
Nenga 2015


Nengajoo 年賀状 New Year Cards 2015

hitsuji 羊 Year of the Ram / Sheep 

he 2015 Chinese Year is the 32 number in the sixty-year cycle called YI WEI and described in Chinese tradition like "Ram respected by Others". 2015 is the year of Green Wooden Ram (Sheep, Goat).
The upcoming 2015 year of the Ram is the inspiring period; it will try to leave behind any unstable affair and connections with the aim to carve a new more honest pattern of relations.

- source : www.gotohoroscope.com



- - some samples from google japan - -


from the shrine Go-Oo Jinja 護王神社 Go-O Jinja
Kyoto 上京区烏丸通下長者町下ル桜鶴円町385

from the shrine Matsuo Taisha 松尾大社

from the shrine Shimogamo jinja 下賀茂神社


sheep kokeshi こけし

source : (bing/ pinterest)


a warm cap for the Year of the Sheep


Year of the Ram - Kuramae Hachiman Shrine
Yajima Gogaku


Takeuchi Seiho -  12 Signs of the Zodiac


. Daruma Nengajo of previous years  
Since 2005 !





Onoda Yuta


Onoda Yuta

Yuta Onoda's illustration work for 2013 Tote Bags,

Yuta Onoda,
originally from Japan, is an illustrator and painter based in Toronto, Canada.
He has been shaping his art aesthetic through various forms of media, finding new avenues to express himself. Gerald & Cullen Rapp is one of America's top illustration agencies, representing some of the world's most respected and innovative conceptual artists.
Official website

- source : www.yutaonoda.com





Can badge


kan batchi 缶バッチ can badge, metal badge

by pandaruma ぱんだるま
colorful toybox

- source and more Daruma toys: pandaruma7.blog


. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .




Nekojin Tajimi Jones


Nekojin, Catman and and and

CLICK for enlargement !


The Nekojin, Catman and his friends are a special group
featured by Tajimi Jones (Aoi Tokugawa) and her husband
Hayato Tokugawa.

Please visit us here on facebook
to share the active life of the cat family !

. Tajimi Jones, Nekojin and and and  


. July 24, 2019 - sad news .

Our wonderful mentor and admin of this group,
Hayato Tokugawa,
has gone to the Heavenly Plains -
all over a sudden, with no pain involved,
just a quick jump over the fence of eternity .


. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .




Coral Daruma


sango 珊瑚 coral Daruma
and 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O

- reference : www.trocadero.com/


by the craftsman 斗月 Totsuki
珊瑚職人「斗月」作 made in Tosa
ミッド珊瑚 Mid Coral

- source : rakuten.co.jp/sangoya


pink coral ピンク珊瑚
ruupu tai ループタイ bolo tie, looptie

- source : rakuten.co.jp/sangoya

one more coral Daruma
. looptie ループタイ Daruma on a looptie holder .


tai takku タイタック necktie tag

- source : rakuten.co.jp/sangoya


blood coral 血赤珊瑚 - netsuke 根付

- source : rakuten.co.jp/art-coral


- CLICK for more photos ! -


. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .

- source : aucfan.com/yahoo

source : rakuten.co.jp/nishida

source : rakuten.ne.jp/gold/art-coral

. . . CLICK here for Photos !


. Kobijutsu Antiques 古美術 .  


. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. - - - Welcome to Edo 江戸 ! - - -



DARUMA PEDIA . . . Newsletter 2013

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New Articles in the Daruma Museum


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- - - The alphabetical Daruma index: - - -
Use your browser to find a keyword.

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............................ 2013

. Latest Updates - Daruma Museum NEWS .

- UPDATES - - O-mamori Amulets

- UPDATES - - EDO - Tokyo


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ALL ... Latest Additions from 2011

ALL ... Latest Additions from 2010

ALL ... Latest Additions from 2009

ALL ... Latest Additions from 2008

ALL ... Latest Additions from 2007

ALL ... Latest Additions from 2006

..... Latest Additions from 2005 are here:


To the Daruma Museum ABC Index

World Kigo Database

Daruma Museum Waitinglist

. . . . . . . . . . . .Daruma Museum Archives since 2007

Daruma Digest January 2005





Additions 2012

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2012 Year of the DRAGON
with more new Dragon entries !

............................ DARUMA - Additions 2012

Koofuku Jizoo 幸福地蔵 Kofuku Jizo to bring you good luck
and temple Suzumushidera 鈴虫寺

Rashomon Gate 羅生門 Kyoto

. Gable, gables 破風 hafu .
karahafu, kara hafu, kara-hafu 唐破風 "Chinese Gable"

Saga men 嵯峨面 masks from Saga Kyoto. Shakado Temple

Sano dorei 佐野土鈴 clay bells from Sano
Horigome ningyoo 堀米人形 dolls from Horigome village
hassaku ningyoo 八朔人形 Hassaku dolls

Ryugu Jinja 龍宮神社 Dragon Palace Schrines

Katsukawa Shunzan 勝川春山 Woodblock prints

Shin Daibutsu-Ji 新大仏寺 New Daibutsu Temple

inubako, inu-bako 犬箱 "dog box" dog-shaped box

Oda Nobunaga 織田信長 (1534 – 1582) and Tsurugi Shrine 劔神社

Kenryuu Jinja 劔龍神社 Kenryu Jinja
"Sword Dragon Shrine", Yamagata

Bankei Yōtaku 盤珪永琢 Bankei Yotaku Eitaku. (1622-1693)
and temple Gyokuryu-Ji 寶雲山玉龍寺 in Gifu

Tsurugashima Dragon Festival 鶴ヶ島 龍神祭
sune ori amagoi 脚折雨乞 , shrine Shirahige Jinja 白鬚神社

Clay dolls from Hyogo 兵庫県土人形 

Byakue Kannon 白衣観音 with White Robes

Kaibara Ekiken 貝原益軒 Kaibara Ekken ( 1630 - 1714)

Tanshoo 但唱 Mokujiki Tansho 木喰但唱 (? - 1641)
and his disciple Mokujiki Kansho 閑唱上人
万竜寺 - 萬龍寺 Manryu-Ji “Myriad Dragons Temple"

Temple Koryu-Ji 高龍寺 Hokkaido Big Daruma statue

Temple Komyo-Ji 光明寺 Fudo Myo-O statue

Kata ude Fudo-Son 片腕不動尊 with one arm
and temples named Banryuuji 蟠竜寺 Banryu-Ji

Choohoo Shichiroo Daigen Shuri Bosatsu 招宝七郎大権修理菩薩
and temples named Anryuuji 安竜寺 Anryu-Ji

Takeuma, take uma, chikuba 竹馬 stilts

Sutoku Tenno, Sotoku, Sudo 崇徳天皇 (1119 - 1142)

Carole Davenport Collection
New York

Handa Inari Shrine Tokyo 半田稲荷神社
- - - and gannin bozu 願人坊主 mendicant monks

Komachi Fumihari Jizo Bpsatsu 小町文張地蔵尊
Love Letters to Ono no Komachi 小野 小町

. Noten Okami 脳天大神 .
at 龍王院 Ryuo-In - Dragon God Shrine, Yoshino, Kinpusenji 金峯山寺

Togakushi Beeso Daruma 戸隠 ベーそだるま Nagano

Azumi no Isora Maru 阿曇磯良丸 Isoramaru

Kagoshima Jingu 鹿児島神宮 Kagoshima Shrine
with some old folk toys

Choosa tsuchi ningyoo 帖佐土人形 Chosa clay dolls

Choomon hariko 長門張り子 papermachee dolls from Chomon
- - - and
Nakahara Chuya 中原中也 (1907 - 1937)

Musubi-Daruma 結びだるま Daruma bound by a Rope
and Shibarare Jizo 縛られ地蔵

Taiguruma 鯛車 sea bream on wheels - toy

Minamoto no Tametomo (源 為朝)
Tsunomure jinja 角埋神社, Oita

Komatsu Nyoin Daruma 小松女院だるま Lady Komatsu Daruma from Oita

Shichiruido Tenkei 七類堂天谿
and dooshakuga 道釈画 Doshakuga、Doshaku-Ga paintings

Amakusa tsuchi ningyoo 天草土人形 clay dolls Kumamoto

Konoha saru 木の葉猿 monkey from Konoha Kumamoto

Kawasemi Daruma カワセミだるま Kingfisher doll

Nadeshiko Japan なでしこジャパン 
Japan women's national football team

Lego and Nanoblocks レゴだるま - ナノブロック

Toyokawa Inari Shrine 豊川稲荷 and Mikawa Dolls 三河人形

Tanbo aato 田んぼアート Tanbo Art, rice field art Inakadate village, Aomori

Hiroshima Folk Art - 広島県 

Okayama Folk Art - 岡山県 

Shrine Kibitsu Jinja 吉備津神 Okayama

Suminoe, Sumiyoshi 住之江 in Osaka

Hata uji 秦氏 the Hata clan
Uzumasa 太秦, Hata no Kawakatsu 秦河勝 etc.

. Kyoo Kaidoo 京街道 Kyōkaidō - Kyo Kaido (Kyoto Kaido) .

Tori 酉 Rooster (chicken, cock) Amulets

Mi (hitsuji) 未 Ram (sheep) Amulets

. Reijuu 霊獣 sacred animals and amulets .

Nishino Jinja 西野神社 in Sapporo

. Hibita Jinja 比々多神社 in Kanagawa .

Mimi 耳 amulets for ears

Yubi ningyo 指人形 finger dolls with Little Daruma

Ogura Hyakunin Isshu Poems 小倉百人一首

Kaguyama 香具山 in Nara

Shibata Katsuie 柴田勝家 Samurai. ((1522 – 1583)

Urashima Taro 浦島太郎 and the Dragon Palace

Hokuto 北斗 Big Dipper, Pole Star amulets

Nakasendoo 中山道 Nakasendo Road from Edo to Kyoto

Sebun Irebun セブンイレブン Seven Eleven Convenience Store

Nikkoo Kaidoo 日光街道 Nikko Kaido Roads

Three famous barrieres (sankan 三関) checkpoints
leading out of / into Kyoto

Tokyo Sky Tree 東京スカイツリー Japan. Opening May 22, 2012

Hoshina Masayuki 保科 正之
(1611 - 1673) . Aizu Wakamatsu

Nookyoochoo 納経帳 pilgrim's stamp book
shuinchoo 朱印帖 . 朱印帳 (しゅいんちょう)

Takasaki Daruma Temple 少林山達磨寺

Tsukuba san 筑波山 Mount Tsukuba

Kaeru カエル 蛙 Frog Amulet - Frosch

Arare あられだるま
"Hail stones" crackers

Ikutama Jinja 生玉神社 shrine Ikutama, Osaka
Ikushima no kami 生島神, Tarushima no kami 足島神

The nine children of the dragon king 龍生九子

hiiki 贔屓 / 贔負(ひいき) first child of the dragon king

Owari shi Kannon 尾張四観音
The Four Kannon Temples of Owari

- - - - - and
Ryuusenji no kubi uma 竜泉寺首馬
horse head amulet from temple Ryusen-Ji

Doobutsu 動物 Animals and Amulets

Bara 薔薇 rose, roses

Goshiki suzu, goshiki rei 五色鈴 five-colored clay bells

Shiori 栞 - しおり bookmarkers

Tabineko Daruma Goods 旅猫雑貨店  To support Tohoku

Hi no yoojin 火の用心 fire prevention

Kabin Daruma 花瓶ダルマ Daruma as a flower vase

O no Mai (oo no mai 王の舞) dance of the king
Uwase Shrine, Wakasa, Fukui

Jitabi 地旅 local trips in Japan

Omi Hachiman Sagicho Matsuri 近江八幡 左義長まつり Festival

Hime Kaido 姫街道 the princess routes

Sueyama Jinja 陶山神社 Shrine Sueyama
and Aritayaki 有田焼 Arita ware

O-Fuku Jizo Sama お福地蔵さま O-Fuku Jizo
Ocha-agare Jizo お茶あがれ地蔵 Jizo drinking tea

Kamakura Kaidoo 鎌倉街道 Kamakura Kaido Highway

Kurobotoke 黒仏 black Buddha statues

Ishiura jinja 石浦神社 and Manpuku mikuji 万福みくじ amulet

Komainu, koma inu 狛犬 lion dog, Korean dog

Zama festival (Zama matsuri 座摩祭)
Ikasuri Shrine 坐摩神社 Ikasuri Jinja, Osaka, Japan

Ichigo 苺strawberry Daruma

. Inuyama no kami tsubame 紙つばめ paper lark from Inuyama .
Temple Jakkooin 寂光院 Jakko-In, Aichi

. Hanayome ningyoo 花嫁人形  bride dolls .

. Arima Tosen Shrine 有馬 湯泉神社 Toosen Jinja .

Megane ダルマメガネ Daruma glasses

. Temple Todai-Ji 東大寺 - Nara .
and priest Rooben 良弁僧正 Roben Sojo (689 - 773)

Hikiyama 曳山 festival floats 

Jinmu Tenno 神武天皇 First Emperor Jimmu

Chimaki shinji 粽神事 ritual of offering rice dumplings

Chindonya ちんどん屋 advertising street musicians

Bosatsu 菩薩  Bodhisattva

Black Dragon 黒龍 Kokuryu

Shinoyaki 志野焼 Shino pottery

Ito Jakuchu 伊藤若冲 Painter. (1716-1800)

Ippitsu ryuu 一筆龍 One stroke dragon 晄秋家 - Kooshuuya

Mishima pottery 三島焼物
Daruma konro ダルマコンロ cooking pot

Matsukura Kannon 松倉観音 Hida, Takayama, Gifu

Yakumo - "Eight Clouds" in Japanese legend Origin of Waka

Ankake Daruma soup あんかけだるま gankake 願掛け

Enkiri 縁切り to cut a bond

Buddhist Sculptures of Kozuke Province - Fudo

. Tegata omamori 手形お守り Tegata. wooden tablets . "to pass a barrier"

Ryooan-ji 龍安寺 /竜安寺 Ryoan-Ji

Temples named Seiryu-Ji 青竜寺
seiryoo, seiryuu 青龍; 青竜 "blue dragon", "green dragon"
Azure Dragon God in the East

Daiitoku Myo-O 大威徳明王 Yamaantaka

Tawara Toota Hidesato 俵藤太秀郷 Tawara Tota

Nobori ryuu 昇り竜 / 登り竜 ascending dragon


ALL ... Latest Additions from 2011

ALL ... Latest Additions from 2010

ALL ... Latest Additions from 2009

ALL ... Latest Additions from 2008

ALL ... Latest Additions from 2007

ALL ... Latest Additions from 2006

..... Latest Additions from 2005 are here:


To the Daruma Museum ABC Index

World Kigo Database

Daruma Museum Waitinglist

. . . . . . . . . . . .Daruma Museum Archives since 2007

Daruma Digest January 2005





Additions 2011

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............................ DARUMA - Additions 2011

Inarisan Ryuko-Ji 稲荷山龍光寺 Henro Temple 41

Hakurakuren 白楽天, Haku Kyoi 白居易 (772 - 846) Chinese poet

Ogata Gekkoo 尾形月耕 Ogata Gekko Painter (1859-1920)

Ukiyo-e 浮世絵  prints

Shishinden 紫宸殿 Hall for State Ceremonies

Munakata Shiko 棟方志功 (1903 - 1975)

Daisho-In 大聖院 Miyajima
and Gozanze Myo-O 降三世明王

Echigoya 越後屋 and Mitsui 三井

Calligraphy from China - Ouyang Xun 歐陽詢 (557–641)

Yodarekake よだれ掛け bib, Kinderlatz

Kaneda Sekijo 金田石城 Kaneda Sekijoo Calligrapher

Kira no Akauma 吉良の赤馬
The Red Horse of Kira Kozukenosuke 吉良上野介

Temple Kozan-Ji 高山寺 and Myoe Shonin 明恵上人

Koofukuji 興福寺 Temple Kofuku-Ji, Nara

. Magatama 勾玉おまもり Magatama jewels, curved beads .

Takehisa Yumeji 竹久夢二 Painter (1884 - 1934)

Kappa Daimyojin 河童大明神 Great Deity Kappa

Susuki mimizuku すすきみみずく 
horned owl made from susuki grass

Kakkome かっこめ Kakkome rake for the New Year Kumade rake.

O-Ningyoo Sama お人形様  O-Ningyo Sama Deity, Fukushima

Wara ningyoo 藁人形 straw dolls for curses

Shrine Tamaki Jinja 玉置神社
Kuni no Tokotachi no mikoto 国常立尊主神

Atariya 当たり矢 arrow to hit good luck

Shibata Zeshin 柴田是真
Laquer artist March 15, 1807 – July 13, 1891

Mikumari Jinja 御子守神社 Mikomori Myōjin 御子守明神
Komori Myōjin 子守明神 Child protecting deities
Tamayorihime 玉依姫
amulets for children

Shrine Suitengu 水天宮 God of Water and amulets

Shrine Munakata Taisha 宗像大社 Fukuoka and festivals

Suzuki Chokichi 鈴木長吉 (Chookichi) 1848 - 1919. Metal Craftsman

. Izumo Taisha 出雲大社 Izumo Grand Shrine .

Shitenno-Ji Temple Festivals 四天王寺 Osaka

Shippoo 七宝 Cloisonne, enamel, Shippo

Shiba Daijinguu 芝大神宮 Shiba Daimyojin Shrine and
chigibako 千木筥 / 千木箱 auspicious box

Niko Shodou Calligrapher from Hungary

Nezu Jinja 根津神社 Nezu Shrine Amulets

Edo shigusa 江戸しぐさ manners of Edo

Ningyoo kuyoo 人形供養
Memorial Ceremony for used dolls  

Ooji Inari Jinja 王子稲荷神社 Oji Inari Fox Shrine

Deresuke Yashiki でれすけ屋敷 Collection

Big Toe - Hayato Tokugawa Thumb Daruma

Takarabune 宝船 / 宝舟 treasure ship

Ebisu えびす 恵比寿 

Hotei 布袋 Pu-Tai
Seven Gods of Good Luck 七福神 Shichifukujin 

Tanukidani Fudo Temple 狸谷山不動院 Tanukidaniyama

Hikoichi don from Kumamoto 熊本の彦一 and the tanuki

. Tanuki 狸 Badger amulets and talismans .

Ninomiya Jinja 二宮神社 Shrine Ninomiya Kobe
"Eight shrines of Kobe" 神戸八社 Kobe Hachimiya

Shrine Onoterusaki jinja 小野照崎神社
and Ono no Takamura 小野篁 (802 - 852)

Mariusz Szmerdt, Painter

Mizuhiki 水引 ceremonial paper strings

Kasuri 絣(かすり) ikat weaving

Yokoyama Taikan 横山大観 Painter (1868 - 1958)

. Amanojaku o-mamori 天邪鬼お守り Amanjaku "Heavenly Evil Spirit" .

. Gankake 願掛け wish-prayer, to make a wish .

. Agonashi Jizo あごなし地蔵尊 to cure toothache .

. The Atago shrines of Japan .  Atago jinja 愛宕神社

. Doro ningyoo 泥人形 "mud dolls", clay dolls .
from Tientsin and Kiangsu in China

. Kokkuri 狐狗狸 Table-Turning .

Shoobai Hanjoo 商売繁盛 good business

Kaichu Inari Shrine 皆中稲荷神社 Tokyo

Kaiun, kai-un 開運お守り to open up good-luck

Kotozaki Hachimangu 琴崎八幡宮 Shrine

Onegai Jizoo お願い地蔵 Jizo to make a wish .

Tsunashiki Tenmangu Shrine 綱敷天満宮 Suma, Kobe

Mi-Tan 道湛 designer Daruma from Saitama

Fukuiri Daruma, fuku-iri 福入だるま
Daruma to bring good luck

Hanka fumisage 半跏踏下坐 seated statues with one leg down

Hikosan Jinguu 英彦山神宮 Hikosan Shrine

Kachi mamori 勝守 / 勝ち守り to win a battle

. Shishigashira 獅子頭 lion head mask .

. Mini noogu ミニ農具 miniature farmer's tools .

Ganman no tai (gamman) 願満の鯛 
sea bream after the fulfillment of a wish

Minamoto no Yoshinaka and Tomoe Gozen 源義仲 /巴御前

Mukai Tengu 向い天狗 Tengu facing each other Saitama amulets

. Oni 鬼 Demon Amulets .

Ichimatsu Ningyoo 市松人形 Ichimatsu friendship dolls

Ashikoshi 足腰お守り strong feet and legs amulets

Gosho ningyoo 御所人形
Gosho dolls from the Imperial Palace

Hakoniwa 箱庭 landscape garden

Sumo 相撲  Sumo wrestling dolls

. Ne 子 / nezumi 鼠  Rat, Mouse Amulets .

Tatsu 辰 Dragon amulets

Chiyogami 千代紙 colored printed paper

Tedasuke Daruma 手助けダルマ helping hand
to play janken、じゃん拳 the game of“scissors-paper-rock”

Ayatsuri ningyoo 操り人形 marionette

Kotoamatsukami 別天津神 "distinguishing heavenly kami"
zooka no sanjin 造化の三神 three deities of creation
Ame no minaka nushi no kami 天之御中主神
Takamimusuhi no kami 高御産巣日神
Kami musuhi no kami 神産巣日神

Musha ningyoo 武者人形 Samurai Dolls

Isu 椅子 chair, Stuhl

Kumiki gangu 組木玩具 wooden puzzle toys

Men, omote 面 mask, face masks

Inari 稲荷 the Fox Deity amulets

Kumano Shrine amulets and seals Japan
yatagarasu ema 八咫烏絵馬 votive tablet with a three-legged crow
Go-Oo Hooin 牛王宝印 sacred seal of the ox treasure

Love letter (kesoobumi 懸想文) Suga Jinja, Kyoto

Tamukeyama Hachiman Gu 手向山八幡宮

Masu, Masumasu Daruma 升々だるま measuring box

. Shoojoo 猩猩 /猩々 Shojo, a legendary drunkard

. Sanbasoo 三番叟 Sanbaso Dancer .

Nakayama ningyoo 中山人形 Dolls from Nakayama Akita

Saru 申 / 猿 monkey amulets

Sannoo 山王 Sanno, the "Mountain King"
and the Hiyoshi shrines 日吉神社. San-O, Sann-No,

Sen Sotan 千宗旦 Tea Master (1578-1658)
Sotangitsune 宗旦狐 Sotan Kitsune

Gyuumei san 牛鳴さんのだるま Paintings of Mr. Gyumei

Manyo'An Art Collection 萬葉庵

. Haiku, Kigo and Dolls . INFO .

. Kubi ningyoo 首人形 head dolls INFO .
kushi ningyoo 串人形 dolls on a stick

. Somin Shoorai Fu 蘇民将来符 Somin Shorai amulet .

. Take gangu 竹玩具 bamboo toys and dolls .

. Kibuna, ki-buna 黄鮒 / 黄ぶな yellow crucian carp amulet .

Karakuri Daruma からくりだるま mechanical dolls

Namazu なまず / 鯰 catfish Daruma

Watonai 和藤内, the Tiger Hero
Koxinga, Zheng Chenggong, Cheng Ch'eng-kung

Tora トラ - 虎 - 寅 Tiger Toys

Kato Kiyomasa 加藤清正 (1562 - 1611)

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

Teri-furi 照り降り rain and shine dolls, stone, umbrella

hoojari ほうじゃり Hojari amulets Chiba

Gigei jootatsu 技芸上達御守 talisman for the arts

Mamori inu 守り犬 dog amulet from temple Hokke-Ji 法華寺

Tama oogi 宝扇 treasure fan at temple Toshodaiji 唐招提寺

Jinguu Koogoo 神功皇后 Empress Jingu Kogo

Nagata Shrine in Kobe 長田神社 - 神戸 

Oonyuudoo 大入道 O-Nyudo monster and Nyudo Daruma
and Menko Daruma 面子 playing card

ejiko えじこ baby basket and Kokeshi from Tohoku

usokae うそ替え exchanging bullfinches

. Kochi -Tosa - Folk Toys Shikoku

Take ningyoo 竹人形 bamboo dolls more Tokushima toys . Shikoku

. Okinawa Folk Toys .

Ushi-Oni 牛鬼 "bull demon"

Fuku nezumi 福鼠 lucky mouse / rat Shimane

Kirinjishi 麒麟獅子 Kirin Lion Head Inaba, Tottori

Anesama ningyoo 姉様人形 "elder sister" dolls

Kasedori ningyoo カセ鳥 人形 Kasedori dolls Yamagata

Koi 鯉 carp toys

Eto 干支 zodiac animals as folk toys

Fukura suzume ふくら雀 plump sparrow Folk Toy

Ningyoobue 人形笛 doll flute Shitakawara clay figures

Ainu Dolls and Figures
nipopo ニポポ Nipopo human figures
Sewapororo セワポロロ Sewa deity figures
inau ningyoo イナウ人形 dolls with wood shavings

Shinobigoma 偲び駒 secret votive straw horse Iwate

Kawara ningyoo 瓦人形 tile dolls

Yamagata Daruma 山形だるま
... Hirashimizu Daruma 平清水だるま
... Sakata Daruma 酒田のだるま

Akita University Daruma 秋田大学 合格だるま

Kendama けん玉 cup and ball Folk Toy

Uzuraguruma うずら車 quail car toy

Usagi Daikoku 兎大黒 Daikoku and Rabbits

Horse toys from Fukushima 福島の駒

Bondeko ぼんでこ fertility stick Akita

Sasano Daruma 笹野一刀彫達磨 Sasano-carving with one knife
Otakapoppo お鷹ぽっぽ toy hawk. Yamagata

Tamausagi, tama usagi 玉兎 treasure rabbit / hare Yamagata

Kamagami 釜神 The Hearth Deity Miyagi

Tomobiki Ningyo 友引人形 doll to put in a coffin

Akakeshi 赤芥子 Red Poppies Dolls Amulet, Miyagi

Beronaga べろ長 "the long tongue" Amulet, Fukushima

Akabeko, aka-beko あかべこ red cow amulet Aizu, Fukushima

Yakuyoke  厄除けだるま Daruma to ward off evil

Masaru まさる Amulet from Fukushima

Party and Cosplay パーテイ . コスプレ

Daruman Honpo だるまん本舗 Online Characters Store

Sanzaru, sanen 三猿 The three wise monkeys

Haisha 歯医者 Dentist Daruma

Unmei, Shukumei, Ritsumei 運命 , 宿命, 立命 Destiny Daruma

Daruma Manju from Kasai Daruma Market 笠井観音の達磨市

Ana Kannon at Maizuru 穴観音 "Cave Kannon" at Maizuru

Komyo Kogo (Koomyoo Koogoo 光明皇后 ) and Hokkeji

Uji cha 宇治茶 Tea from Uji

Kano Kazunobu 狩野 一信 (1816 - 1863)

Yamaga Tooroo Matsuri 山鹿灯籠まつり
Yamaga Lantern Festival

Tosa Mitsuoki 土佐光起 The Tosa school of painters

Eco Solar Daruma エコソーラー ダルマ
Sunshine Buddy Eco Solar Series

Roosoku ダルマローソク candle and candle holder 火立(ダルマ)

Cool Biz Underwear クールビズ ダルマ型スリップ since May 2011

Fukushima Daruma Dolls 福島だるま

Shinran Shonin 親鸞 Saint Shinran (1173 - 1263). Hoonko 報恩講

TEPCO Daruma / TEPCO Sushi ... after Fukushima March 11, 2011

Booshi だるま帽子 hat, cap

Monster Hunter Airu モンスターハンター アイルーダルマ Giri-Giri Felyne Village. animation

Hakata ningyoo 博多人形 Hakata dolls From Clay and Papermachee

Hakone ekiden 箱根駅伝 Hakone Ekiden Race

Daruma An Farms, Sado Island

Jishin 地震 Daruma after the Earthquake of March 11, 2011

Kamaboko Daruma かまぼこだるま Fishpaste with Daruma print

Google logo

Taira no Kiyomori 平清盛 Heike Monogatari

Zazzle - Earthquake Relief Goods March 11, 2011

. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .  
diary starting March 11, 2011

Nai no kami 地震神 God of Earthquakes

Antoku Tenno 安徳天皇 and Senteisai Festisval 先帝祭

Kitte 仏像切手 stamp, stamps with Buddha statues

Maya Bunin 摩耶夫人 Queen Maya

Hooryuuji 法隆寺 Temple Horyu-Ji Nara

Bussokusekika, bussoku sekika 仏足石歌
Poems on the Buddha's footprint stone
Temple Yakushiji, Nara

Nagahama Daruma 長浜だるま

Toilet paper ダルマトイレットペーパー

Fude matsuri 筆まつり Brush Festival

Kurama 鞍馬山 Festivals

Hoshino, Rachel Hoshino Designer, Brazil

Genghis Khan 成吉思汗 (じんぎすかん) Food

KitKat chocolate キットカット and Kit mail キットメール

Festivals with a special twist (kisai 奇祭) Japan. weird festivals

Maririn マリリンモンロー Marilyn Monroe

Zabuton だるま座布団 sitting cushion. Sitzkissen

Chuang-tzu, Zhuangzi 荘子 / 莊周 Sooshi, Sooji

Li Po, Li Bo (Ri Haku 李白) Li T'ai-po, Chinese poet

Panda パンダ, Pandaruma パンダるま

Aloha Daruma Hawaii

Kamon 家紋Family Crest

Shichimen Daimyojin 七面大明神, Shichimen Kannon

Ryohoji temple 了法寺(Ryoohooji) and TORO BENTEN とろ弁天. Hachioji, Tokyo

Kagamimochi 鏡餅 New Year Ricecakes

Kebesu festival (kebesu sai ケベス祭)


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..... Latest Additions from 2005 are here:


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Additions 2010


DARUMA ... Additions 2010

Kanban kenchiku 看板建築 billboard architecture
signboard architecture
. . . . . and
Town Houses of Kyoto, Kyoto Machiya 京都町屋

Harimi はりみ paper dustpan

Tokaido 東海道五十三次
The 53 stations of the Tokaido

Fukuda Kodoojin 福田古道人 Fukuda Kodojin (1865-1944) Painter and Haiku Poet

Keeki だるまケーキ Daruma Cakes of all kinds - cake

Fue 笛 Flute, Daruma playing flute

Kawai Toshiaki 河合豊彰 and Origami Daruma 折り紙

Men お面不動明王 Masks with Fudo Myo-O A big collection !

Kasukabe Dolls 春日部張子 Daruma on a catfish, Watonai 和唐内 / 和藤内 Watoonai

Senjafuda 千社札 Shrine Tags

E-Tegami, etegami 絵手紙 <> Handpainted Letters and Postcards (like Haiga)

Taimadera 当麻寺 / 當麻寺 and the Taima Mandala 当麻曼荼羅図

Gion Festival (Gion matsuri) Kyoto, Japan

Daruma Sushi だるま 寿司

Tagami Kikusha 田上菊舎 Haiku poet and painter. (1753 - 1826)

Lodging, inn, guest house (hatago (旅籠, 旅篭))

Conch trumpet plant (horagai soo) Japan. Impatiens textorii. Jewelweed. all about the horagai conch trumpet and yamabushi

Sakaori no Miya and Yamato Takeru 酒折宮 . 日本武尊

Danjiri Matsuri Festivals だんじり祭り Autumn festivals

Nagoya matsuri 名古屋祭り Nagoya Festival

Otsu Matsuri 大津祭 Otsu Festival

Nijo Castle 二条城 (Nijoo-joo) Kyoto and the Shikidai Hall

Ninja 忍者 spies of the Edo period

Hatomugi cha はとむぎ ダルマ and dokudami cha. Job's tears tea.

Gosho Imperial Palace in Kyoto 京都御所 Kyoto Gosho

Hisui 翡翠 / ヒスイ jade and menoo 瑪瑙 agate

Ishida Mitsunari 石田三成 1560 - November 6, 1600. Samurai

Natori Shunsen 名取春仙 1886 - 1960. Hanga artist. and Ogiwara Seisensui 荻原井泉水

Oshaburi おしゃぶり teething ring Beissring, Schnuller

Nebuta Matsuri ねぶた祭 Nebuta Festival and Daruma Daishi Float

Shimizu Seifu (Seifuu) 清水清風 (1851 - 1913) Woodblock prints of Toys

Kama, Daruma kama ダルマ鎌 sickle called DARUMA

Roadside sanctuaries, wayside shrines (tsujidoo 辻堂) Tsujido

Xavier, Saint Francis Xavier, sei Sabieru 聖ザビエル
(1506 - 1552)

Kenkoo Daruma 健康だるま for your Health
Genki Daruma for your wellbeing 元気だるま

Moon Rabbit Daruma Plant ダルマ月兎耳 Kalanchoe tomentosa


KyunKyara きゅんキャラ K-On Figures

Yookan 羊羹 sweet bean jelly kurimushi yookan 栗蒸し羊羹 with chestnuts

Arukigami 歩行神 the God of Wandering with Basho and Issa
Sozorogami そぞろ神

Harahoge Jizoo はらほげ地蔵 Harahoge Jizo, Iki Island 壱岐

Date Masamune 伊達政宗 (1567 - 1636)

Benten, Benzaiten 弁天 / 弁財天

Kumade 熊手(くまで) "hand of a bear", lucky bamboo rake
okame-ichi おかめ市(おかめいち) market for masks of "o-kame"
hyottoko ひょっとこ Hyottoko and O-Kame おかめ【阿亀】, O-Tafuku おたふく【阿多福】

Kingyo 金魚 Goldfish named フクダルマ Fuku Daruma

Kanegasaki 金崎城 / 鐘ヶ崎城 and Basho in Tsuruga
Daruma Pilgrims

Ai 藍 indigo

Sanada himo 真田紐 Sanada-himo ribbon Shogun Sanada Daruma

Inden 印伝/ 印傳 deerskin products Yamanashi prefecture
Koshuu inden 甲州印傳(こうしゅういんでん)

yookai daruma 妖怪ダルマ Daruma as a monster
some are from the gegege no Kitaro manga

Darumappa Ten Exhibition だるまッパ展 April 2010

Nagai Yasuo 永井康夫 Laquer Tableware

Seruroido ningyoo セルロイド人形 celluloid dolls
セルロイド玩具 celluloid toys

Kiriko 切子だるま cut glass Edo Kiriko 江戸切子, Satsuma Kiriko 薩摩切子

Ikkyu Sojun 一休宗純 (1394-1481) Zen priest

Hachi 鉢 small pot

Gate (門 mon, kado) Temple gate (sanmon)

Miroku Bosatsu 弥勒菩薩 Maitreya

Shomen Kongo 青面金剛 Shoomen Kongoo

Kichijoten 吉祥天 Kichijooten (Lakshmi, Shri Mahadevi)

Idaten 韋駄天 (Skanda)

Daigensui, Taigen (Atavaka) 大元帥明王

Gigeiten 伎芸天 Daijizai Tennyo 大自在天女
. . . and Daijizai Ten 大自在天 (Shiva)

Pagoda and Stupa (too 塔 )

Fugen Bosatsu (Samantabhadra) 普賢菩薩 and the White Elephant

Eta and Burakumin 穢多 (えた) / 部落民 the "Untouchables" of Japan

Sacred Symbols in Profane Japan Exhibition, Scholten Japanese Art

Utasebune 打瀬船 fishing boat for shrimp

Yamato Province (大和国 Yamato no Kuni)

Fishing Methods in Japan

Oshoo Daruma だるま和尚 Osho, the Priest Daruma

Takita Sakae, actor and carver 滝田栄 Fudo Myo-O statue

Samekawa Jinja Misogi 佐女川神社
Cold Water Ablutions at Shrine Samekawa



Hiraizumi, temple Motsu-Ji and Chuson-Ji, the Fujiwara clan
平泉、毛越寺、中尊寺, 藤原 (Mootsuuji, Chuusonji)

Kishibojin 鬼子母神 at temple Miidera 千団子祭 festival of the one thousand dango

Tagai Kansho (Tagai Kanshoo 互井観章) "Mr Happiness" / ハピネス観章 the rapping monk of temple Kyo-O-Ji 経王寺, Tokyo

. . . Kigo with Daruma himself !

gookaku 合格(ごうかく)pass an examination with the help of Daruma san

Nichiren 日蓮 Saint Nichiren (1222 - 1282)

Goshiki 五色 The Five Colors of Buddhism

Banzai Daruma by Mauricio Eiji

Wall sticker, wallpaper ウォールステッカーだるま

Hakobi Daruma hakobi だるま運び Carry-around Daruma. Game

Urushi 漆工芸 laquer and Daruma : Introduction

Fude Daruma 筆だるま / Daruma Fude だるま筆 Daruma fude as a pen

Daruma mikan 達磨蜜柑(だるまみかん)mikan named Daruma

Matsuyama no Hime Daruma 松山の姫だるま Princess Daruma from Matsuyama

Jimotsu 持物 What is Daruma holding?

Me-ire - Painting Eyes for Daruma 達磨の目入れ Daruma and his EYES

Sunafumi 砂踏み <> O-Sunafumi, osunafumi, Stepping on Sacred Sand

Temple Jindai-Ji and the Ajikan meditation 深大寺の達磨市 to 阿字観

Daruma Days, book by Terry Watada

WHO is Daruma ? Introduction

Goma aburi-ki 胡麻あぶり器 Sesame seed roasting pot Type of Horoku (hooroku)

Curry from GLICO グリコカレー / glico カレー職人 Gookaku 合格 to pass the examination

Hachiman and Hachiman Shrine festivals Yahata Festivals
Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gū (鶴岡八幡宮)
Iwashimizu Hachiman-gū (石清水八幡宮)


Miwa, Omiwa Jinja 大三輪神社 and Mount Miwa三輪山. Mimoro yama 三諸山. Nara

Bonten 梵天 Brahma

Daikokuten, Daikoku 大黒天

Benten, Suiten and water deities 弁天、水天

Sumiyoshi Myoojin 住吉明神 Sumiyoshi Myojin and Sumiyoshi Shrines in Japan 住吉神社 Sumiyoshi Jinja

Gifu Hashima Train Station and Enku 岐阜羽島

Sakasa Jizo さかさ地蔵 "upside down" Jizo

Eigen-ji 永源寺 Temple and 寂室元光 Jakushitsu Genko

Daruma Sunset (Daruma yuuhi だるま夕日)

Sakamoto Royma (Ryuma) 坂本龍馬 (1836 - 1867). Ryomaden 竜馬伝


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To the Daruma Museum ABC Index

World Kigo Database

Daruma Museum Waitinglist

. . . . . . . . . . . .Daruma Museum Archives since 2007

Daruma Digest January 2005


