Paper dustpan はりみ harimi

Small dustpans made of strong washi paper.
They look almost like Daruma san himself.
Some are plain red, others feature a small picture, like a bird or the face of O-Kame.
The paper is made resistant with the extract of persimmons (kakishibu). They do not produce static electricity when used on tatami mats.
They are used with a soft broom to clean the tatami of traditional Japanese homes.

chiritori ちりとり dustpan
chiritorinabe, chiritori nabe ちりとり鍋
Korean dish with a lot of kimchee
Hodgepodge with pork entrails.
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. Reference .
. Chami, cha mi - scoop for tea 茶箕(ちゃみ)
mi み【箕】 winnow for grain

This was a most useful tool for the farmers of old, usually made at home in the winter months with material that grows around the house. It was used for fanning grains and carrying vegetables. Now there are many maschines to do the work and these MI are shown in museums of farmers tools.
observance kigo for mid-winter
mi matsuri 箕祭 (みまつり)
festival when putting the winnow away
..... mi osame 箕納(みおさめ)
kuwa osame 鍬納(くわおさめ)putting the hoe/plough away
This was done in a ritual with a feast just before the New Year.
mimatsuri ya senso daidai kosaku noo
winnow festival -
since ancestors generations we are
tenant farmers
Matsuda Daisei 松田大声
. Farmers work in all seasons - KIGO
. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 .
seitake no mi o kaburu ko ya hatsu shigure
with a winnow the boy
covers his head...
first winter rain
Tr. David Lanoue

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
Kagawa 香川県 長尾町 Nagao
oomino 大箕 the great winnow
On the first birthday of a baby there is a special ritual. The baby is presented with a kind of rucksack containing (誕生餅) special birthday mochi and a winnow with a book, an abacus, a pen, scisors, a ruler, a hammer or other things with the wish for a bright future as a craftsman.
. Soroban, Abacus 算盤、そろばん Abakus .
Kochi, Nishi-Tosa 土佐
. shichinin misaki 七人ミサキ "Misaki of seven people" .
If someone gets ill, he has to stand at the entrance of the home, facing outside and the family members fan him with a 箕 winnow to make the illness go away.
- reference source : nichibun yokai database -
箕 61 legends to explore
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