Fukutoku Senbei 福徳せんべい
Lucky Waffles from the Kaga Domain

When the Lord Maeda of the Kaga domain rebuild the tower Ni no Maru of his castel in 1809, he had special waffles made for the final celebration. Inside these waffles were small clay toys like the beckoning cat, other sweets or little statues of auspicious deities, like Tenjin Sama. The sugary sweets are called "Gold Flower Sugar" (kinkatoo 金花糖).
One of these wafers, in the form of an auspicious hammer (kozuchi) contained a small clay doll of a female princess Daruma, which is a speciality of this domain.
I took the photos from a TV program on sweets, they are a bit wobbely.
The sweets were made by Rakugan Moroe-ya 落雁諸江屋 are made since 1849. Altogether they made 10 different types. Now these sweets are a special fare for the New Year Celebrations. Some people like to shake the closed waffles and guess what is inside, which makes for a nice game during a New Year Party.

The Store Moroeya features other Kanazawa sweets for the New Year 金沢の新春菓子, for example a type of
Fortune Cookies 辻占福寿草They contain slips of paper with riddles in the local language.
Wishing for a long life at the New Year, 金澤夢菓子「久寿玉」contains six different types of sweets. Some contain items to play with.

Copyright © The Yomiuri Shimbun.
Quote from Yomiuri Shinbun
福徳せんべい 中から天神様や金花糖

Copyright © The Yomiuri Shimbun.
Another kind of normal senbei, with the taste of soy sauce.

Photo from my friend Kyoko.
乙女の金沢 otome no Kanazawa
Sweets for the Girls of Kanazawa

Wagashi Sweets from Kanazawa 金沢に和菓子
. Toyama Folk Art - 富山県 .
fukutoku ningyoo 福徳人形 Fukutoku dolls
fukutoku senbei 福徳煎餅

source : asahi-net.or.jp
These small auspicious dolls have been used by the local sweet makers to decorate for the New Year and add them to the shopping bags of their customers.
Baked in waffles they are the noisy
garagara senbei がらがら煎餅.
Sweets with Daruma, Wagashi, Dagashi
Sweets from Japan (wagashi) and Haiku
Onna Daruma, Daruma as a Woman
ーーーーー #fukutoku - - - - -
1 comment:
To open these small packages and fins such swwet little dolls inside!
In a very tiny box
much smaller sweet doll inside
Happy New Year wish
Angelika Kolompar Bygott
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