
Hamburger Daruma

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Hamburger with Daruma Paper Wrapper

KATSU ! To win and Cotelette, the food are pronounced in the same way in Japanese.
Yamazaki has four burgers with a cotelttte.

Shrimp Cotelette, Ebi Katsu

Beacon and Cotelette KATSU !



tokoton katsu burger - definitely going to win !
伊藤パン ことん勝つ!バーガー


More Examination KATSU ! food with Daruma


source : Dave Van on facebook


...................... and the real KATSU of Daruma

Katsu!! ― Koan and Daruma  喝と達磨さん


. WASHOKU - all kinds of burgers バーガー .




Examination food juken


Examination food

Juken Food, juken fuuzu 受験フーズ 

Walking in the local supermarket today, we found these arrangements of instant food itmes with a Daruma to encuorage students to pass the examinations.
Right now in January, it is Examination Hell Time !

The food is the same, but the cartons are decorated with Daruma !


Kagome Dishes for Exam Students

Hamburger KATSU with Daruma Paper Wrapper  


Tabemono  食べ物 .. FOOD

More PHOTOS about Food and Daruma


Good Luck Food for Students
juken engi 受験縁起

CLICK  for more good luck items
Shelf with good luck food

Karl Corn Puff
from Meiji Seika, since 2001
UKARL sounds like UKARU, to pass the exam. The character of Karl is depicted like a shinto priest.

Koala no March
Koalas are in red and white like our Daruma!
Even if sleeping on trees, Koalas never fall. So students cling to the tree of victory.
Zoos sell lucky charm bookmarks of the shit of Koalas (YES), because the word UNCHI for droppings has the word UN for good luck at the beginning.

KitKat Chocolates for good luck


Ramen noodle soup with GABA

And a version with an unhappy Daruma !

From Myojo Foods Company, 2010


Instant Udon Noodles, Katsu! 2011


Chikaramizu, chikara mizu 合格祈願の力水
power water

Daruma has the form of a light bulb !
So if you take a sip, you will have new illuminating ideas for the exam !


. Glico Curry for Exams 2010  

. Gookaku Daruma 合格だるま Examination Daruma  

Hamburger Cotelettes KATSU Daruma Food
合格祈願エビカツバーガー to pass examinations

Food with the name of KATSU! Winning! is lucky.
Katsu!! ― Koan and Daruma  喝と達磨さん

WASHOKU : General Information

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum




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Kakejiku 掛け軸 Scroll with Daruma

From a Japanese Meditating Room
Send by a friend

More LINKs for Zenga, 禅画

Main Entry for Scrolls (kakejiku 掛け軸)




Pinoccio Daruma


Pinoccio Daruma  。。。 ピノッキオ だるま

Pinoccio Daruma, caught while telling a lie!

don't tell lies
on the internet <>
Daruma is watching !

My virtual friend TOM made this daruma, after we were disucssing something else about Pinocico:


Thank you, Tom !


Pinocchio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




This long-nosed Daruma might remind you of another long-nosed goblin of Japan

TENGU and DARUMA 狗の面 <> Long-Nosed Goblins


CLICK for more photos !

marionetto マリオネット marionette, puppet

source : puppetshop.exblog.jp

CLICK for more photos !

. Mingei 民芸 Folk Art of Japan .


poopoo ポーポー, popo ポポ - Pawpaw - Asimina triloba

popo no hana marionetto no mune no ito

pawpaow flowers -
the thread of the breast
of this marionette

. Kaneko Minako 金子皆子 .





. Bunraku 文楽 puppet play performance .



Fish Restaurant Kaisen

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Kaisen Daruma ... 海鮮だるま カイセン ダルマ

CLICK for more photos

Fish Restaurant in Takamatsu

Serves also meat and other dishes.

Yokubari Gozen 欲張り御膳


Setouchi Kaisen Daruma Sushi Shop

兵庫県姫路市塩町179 Hyogo, Himeji City


Dinner Trays (zen 膳) and Haiku

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum



Salt shaker


Salt and Pepper Shakers ... 塩胡椒入れ
塩コショウ入れ . Shio Koshoo Ire

A white porcelain salt shaker, about 6 cm high. The face is delicately formed. The earrings on both ears are rather large.

Collection Gabi Greve, 2007


Snowman Daruma Design

by Shin Azumi , 1999

source :  www.tribu-design.com

CLICK for some Japanese Design !


Pepper Shaker

This is a wood laquer Daruma pepper shaker. On the top of his head are holes that make a P.2.75 inches tall.

© The Crazy Redfish


Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum



Tsumayooji Toothpicks

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Tsumayooji (tsumajoji) 爪楊枝 つまようじ

A pair from wood, sold as a souvenier


Made from pottery

Photo from my friend Emi san.

Toothpick holder
from Sanda Celadon


Quote from Koeisha & Co.
The birth of the toothpick

The "Probe", a magazine for dentist published in England (Jan.1990) reports as follows.

[Before man devised the axe he may have invented the toothpick! Anthropologists now believe that early men,as they sat around the fire after a hard day's hunting, picked their teeth---after chewing the meat they had killed---with sticks cut to a sharp point.

Evidence of Stone Age toothpicks is indirect but compelling, say anthropologists.
The evidence? Marks on fossil teeth.Analysis of these marks has led to the consensus that they were made by heavy toothpick use by our early ancestors.

The grooves were especially common in the teeth of Neanderthals who lived in Europe and Asia, about 100,000 years ago. Similar markings have been found in the fossilized Teeth of both American Indians and Australian Aborigines.

Commented Professor Christy Turner, who is an expert on anthropology at the Arizona State University: "As far as can be empirically documented, the oldest human habit is picking one's teeth."]

As people lived wildly and did not know how to cook and eat in soft at this age, ;the teeth was very important. If he lost his teeth, he might face to death. It's really [teeth is life itself.]
Eating that is most basic action depends on teeth. At this age that people did not know to cure their teeth.Only care is the method to maintain their teeth.

As soon as people begun the action of eating, they tried clean their teeth instinctively.
We have to admire the wisdom of early men. This branch of wood is the beginning of toothpick and tufted toothbrush.

When we imagine Neanderthals pick their teeth with the branch of wood, we feel very intimate to us. It's also reported that some kinds of chimpanzee brush their teeth with the branch of wood. They know the importance of teeth instinctively.

Along with Buddhism
Toothpick was introduced into Japan in 584(Nara period). It was brought in with Buddhism via China and Korea.
Buddha (500BC) had originally taught his disciples to clean their teeth with tufted toothbrush. In India they used twigs from Neem tree and others. They called them [danta-kashuta] in Sanskrit. [Danta] is the origin of dental and [kashuta] means twig.

As they did not grow in China the poplar was used instead. The Chinese and Japanese word for poplar is YO and for branch JI, hence the name YOJI or TSUMAYOJI for toothpick in Japanese.
Even now in India [Danta] means 32, the number of teeth.

Tuft toothbrush is still used at present.
Tuft toothbrush is used in many countries as one of sundry items. India,Pakistan,Bangradish,SaudiArabia,Nigeria, Guinea,Senegal,Mali,Sudan,Tanzania, Tunisia, Court geboir,Burukinafasso ,Ethiopia,ets. Neem,Babool and Basil are used in India., Peeru in Pakistan, Salvadra in Saudi Arabia, Walnuts in many African countries.

In these countries traditional tuft toothbrush is sold at roadside or Souk (market) and used in common. Generally one side of stick is bitten, but bark of tree such as walnuts are used also cutting in 2~3 centimeter.

In Tunisia tuft toothbrush is sold at drugstore of Souk where natural medicine are adjusted for personal disease. There branches are sold for men and barks (5 centimeter in width, 15centimeter in length)for women. Men bite it anywhere, but women use it in gentle way.

in Japan
The toothpick that had been introduced with Buddhism has penetrated into usual life of Buddhism monk serving to Buddha after shaping up by rinsing of mouth and brushing of teeth. It did not take so much time to convey this clean custom of Buddhism monk to the noble. Among them officers of the Court and Shinto priests begun to imitate their clean custom.

The Prime Minister Morosuke Fujiwara (907~960) transported to his descendant that cleaning the mouth with tuft toothbrush and washing the face must be done as daily manner in the book of [kujyoudenn yuikai].

Toothpick begun to be used by Buddhism monk in Nara period (710~784), and spread to the noble in Heian period (794~1192).

When was it to spread to the public? To know this fact we find nice documents of songs which was song in plantation of rice. They are labor songs praying fruitful harvest.
In these song the toothpick was included in many time.

・ Sharpening the white beard of Dragon to the toothpick
・ The owner of field to plant today has a gold toothpick in his mouth
・ Loquat tree in symbolic India is suitable for toothpick
・ Let's have toothpick dying by the essence of Azalea
・ Dropping my favorite toothpick made of willow and wisteria
・ Very good toothpick is made of willow
・ Owner of the field, we plant today looks happy because he sit on thousands of container of rice and use gold toothpick

Song of plantation for rice is song of the public. Trough these we see toothpick had spread widely to the public. These songs were completed in middle age from the end of Muromachi age (1338~1573) to Azuchi Momoyama age (1574~1602).

As the Buddhist Dougen in Kamakura age (1192 - 1333) described in his book [Shoubougennzou]that in Japan people use toothpick commonly.

As the toothbrush was imported from foreign countries especially USA at the beginning of Meiji period (around 1870-1895), tuft toothbrush have disappeared.
Why tuft toothbrush was taken the place by toothbrush?
It's because that as tuft toothbrush is lineal, it's very difficult to clean both side of teeth and left parts of tuft brush remain in mouth. It's impossible to use so often. Moreover Japanese have tendency of introduction of new item.
Then much to our regret the tuft toothbrushes that have had history of 1200 years and continued so much maintain their teeth clean disappeared rapidly.
The independent toothpick that is one more side of tuft toothbrush has remained.
Let's watch the process of introduction of toothbrush.
Situation of foreign articles and trade of importation are described with pictures in the book of [Bankoku Shouhou Ourai] written by H.Matunaga in 1874.
The toothbrush is described as [polishing toothpick] and toothbrush holder is expressed as [toothpick holder]. [Toothpick] is the name of toothbrush when toothbrush was imported.

Read the original with many illustrations here
source : www.japanskedanmark.dk
Koeisha & Co., Ltd.


Yoji楊枝, also the word for the pick of wagashi sweets at the Tea Ceremony.

Toothpicks were sold at the many shops around the famous temple of the Asakusa Kannon in Edo.
In 1807, there were more than 220 shops in the district.

The back of the temple was most famous.

and the girl who sold them there, Yanagiya no O-Fuji 柳屋お藤, was among the idols of the town.

. Asakusa Kannon 浅草観音 .

yoojiten, yooji ten 楊枝店 toothpick shop
in Asakusa


- Carved from the wood of
kuromoji 黒文字 クロモジ spice bush,
Lindera umbellata

A kind of camphor tree with delicate smell.

In the town of 久留里 Kururi in Chiba, there was a castle called
ujo 雨城 "rain castle".
The Samurai of this domain went out of work during the Meiji period and many begun carving toothpicks with decorations and in various forms for special situations, called
雨城楊枝 "toothpicks from the Rain Castle".

They planted the
kuromoji tree in their gardens to have the material ready.
The toothpicks were used to eat Wagashi 和菓子 sweets or fruit, for the tea ceremony and many other purposes.
To our day, only one family is making these toothpicks.

CLICK for more samples !

- Their homepage
- reference source : geocities.jp/ujyouyoujimorihonke -

on facebook :
- reference source : facebook.com/ujyouyouji -


observance kigo for the New Year

Yooji joosui kaji 楊枝浄水加持 Ceremony of cleaning toothpicks
Nowadays also performed on the 18th of June.

百味供養会 "Ritual for the 100 tasts"

source with photos : youjijyousuikaji.html


fusayōji 房楊枝 Fusayoji, toothpick with a tuft
Often used by the courtesans.
Tsukioka Yoshitoshi


yoojibashira 楊枝柱 "toothpick pillar"
The corner pillar of the host's mat is partly hidden.

. Tea Ceremony - Introduction 茶の湯 .


#yoojitoothpick #toochpick #tsumayoji #fusayoji


Asti, Sergio Asti

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Sergio Asti and his Designer Daruma

designed by Sergio Asti in 1967.

Sergio Asti was born in 1926. He studied at the School of Industrial Desing in Milano, Italy. In 1983 he had an exhibition of his work in Kyoto.

GOOGLE with Sergio Asti


GOOGLE with sergio asti ダルマ

This is one of my favorite parts in the Daruma Museum!
Imagine putting your christmas cookies there !
In Japan, it is also offered as a kind of lamp.

Please send your contributions to Gabi Greve
Daruma Discussion Forum

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum



CE Mark Daruma

nnnnnnnnnnnn TOP nnnnnnnnnnnnn

CE Mark Daruma

The CE mark (officially CE marking) is a mandatory safety mark on many products placed on the single market in the European Economic Area (EEA). The term initially used was "EC Mark" and it was officially replaced by "CE Marking" in the Directive 93/68/EEC in 1993. "CE Marking" is now used in all EU official documents. "CE Mark" is also in use, but it is not the official term.

By affixing the CE marking, the manufacturer, or its representative, or the importer assures that the item meets all the essential requirements of all applicable EU directives. Examples of European Directives requiring CE marking include toy safety, machinery, low-voltage equipment, R&TTE, and EM compatibility. There are about 25 Directives requiring CE marking.

© http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CE_mark

Today I had to translate some texts about this mark, when the Daruma Connection struck me.

Enjoy my musings.




公式にはCEは何の意味もなく何の略語でもないとされているが、フランス語のCommunauté EuropéenneやConformité Européenneに由来していると思われる。



© http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/CE%E3%83%9E%E3%83%BC%E3%82%AF

Please send your contributions to Gabi Greve
Daruma Discussion Forum

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum



New October to December 2006

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.................................. December 2006

Kabocha Daruma as Pumpkinかぼちゃ達磨, かぼちゃだるま

Fukutoku Senbei <> Waffles for Good Luck from Kanazawa福徳せんべい

BOOKs about Daruma

Sake, Nihonshuu, 日本酒, the Drink of Japan Index of my Sake Articles

Katsuyama Wooden Daruma 勝山宿の木材だるま

New Book : Daruma Encyclopedia 開運だるま大百科, by Nakamura san

Gustav Jacoby, a German Art Collector

デザイナーズだるま and
Ring with Daruma, Lujeiダルマリング.

Cha tsutsu, chazutsu 茶筒 Daruma as Container for Tea Leaves

Tsuki Hyakushi : One Hundred Aspects of the Moon : Daruma Woodblock. 月百姿 by Tsukioka Yoshitoshi

Doi Shrine, Mimasaka and the Old Road of Izumo

.................................. November 2006

Nadebotoke and Binzuru, the Arhat 撫で仏と 賓頭盧, びんずる、びんづる ビンヅル

Shutsuzan Shaka : Why is Daruma covering his hands under his robe? 出山釈迦

.................................. October 2006

Temple Mokubo-Ji and Umewakamaru 木母寺 (もくぼじ) と 梅若丸伝説

Takadono tatara, Metal Manufacturing高殿鑪 たかどのたたら
..... The Japanese Swordmaking

Gustav Jacoby, a German Art Collector

Encho En, Chinese Park in Tottori 中国庭園 燕趙園

Temple Oohirayama Konpira-In, Kurayoshi 大平山 金毘羅院
..... Fudo Statues at Konpira-In  
..... Kannon with 1000 Arms at Konpira-In  

Mitoku San, Temple Sanbutsu-Ji, Nage-ire Doo 三徳山三仏寺 投入堂
..... Six-sided Nyorai Stele, rokumentoo  六面塔 and Six Nyorai

Zao Gongen, a Mountain Deity 蔵王権現

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum



Fukutoku Senbei


Fukutoku Senbei 福徳せんべい
Lucky Waffles from the Kaga Domain

When the Lord Maeda of the Kaga domain rebuild the tower Ni no Maru of his castel in 1809, he had special waffles made for the final celebration. Inside these waffles were small clay toys like the beckoning cat, other sweets or little statues of auspicious deities, like Tenjin Sama. The sugary sweets are called "Gold Flower Sugar" (kinkatoo 金花糖).

One of these wafers, in the form of an auspicious hammer (kozuchi) contained a small clay doll of a female princess Daruma, which is a speciality of this domain.

I took the photos from a TV program on sweets, they are a bit wobbely.

The sweets were made by Rakugan Moroe-ya 落雁諸江屋 are made since 1849. Altogether they made 10 different types. Now these sweets are a special fare for the New Year Celebrations. Some people like to shake the closed waffles and guess what is inside, which makes for a nice game during a New Year Party.


The Store Moroeya features other Kanazawa sweets for the New Year 金沢の新春菓子, for example a type of

Fortune Cookies 辻占福寿草They contain slips of paper with riddles in the local language.

Wishing for a long life at the New Year, 金澤夢菓子「久寿玉」contains six different types of sweets. Some contain items to play with.

Copyright © The Yomiuri Shimbun.


Quote from Yomiuri Shinbun

福徳せんべい 中から天神様や金花糖



 Copyright © The Yomiuri Shimbun.


Another kind of normal senbei, with the taste of soy sauce.

Photo from my friend Kyoko.


乙女の金沢 otome no Kanazawa
Sweets for the Girls of Kanazawa


CLICK for more photos

Wagashi Sweets from Kanazawa 金沢に和菓子


. Toyama Folk Art - 富山県 .

fukutoku ningyoo 福徳人形 Fukutoku dolls
fukutoku senbei 福徳煎餅

source : asahi-net.or.jp

These small auspicious dolls have been used by the local sweet makers to decorate for the New Year and add them to the shopping bags of their customers.
Baked in waffles they are the noisy
garagara senbei がらがら煎餅.


Sweets with Daruma, Wagashi, Dagashi

Sweets from Japan (wagashi) and Haiku

Onna Daruma, Daruma as a Woman


ーーーーー #fukutoku - - - - -