigo dolls

Echigoya 越後屋 and Mitsui 三井

Easter Eggs with Daruma Faces iisutaa eggu イースターエッグ

Eco Solar Daruma エコソーラー ダルマ
Sunshine Buddy Eco Solar Series

. Welcome to Edo 江戸 !.

Edo Daruma ... 江戸だるま / 江戸達磨 Papermachee dolls
from Edo / Tokyo

Edo Patterns, share 洒落 Kamawanu, Kikugoro goshi and other puns

Edo Toys in woodblock prints 浮世絵のなかの江戸玩具

Eihei-Ji 永平寺 .. A Visit to a COLD Zen-temple

Eisei Bunko Museum

Ehamadoo 絵羽馬堂 Ehama Do, Ehamadou - Shop in Fukuoka

ejiko えじこ だるま baby-sitter Daruma san

Ekiben 駅弁 Station Lunch Boxes

Ekiden 箱根駅伝 Hakone Ekiden Race Relay Marathon

Ema 絵馬 Votive Plaques, Votive Tablets, Prayer Boards

Engimono for good luck  A Summary 縁起物のまとめ
..... 招き猫(maneki neko) the beckoning cat
..... . Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

Enju エンジュ / 槐 Daruma from wood of the Japanese pagoda tree. Hokkaido

- - - Enku 円空 The Master Carver Enku san at his own BLOG

Enmusubi 縁結びだるま finding a partner with the help of Daruma- Fukumusubi, koimusubi 福むすび。恋むすび

Enpitsu 鉛筆 Pencil with Daruma

Enpuku-Ji, Temple in Yahata. 円福寺 Daruma Temple

Ensoo 円相だるま Just one circle ...

E-Tegami, etegami 絵手紙 <> Handpainted Letters and Postcards (like Haiga)

Etsuki Daruma ... 江月だるまこけし Kokeshi wooden doll from Etsuki town, Miyagi pref.

Exhibitions : LIST
..... Exhibitions since 2007


Fabrics, Cloth 布、切れ

Feng Shui 風水 <> Chinese Philosophy and Geomancy
24 solar sections 二十四節気

Fire <>火達磨、火だるま

Fishhook Daruma Fishlure 魚のルーアー

Flat Daruma, KD Daruma (Knock-Down Daruma)

Flowers named DARUMA
Daruma Hioogi ダルマヒオウギ Blackberry Lily. Belamcanda chinensis

Food with Daruma ... My LINKS

French Daruma Magazine France and Daruma

Friendship Dolls from 1927

Fude Daruma 筆だるま / Daruma Fude だるま筆 Daruma fude as a pen

Fudo Myoo 不動明王 <> The Unmovable Wisdom God (Fudoo Myoo-oo)
..... His own Blog with many related topics  
..... Daruma Fudo Doll and Fudo Daruma paintings 達磨不動明王, 不動達磨
..... Fudo Shin 不動心 The Immovable Spirit and Daruma

Fudoosan <> Real Estate Agents 不動産

Fue 笛 ... Flute-playing Daruma

Fujisan, mount Fuji, Fujiyama 富士山

Fukudama Fukudama 迎春福玉 Sweets for 2019

Fuku Daruma 福達磨(ふくだるま)Daruma for good luck
fukuiri Daruma, fuku-iri 福入だるま Daruma to bring good luck
shoofuku 招福だるま Daruma inviting good luck
河豚だるま Fugu Daruma blowfish
. . . Fuku Daruma 福達磨 Markets to sell Daruma

福だるま(Cotyledon) コチレドン Fuku Daruma
Daruma Fukumusume だるま福娘 / 達磨福娘 plant

Fuku nezumi 福鼠 lucky mouse / rat Shimane

Fukura suzume ふくら雀 plump sparrow Folk Toy with Daruma

Fukuroo, fukuro 梟 (ふくろう) Owl

Fukushima Daruma 福島だるま Dolls from Fukushima

Fukusuke 福助 Dolls

Fukutoku Senbei <> Waffles for Good Luck from Kanazawa福徳せんべい

Fukuyama Exhibition Summer 2009 「福よこい!だるま大百科」展

. Funasshi ふなっしー and Nashi Daruma 梨だるま .

Fundoshi 褌(loincloth)  Fudo Myo-O and Daruma on Loincloth !

Furoshiki 風呂敷 <> Cotton Wrapper Cloth

Fuuchin, fūchin 風鎮 Fuchin, hanging-scroll weight

Fuurin 風鈴 <> Wind Chimes, wind bells, zen bells

Fushimi Clay Dolls / 伏見土人形

Fusuma - Daruma on a Sliding Door  襖絵とだるま

Fuutoo ... 達磨封筒 Envelops

Contents G - J


Gakki, Musical Instruments (01) Big Drum Daiko 大鼓 and Tsuzumi

Gamakuchi, gamaguchi がま口 money purse "with a toad mouth"

Games ゲーム (geemu) old and modern games
..... medama ire geemu 目玉入れゲーム game to put the eyes into Daruma
..... Daruma san ga koronda だるまさんがころんだ

. Ganbaro Japan ! Ganbaro Nippon !  がんばろう!日本!
After the Earthquake on March 11, 2011.

Gangu 玩具 Toys with Daruma

. Gankake 願掛け wish-prayer, to make a wish .

Garasu ガラス Glas
..... Glass ガラス garasu Tsugaru Glass, Tsugaru Bidoro 津軽びいどろ 瑠璃だるま

gashapon Daruma だるまのガチャポン capsule toy

Gegege no Kitaro <> ゲゲゲの鬼太郎

Genghis Khan 成吉思汗 (じんぎすかん) Food

Genki Daruma 元気だるま for your Health

Gennoo 玄能 hammer with two round sides. sakikiri 先切り with one sharp side

..... ..... Daruma-Museum, Okayama Auf Deutsch !

Geta Sandals 下駄

Gifuto ギフト Gifts / order-made for - ibento イベント events

Glass ガラス Tsugaru Glass, Tsugaru Bidoro 津軽びいどろ 瑠璃だるま

Goboo hariko 御坊張り子 papermachee dolls from Gobo, Wakayama

Go the game 碁石 and Go stones Daruma

Gojinjoo Taikoo 御陣乗太鼓面 Drummer Masks

Golf Bag ゴルフバグ ... Golf Ball . ゴルフボールだるま

Gokayama Daruma 五箇山の達磨 and Shirakawa Daruma 白川だるま

Goma aburi-ki 胡麻あぶり器 Sesame seed roasting pot Type of Horoku (hooroku)

Google logo

Gookaku Daruma <> 合格だるま Examination Passing Helper Daruma (Gokaku Daruma)

Gokoku hojo .. 五穀豊穣 (gokoku hoojoo) Prayers for a Bountiful Harvest of the Five Grains

Gomibako ゴミ箱 waste basket

Goshiki Daruma and Color Symbols 五色だるま

goshusen 五銖銭 five SHU coin from China

Greeting Cards with DaMo

Grind Pencil - 森基書 - mori motofumi

Guinomi ぐい飲み Tea Cups

Gurasu ぐらす Glas for drinking

Gure Daruma ぐれダルマ "Regent Daruma" リーゼントだるま

Gyoki Bosatsu Gyooki 行基菩薩

Gyoran Kannon, Kannon with Fish Basket, 魚籃観音(ぎょらんかんのん)
Gyooten ... びっくり仰天 Looking toward heaven


Hachi 鉢 small pot

Hachimaki 鉢巻 はちまき  Papermachee Dolls with a Headband
Hachioji Daruma Market 八王子 達磨市

Hagaki はがき  Postcards
..... Photo Gallery
..... Postcards from Gyuumei Sensei
..... Hagaki by David Bull

hage daruma はげだるま/ ハゲダルマ bald Daruma

Haijima Daruma Market拝島大師だるま市

 H A I K U 俳句  
..... ..... My Haiku Gallery
..... Frogs farting and some Zen :o)
.....  KOAN and Haiku ::公案と俳句

Haiku about Daruma ... 俳句  JOIN ME HERE !

Haisha 歯医者 Dentist Daruma

Haizara 灰皿 <> Ashtray

Hakata Dolls / 博多人形 Hakata Clay Dolls

Hako 箱 Boxes, Schachteln

Hakobi Daruma hakobi だるま運び Carry-around Daruma. Game

Hakone Puzzle Boxes ... 箱根秘密箱  Himitsu-Bako

hakuroku Daruma 白鹿だるま white deer Daruma - Gunma

Halloween ハロウィーン Harowiin

Hamamatsu Daruma Market 浜松市の虚空蔵尊とだるま市 and Kokuzo Bosatsu

Hamaya, hamayumi 破魔矢 / 破魔弓 Good Luck Arrow and Bow
for the New Year

Hamburger Cotelettes KATSU Daruma Food 合格祈願エビカツバーガー to pass examinations

hana no ka-petto 花のカーペット flower carpet Daruma

Hanabi 花火  Fireworks in Summer in Japan

Hanamaki Tsuchi Ningyoo 花巻人形 Clay dolls from Hanamaki Iwate prefecture

Hanayome Daruma 花嫁だるま Daruma as a bride
Hanga 版画 <> Woodblockprints of Daruma
..... Hanga, Woodblockprints 版画a summary

hanbaiki 販売機 vending maschine

Hanger for small things ハンガー

haniwa 埴輪 / はにわ terracotta clay figures

Hanji-E 江戸の判じ絵 Picture Puzzles, Rebus Pictures 

Hanjo, Hanjoo, Shoobai Hanjoo 繁盛だるま Daruma Dolls for prosperity in business

Hankachi ハンカチ Hankerchief

Hanmokku ハンモック hammock

Hanuman, the Indian Monkey God

Hanya Shingyo 般若心経 The Heart Sutra

..... Hariko 張子 Papermachee Dolls
The Papermachee Daruma Doll Museum

Harimi はりみ paper dustpan

Hasamiyaki 波佐見焼 pottery Kyushu

Hashi, O-Hashi お箸 おはし Chopsticks

Hashioki 箸置き chopstick rests - 箸置け hashioke

Hatomugi cha はとむぎ ダルマ and dokudami cha. Job's tears tea.

Hebi 巳 mi - snake, serpent zodiac animal

Health - Some Taoist Lore .. .. DaMo Quigong

heijooshin 平常心 Heijoshin, the Even Mind

Helmet for motorbikes ヘルメット

HENRO Daruma Dolls in Shikoku ... だるま遍路
and Pilgrims in Japan

Hibachi 火鉢 braziers and handwarmers

Hibita Jinja 比々多神社 Shrine in Sagami Kanagawa

Hibuse Daruma ... 火防達磨 Fire and war preventing Daruma.
Temple Junshin-Ji

Hige 髭 ひげ  Daruma and his Beard

Hikifuda ... 引札 Advertising Prints and circulars

Himawari ... ひまわり、向日葵  Sunflower

Hime Daruma 姫だるま Princess Daruma, Introduction. himedaruma
... Himedaruma, Hime Daruma sweets 姫達磨 姫だるま和菓子

Himeji Daruma / 姫路張子

Hina ningyo 雛人形, Darumabina だるま雛  Hina Dolls with Daruma

Hinomaru, Hi no Maru 日の丸 The Japanese Flag

Hi no yoojin 火の用心 fire prevention

Hino Shoonin 日野商人 Hino Merchants Collection

Hirame to sakana ひらめ 平目と魚 Flounder and other fish

Hirashimizu Pottery from Yamagata 平清水焼 Heikichi Kiln 平吉窯

Hirosaki Daruma 弘前だるま Aomori

Hisshoo Daruma 必勝ダルマ to win an election (Hissho Daruma, Certain Victory)

Hisui 翡翠 / ヒスイ jade figures

Hita urushi日田漆 laquerware from Hita

Hiuchi 火打ち striking fire with a flintstone hi-uchi

Hodai-In, Temple Hoodai-In 鳳台院Kasama. Huge Daruma Statue of 10 meters !

Hoo-oo 鳳凰 <> The Phoenix in Asian Art, Special Feature

Hoosoo-e 疱瘡絵 prints to protect children from smallpox
. . . . . Hoosoo 疱瘡 <> Smallpox, Red and Daruma (by Bernard Faure) Essay

hoshi daruma, hoshidaruma 星だるま Daruma with stars
- - - and Hoshi no Kirby 星のカービだるま

Hoshitsuji Daruma 星辻だるま Hoshitsuji Shrine Daruma Festival Akita
with Hibuse Daruma 火伏せだるま warding off fire

Hossu 払子 <> Daruma holding a Flywhisk

Hotaru 蛍 <> Fireflies and Daruma

Hotei and the seven gods of good luck 布袋と七福神

Humbert Aime / Aimé Humbert-Droz (1819 – 1900) - Photographer

Hungarian Daruma

Hyakuman San Daruma 百万さん Kanazawa, Ishikawa

Hyakunin Isshu 百人一首 <> 100 Poems by 100 Poets
..... Darumasan-Japan/message/362
..... Darumasan-Japan/message/428
..... ..... Woodblock Prints by David Bull
..... Woodblock Prints from a German Collection

Hyakutai 達磨百態Daruma Hyakutai in 100 different situations

Hyootan, Namazu and Daruma - The Gourd, the Catfish and Daruma  瓢箪、鯰とだるま...
Hyotan Daruma Dolls

Hyoosatsu ... 表札 Nameplate, Name Plate.Hyosatsu


Ichidai Mamori Honzon 一代守り本尊  Personal Protector Deities

Ichigo 苺strawberry Daruma

Ika Daruma いかだるま Daruma Ika だるまいか
Soft Cuttlefish Daruma Food

Ike, Daruma Ike だるま池 Ponds named Daruma

Ikkanbari ... 一閑張・姫だるま Princess Daruma Dolls from special papermachee, Ikkan type

I LOVE DARUMA .. various goods

Imai Ken Gooshoo 今井健(豪照)

Imo Daruma, いもだるま... sweet potatoe Daruma

Inari 稲荷 <> The Fox God Cult Kitsune, the animal fox.

Incense and Daruma お香とだるま

Inden 印伝/ 印傳 deerskin products Yamanashi prefecture

Inkan, Hanko 印鑑、判子 <>Personal Name Stamps and Seals

Inoshishi 猪 Wild Boar Papermachee Doll

Inu 犬 dog. Hund

Instagram Daruma インスタグラム だるま

iPhone case ケース だるま

Ippitsu 一筆 <> Daruma painted in One-Stroke (ensoo円相)

Ireko ... 入れ子だるま Nesting Dolls, Martioshka Dolls, Matryoshka Dolls .. マトリョーシカ人形

Irezumi 刺青 <> Tatoo (Tattoo) Horimono 彫り物

Ishi 石 <> Daruma from StonePetroglyphs, Rocks 岩など

Ishi no ue san nen 石の上三年 Meditating on a stone for three years

Ishikawa ken kinpaku seihin 石川県金箔製品 だるま Daruma with goldfoil from Ishikawa prefecture 金運を招き "inviting money"

Isu 椅子 chair, Stuhl

Ito 京美糸 <> Silk thread for sewing

. Iwasaki Hajin 岩崎巴人 (Iwazaki Hajin) . (1917 - 2010)
painter of Kappa and Daruma san

Iyashi no daruma 癒しのだるま ... Healing Daruma, various forms


Jan Ken Pon - Janken じゃんけん Rock-paper-scissors

Japanese Culture ... - External LINK LIST !

Japanese Prints, Store by Anders Rikardson

Japonisme and Daruma ジャポニズム - Art Deco アールデコ

Jaws Daruma !! Yes !

Jeans, Daruma handpainted on denim

. Jewelry ジューリー with Daruma .
kubikazari 首飾り - nekkuresu ネックレス necklace
mimikazari 耳飾り earrings //yubiwa 指輪 fingerring

Jigoku Tayuu 地獄太夫 "the Courtesan from Hell"

Jimotsu 持物 - What is Daruma holding in his hands?  

Jindai-ji Temple and the Sanskrit ajikan meditation 阿字観

Jinmu Tenno 神武天皇 Festival with Daruma

Jishin 地震 Daruma after the Earthquake of March 11, 2011

Jirochoo and Ishimatsu Daruma 次郎長だるま . 石松だるま Shimizu Daido-In

Jizo Bosatsu (Jizoo Bosatsu) 地蔵菩薩 ... and his many variations

Jooge e ... 上下絵joge-e, Two-way pictures and faces.
Trick pictures, karakuri zuan 江戸からくり図案

joomae jomae 錠前 locks of Edo

Jomo Karuta (Joomoo Karuta) 上毛かるた. A card game from Gunma prefecture

Juken Food 受験フーズ Examination Hell Food, January 2007

Juusanbutsu .. 13 Protector Deities 十三仏 (Jusanbutsu)

Juzu, nenju .. 念珠、数珠, 誦数 Rosary and Rosary Beads

Contents K


Kabekake... 壁掛けだるま ... Daruma hanging on the wall

Kabin Daruma 花瓶ダルマ Daruma as a flower vase

Kabocha Daruma as Pumpkinかぼちゃ達磨, かぼちゃだるま

Kachi mamori 勝守 amulet to win a battle

Kaeru 蛙 かえる ... The FROG

Kagami 鏡 Mirrors in Shinto and Buddhist Rituals
神鏡 shinkyo - "mirror of the kami", divine mirror
mishootai, mishōtai 御正体 Mishotai
hookyoo, Hōkyō 宝鏡 Mirror (in Buddhism)

Kagamibuta 鏡蓋 <>A kind of netsuke with Daruma

Kagamimochi 鏡餅 New Year Ricecakes

Kagome Food for Exam Students カゴメ 

Kagura Dance <> 神楽

Kai-awase 貝合わせ
shell game
with hamaguri clams

Kaisen Daruma ... 海鮮だるま ... Fish Restaurants

Kaiun Daruma 開運 だるま Daruma for Good Luck

Kakebotoke 掛仏 <> Votive Plaque to hang on a Wall

Kakejiku 掛け軸 <> Scrolls and Paintings (see also Zenga)
Main Entry for Scrolls
More Text
..... Darumasan-Japan/message/115
..... Scroll by Gozan
..... Shikishi by Inagaki sensei 稲垣伯堂
..... Daruma with a bee by 馬堀喜孝

Kama, Kiln Daruma gama だるま窯 備前焼・陶貴奄 Bizen Pottery

Kama, Daruma kama ダルマ鎌 sickle called Daruma

Kamaboko Daruma かまぼこだるま Fishpaste with Daruma print

Kamakurabori 鎌倉彫り <> Kamakurabori - Daruma and Kamakura Laquerware

kami 紙 paper

Kamibukuro 紙袋 <> Paper Bags and envelopes

Kaminari Chan ... Little Thunder and Little Daruma雷ちゃん、かみなりちゃん

Kamon 家紋Family Crest

Kanamono, Metal Figures  金物
..... From Silver 銀だるま

Kanban 看板 <> Shop Sign, Kamban

kan batchi 缶バッチ can badge, metal badge

Kanda Myoojin 神田明神と銭型 and Zenigata Heiji

Kanemochi 金持ち(餅)だるま  Rich Man Daruma (Rice Dumplings)
. . . . . and
kin un Daruma 金運だるま Daruma for luck with money

Kanji Character looking like Daruma  漢字のだるま絵

Kankiten (Ganesh)

Kannon Daruma, Daruma Kannon Bosatsu だるま観音

Kanshin ... 関心Japanese List with Daruma Keywords。「だるま」でつながるキーワード

kanshitsu 乾漆 dry lacquer technique

Kanzashi かんざし / 簪 hairpin

Kappa 河童 The Water Goblin

Kappa Ebisen かっぱえびせん snack with Daruma

Karakuri Daruma からくりだるま mechanical dolls

Karee, Daruma Curry だるまカレー with a snowman Daruma from rice

Karimaruya Design Daruma かりまる屋

Karuta 禅語かるた「だるま」Daruma Karuta - card game

Kasa ... 笠 Daruma with a straw hat. suegasa 菅笠 sedge hat

Kashigata 菓子型 <> Cake Molds from wood
..... Kashigata 菓子型 Cake mold from iron
..... Kashi bin 菓子ビン <> Glass for cookies

Kashiwa Daruma / 柏だるま

Kasugabe Dolls / 春日部張子 Kasukabe Daruma Dolls

Kasuri - Ikat-Weaving with Daruma Patterns 絣(かすり)とだるまさんの模様. 絣だるま

Katana 日本刀 Japanese Sword (1)   
..... Katana (2) - Tsuba, Menuki, Daruma and the Sword 刀、鍔、目抜きとだるま

..... Fuchi Kashira and Menuki Set
..... Tatara and Fuigo, making metal for the sword 高殿鑪,鞴

Katoo (gatoo) Pottery Lamp 瓦燈

Katsu !! ― Koan and Daruma  喝, 公案 と達磨さん

Katsugen undo 活元運動  Healthy Asian Exercises

Katsuobushi kezuriki かつおぶし削り器 cutter for bonito flakes

Kawagoe Daruma ... 川越だるま  Dolls and Daruma Market

Kawaraban 瓦版 Edo newspaper

Kawasaki Daishi (川崎大師) A famous temple in Kawasaki

Kawasemi Daruma カワセミだるま Kingfisher doll

Kawa zaiku 皮細工  Leather Goods : Notebook cover ノートカバー(達磨カービング) notebook cover / Holder for business cards 名刺入れ meishi ire

Kazunoko 塩数の子 厳選だるま Salted Herring Roe selected by DARUMA

Kazusa Daruma 下総だるまPapermachee Dolls (see also: Kashiwa Daruma)

Kechigan, ketsugan 結願 Kechigan Daruma Temple Okubo-Ji, Shikoku

Keeki だるまケーキ Daruma Cakes of all kinds - cake

Keetai sutorappu 携帯ストラップだるま Strap for a cell phone

Kendama けん玉 cup and ball Folk Toy

Kenkoo Daruma 健康だるま for your Health

Kenzo Daruma ... 謙三だるま, 謙三達磨

kesa 袈裟 kasaya robe of a monk

Keshigomu 消しゴム Eraser

Kewpie Daruma Dolls ... だるまキューピー Daruma Kyuupii

Keyholder, キーホルダー ..... see als STRAP

Kigo 季語 。。。 Season words used in Japanese Haiku.
Another important part of the Darumapedia !
. . . . . . . . Kigo with Daruma himself !

Kigurumi 着包み Daruma doll costumes to wear

Kimono 着物 <> Old Dresses with Daruma Patterns
..... Kimono, Yukata, Nagajuban 着物、浴衣、長じゅばん
..... ..... Photo Gallery

Kin 18金製 18 Carat Gold Daruma

kinchaku 巾着 drawstring bag

Kingyo 金魚 Goldfish named フクダルマ Fuku Daruma

Kintaroo, the Golden Boy 金太郎

Kiri-e, cut-out pictures 切絵

Kiriko 切子だるま cut glass Edo Kiriko 江戸切子, Satsuma Kiriko 薩摩切子

KitKat chocolate キットカット and Kit mail キットメール

Kitte 仏像切手 stamp, stamps with Buddha statues

Kitty Daruma キティ だるま The cult of kawaii

Kitsune Daruma, Fox Daruma 狐だるま 狐達磨 From Niigata. See also : Inari, the Fox Deity

Kiyomizu Small Clay Dolls 清水豆人形(京都府)
Temple Kiyomizu-dera 清水寺, shrine Jishu Jinja 地主神社

Kobe Ningyoo 神戸人形 automated Kobe Dolls

Kobijutsu 古美術 <> Antiques with Daruma

Kodaruma BLOG 小達磨 Collection of Kodaruma San

Koma 独楽(コマ)spinning top, tops Kreisel

komainu 狛犬 / 高麗犬 / 胡麻犬 "Korean Dog"

Komatsu Nyoin Daruma 小松女院だるま Lady Komatsu Daruma from Oita

Koohaku 紅白だるま Red and White an auspicious combination

Koohii 黒だるまコーヒー Black Daruma Coffee

Koohii kappu 呉須だるまコーヒー碗皿 Coffee Cup with gosu blue glazing

Koinobori 鯉幟 <> Carp Streamers

kokedama Daruma 苔玉だるま moss ball Daruma

Kokeshi こけし <> Wooden Dolls
Kokeshi (1) こけし ..... Kokeshi (2) こけし ..... Kokeshi (3) こけし..... Kokeshi (4) Collection
..... Kokeshi Nesting Dolls (Matrioshka, Matryoshka)

Kome no kamibukuro ... 米の紙袋 Paperbag for rice

Konosu Papermachee Dolls 鴻巣達磨 Saitama prefecture

Konro  ダルマコンロ cooking pot

Konpira san, Kompira san ... 金毘羅大権現 ... Kotohira Shrine 琴平宮

Koo お香 o-Ko <> Incense and Daruma ... Main Entry
Koogoo - Daruma as an Incense Container 香合とだるま
Kooro - Daruma as an Incense Burner    香炉とだるま
..... Senkoo 線香 ... Incense Stick Holder

Koraku-En 後楽園 Koorakuen Park in Okayama

Kooshi koku no ooji 香至国 の第三王子 Prince from Koshi in China

Korea and Daruma 韓国とだるま Kankoku to Daruma

Komainu, koma inu 狛犬 lion dog, Korean dog

Kooraiyaki高麗焼 Koraiyaki and white Korean Pottery 白高麗焼 

koshibukuro 腰袋 waist bag
..... kugibukuro 釘袋 nail bag

Koshigaya Daruma 越谷張子 Hariko Dolls

koshihimo, koshi himo, koshi-himo 腰紐 "waist cord"

. kosho Daruma 古書だるま Daruma from old books .
- Chiba, made by 松本節太郎 Matsumoto Setsutaro (1903 - 2004)

Koshu Daruma ... (Kooshuu Daruma) 甲州だるま ... Shingen Daruma 信玄だるま (Takeda Shingen), Yamanashi Daruma

Kootsuu anzen (kotsu anzen) ... traffic safety, road safety 交通安全だるま

kote-e 鏝絵 relief picture

Kotodama and Onisaburo Deguchi .. 言霊 . 出口鬼三郎

. kotowaza 諺 / ことわざ
idioms, sayings, proverbs - ABC-List .

Koya-San and Kobo Daishi 高野山と弘法大師
..... Koyasan in Wakayama
.....Koya-san A Haiku Walk and Light Offerings to the Buddhas

Koozen-Ji 興禅寺 Daruma Temple Kozen-Ji White Daruma Statue

Kuchi-e くちえ【口絵】 frontispice and the Great Ansei Earthquake . Ansei (安政)

Kukkii だるまクッキーDaruma cookies Daruma sweets だるまやスイーツ

Kuma 熊 the BEAR.. with various items. Bear Bell, kumasuzu 熊鈴 だるま

Kumade 熊手(くまで) "hand of a bear", lucky bamboo rake

kumadori 隈取 Kabuki make-up

Kumamon Daruma くまモン and くまモンだるま Mascot of Kumamoto

Kumano and Nachi ― Hunting for Stone Daruma 熊野と那智のだるま. Road to Kumano (Kumano Kodo 熊野古道)

kumo 雲 Daruma in the Clouds - cloud

kunuki Daruma, ku nuki Daruma 苦抜き達磨
Daruma taking away the pain
- Takamatsu

Kurama Stone 鞍馬石 Kurama Ishi

Kurashiki Hariko 倉敷張子 / Tamashima Daruma 玉島だるま

Kurobotoke 黒仏 black Buddha statues
Kuroji 黒字の炭だるま .. Black Daruma sumi Daruma 炭だるま charcoal Daruma

Kuruma, Daruma kuruma 達磨車だるまくるま Daruma on Wheels

Kurumaisu, kuruma-isu 車椅子 wheelchair and Daruma otoshi

Kurumi, carved walnuts 胡桃 くるみ

Kusuri, kusuribukuro 薬袋 Medicine Bags

Kushi 櫛 (くし) Comb

Kushikatsu Daruma ... 串カツ『だるま』 Restaurant in Osaka. Kushiyaki Food

Kutani-yaki 九谷焼 <> Kutani Pottery, Kutaniyaki

Kyoiku 教育 <> Education with Daruma, Educational Material

Kyoto Clay Dolls 京都土人形

KyunKyara きゅんキャラ K-On Figures

Kyuuri fuuji きゅうり封じ / 胡瓜封じ cucumber service for good health

Kyuusu 急須 Kyusu Teapot だるま急須 Daruma Kyusu ダルマ急須

Contents L - N

……………………………………………………… LLL

Labyrinth .. Ariadne and the Honey Pot

Leap Day - February 29, 2012

. Legends from Japan 伝説 densetsu, minwa .

Lego and Nanoblocks レゴだるま - ナノブロック Rego to nanoburokku

Lighter from ZIPPO

Little Daruma and his Friends, Childrens Books with Daruma-chan だるまちゃん
by 加古里子 Kako Satoshi

LOGO and Daruma Banners

Lovegrove David Lovegrove - Daruma Novel 2016

Lustre Effects Studio - Daruma face

……………………………………………………… MMM

. Maekawa Senpan 前川千帆 (1888 - 1960) prints .

Maekake 前掛け Apron

Magaibutsu 磨崖仏 <> Buddha Statues in Cliffs and RocksDaruma
..... Buddha Statues in Cliffs and Rocks

Magatama Daruma 勾玉 だるあ

Magazine Articles English and Japanese

Maguro だるまマグロ Daruma Maguro Tuna fish named DARUMA

Maizuru Daruma Matsuri ... 舞鶴だるま祭 Maizuru Daruma Do. Daruma Festival

mame Daruma 豆だるま small Daruma dolls

Mamori, O-Mamori, Amulettes and Talismans お守り

Mandala Therapy .. .. .. .. Mandala for Life .. A Haiku and Picture Selection

Manekineko 招き猫 Cats and Daruma Beckoning Cats

Manju, Daruma Manju だるま饅頭 (Daruma Manjuu) Steamed Buns

Manholes with Daruma マンホールにも達磨

Maniguruma, Prayer Wheels マニ車,摩尼車. Jizoguruma 地蔵車

Manga Daruma マンガ ダルマ / 漫画だるま Anime Daruma アニメダルマ

Mantra of Fudoo Myoo-Oo (Fudo Myo-O)

Manyo'An Art Collection 萬葉庵

Mariusz Szmerdt, Painter

Ma-Ru-Da-Ru-Ma まーるーだーるーまー Marudaruma Backward, forwardBook

Marugoto Daruma まるごとだるま  Exhibition, Musashino University 2013

Maruishi Kaku, a papercraft artist . 円石格

Masamune, Daruma Masamune 達磨正宗 Old Sake rice wine

Mascot マクコット Mascots with Daruma - Hot Pepper and more
Totoro Daruma トトロだるま / HotPepper Miyuki chan / Winnie the Pooh プーさん, プー小熊 / Soundcard DARUMA / Yuru-Chara(R)yuru kyara ゆるキャラ / Munny Toys - Tomodachi

mask マスク だるま Daruma as a mask

- masuku - Daruma with a mask だるまにマスク Coronavirus 2020 -

Masu, Masumasu Daruma 升々だるま 【益々】 measuring box

Matsu 松と達磨 The Pine and Daruma 

松本だるま Matsumoto Daruma

Matsuri, Daruma Matsuri ... だるま祭り ... Daruma Festivals

Matsushima、Fuku-ura 松島、福浦 Matsushima near Sendai Fukuura 福浦島とだるま御籤

Matsukawa Daruma 松川張子from Sendai 仙台の松川だるま

Matsuyama Princess Daruma / 松山姫だるま
..... Matsuyama Kinten Daruma ... 松山の金天だるま Matsuyama with a golden head
Mawashi, keshoo mawashi 化粧まわし Sumo wrestlers decorated belt of Takamiyama

Mayu Daruma from silk cocoons . 繭だるま / まゆだるま / 繭達磨

Me Dashi Daruma ... 目だしダルマ Daruma with protruding eyes. Me ga deru, to have good luck!

Meditating Daruma Paintings

 Meditation, Skillful Meditation

Megane ダルマメガネ Daruma glasses

Me-ire - Painting Eyes for Daruma 達磨の目入れ
Daruma and his EYES
me-nashi Daruma without eyes 目無しだるま
gankake Daruma 願掛けだるま to make a wish

Meishi 和風名刺 Business Card

Men お面だるま Masks with Daruma and Fudo Myo-O

Menko 面子・めんこ・メンコ playing cards

Menpeki Kunen, Wallgazing for nine years Daruma and Meditation
. . . Meditation in Nature

Menoo 瑪瑙 agate stone

Menuki 目抜き <> Sword Decoration

Meoto, Fuufu and Enmusubi 夫婦だるまと高砂, 縁結びだるま Happy Couples, Takasago
and finding a partner with the help of Daruma

Mickey and Minnie from Disneyland .. as Daruma versions

Migawari Daruma 身代わりだるま, 身代わり達磨 Substitute for your misfortune. Also Migawari Fudo !

Mihara Daruma / 三原だるま

Miharu Daruma 三春だるま Papermachee Dolls

Mikan みかんだるま Orange Daruma and
Daruma Mikan 達磨蜜柑(だるまみかん)(Citrus sulcata)

Mikawa Dolls / 三河だるま

Mikaeri Amida at Temple Eikan-Doo

Mikoshi だるま神輿 Daruma Mikoshi. portable shrine
..... danjiri 山車(だんじり)

Mikuji Daruma ... だるまみくじ 達磨御籤 Fortune-telling Daruma

Milk Cartons <>牛乳パック gyuunyuu pakku

Mimi, Daruma with Ears 達磨の耳 だるまの耳

Mimikaki 耳掻きにだるま Earcleaner Earpicks

Mimikazari 耳飾り Daruma and his Earrings 耳飾りと達磨さん. also: Daruma as an Earring

Mingei Kukkii みんげいクッキー Mingei Folk Art Cookies with Daruma

Mingei Shiryookan 民芸資料館  Folk Craft Museum, Tokyo

Miruki ミルキー だるまペコちゃん Milky Daruma Peko-chan

Mishima pottery 三島焼物

Miso, dai daruma miso 大だるまみそ ... a miso paste called BIG DARUMA

Mi-Tan 道湛 designer Daruma

Mitsumine Shrine 三峰神社

Mizuhiki 水引だるま made from paper cord

Mojigaseki Ningyoo 門司ヶ関人形 Mojigaseki Dolls

Mokugyo Daruma ... 木魚達磨Fish Gong Daruma

Mokuzai geijutsu 木材芸術 Wood Art

Momiji Daruma もみじだるま / 紅葉達磨 Daruma from red maple leaves

Monaka, Daruma monaka だるまもなか wafer with Daruma

Monjayaki もんじゃ だるま Restaurant

Moon Rabbit Daruma Plant ダルマ月兎耳 Kalanchoe tomentosa

Monster Hunter Airu モンスターハンター アイルーダルマ Giri-Giri Felyne Village. animation

Moskitoes and Daruma, Kutani Pottery (mosquitoes) 蚊とだるま

Mouse, Computer Mouse and remocon devices ダルマウス

Mousepad, made as Nishijin orimono 西陣織のマウスパッド

Mudra, Daruma Mudra meditation position dharma-cakra-pravartana 

Mumyoi-yaki 無名異焼 Mumyoi ceramics Sado, Niigata
- 楽達磨 Raku Daruma by 伊藤赤水 Ito Sekisui

Munakata Shikoo 棟方志功 Munakata Shiko

Murakami Takashi 村上隆 ... the "Warhol of Japan"

Murasaki 紫 Daruma ... Violett and Purple

Musha Daruma 武者だるま Doll for May

Musubi-Daruma 結びだるま Daruma bound by a Rope
and Shibarare Jizo 縛られ地蔵

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Naa-san なーさん Manga-Cat だるまなーさん Daruma- Naa-san

Nabe ... だるま鍋 ... Cooking pot and restaurant

Nachi Black Stone Carvings ... 那智黒のだるま

Nadebotoke and Binzuru, the Arhat
撫で仏と賓頭盧, びんずる、びんづる ビンヅル

Nadeshiko Japan なでしこジャパン 
Japan women's national football team

Nagahama Daruma 長浜だるま

Nagaya だるま長屋殺人事件 Row houses in Edo

Nagoya Dolls / 名古屋張子

Nagoya Obi ... Sash from Nagoya with embroiderie. 名古屋帯

Nakamura Collection of Papermachee Dolls 中村コレクション <>

Nakamura Hisako 中村久子 - Daruma Musume ダルマ娘

Nakano Clay Dolls 中野土人形

Nakasendoo 中山道 Nakasendo Road from Edo to Kyoto

Nakayama ningyoo 中山人形 Dolls from Nakayama Akita

Namaketaroo Daruma Ponpon なまけたろう だるまポンポン
The Lazy Taro Daruma Ponpon

Namazu なまず / 鯰 catfish Daruma

Nanakorobi yaoki 七転び八起き
seven times down, eight times up

Nanakusa Daruma Matsuri 七草だるままつり Daruma festival of the seven herbs of spring

Nanzenji 南禅寺 Nanzen-Ji temple, Kyoto

Nara no daruma kukkii だるまクッキー from ぜいたく豆本舗
Daruma cookies from Nara

Narita Train Line Special Service 川崎大師への初詣に

Nasu だるま茄子 Eggplant pickles

Natto 納豆 ... Fermented Beans

Nebuta Matsuri ねぶた祭 Nebuta Festival and Daruma Daishi Float

Necktie, Bolo tie holder (Bolotie)

Negoro nuri 根来塗 laquer ware from Negoro

Nekojin, Catman and Tajimi Jones

Neko Jinja 猫神社 / ネコ神社 cat shrines

Neon Daruma - Neon Buddha

Netsuke 根付 and Daruma - Further LINKS are here.

Newsweek Daruma 9月の選挙とだるま

New Year Cards ... 年賀状 ... nengajoo Nenga. until the year 2010

Nezumi ねずみだるま ... Mouse Daruma for 2008

Nichi nichi kore kōnichi (日々是好日) Every Day is a Good Day
hibi kore koojitsu / hibi kore yoki hi

nihongo 日本語 Japanese language learning
..... Gakuu

Nihon Shoki 日本書記 <> Old Legends of Japan
..... Prince Shootoku Taishi meets Daruma san 聖徳太子とだるま ... Shotoku Taishi and Daruma at Kataoka

Niko Shodou Calligrapher from Hungary

Ningyoo, ningyo 人形 Daruma Dolls

Ningyoobue 人形笛達磨 Doll Flutes Hirosaki, Aomori

Ningyooyaki, ningyoyaki だるま人形焼 "Figure waffles"

Ninja Daruma ダルマ落としの忍者

Nioibukuro 匂い袋 / 匂袋, Fragrance bag, Duftbeutel, Sachet
nioi fukuro

Nirvana Ceremony 涅槃会、常楽会

西新井大師 Nishiarai Daishi - Adachi, Tokyo
Sooji Ji 総持寺 Soji-Ji - with だるま供養 Daruma Kuyo fire ritual

Nishijin Weaving 西陣織 Mousepad

Nishino Jinja 西野神社 in Sapporo

Nitohei Kagotani 二等兵籠谷 @nitouhey_kagotani - artist

Nobori ryuu 昇り竜 / 登り竜 ascending dragon

Nogata Papermachee Dolls ... 直方張子だるま

Noomen 能面 達磨 Noh Mask More about the Noh Theater

Nomimono 飲み物  Drinks for winning

Norakuro Daruma のらくろだるま and other designer dolls handcrafted by Shin Tsuzuki
Alien Daruma, Kapa Daruma, Mosaic Daruma, Sea lion Daruma, Snowman Daruma

Noren 暖簾 のれん Door Curtains

Nuigurumi ... ぬいぐるみ Stuffed dolls

Nuno 布 Daruma on cloth, fabric, quilts . . .

Nyoi Hooju, Wishfulfilling Jewel 如意宝珠, mani hooju 摩尼宝珠. Nyoirin Kannon 如意輪観音


- - - The alphabetical Daruma index: - - -
Use your browser to find a keyword.

. Contents A - C . - - - . Contents D - F .
. Contents G - J . - - - . Contents K .
. Contents L - N . - - - .Contents O - R .
. Contents S . - - -  . Contents T - Z .
