Small pot (hachi)
Here is a sample from Kyoyaki pottery 京焼.
signed 平安春峯造
It is a small pot to serve sweets for the tea ceremony.
About 8,5 cm high and 17 in diameter.

Detail of the face

Photos from my friend Ishino.

hachi はち【鉢】 bowls of all kinds
asabachi 浅鉢 shallow bowl. flache Schale
chawan 茶碗 ricebowl. lit. "tea cup". Reisschale, Schüssel
chuubachi 中鉢 bowl of middle size
daenbachi, daen hachi 楕円鉢 oblong bowl
daibachi 大鉢 big bowl. grosse Schale
donburi どんぶり【丼】 bowl, usually with a lid of the same pattern. Donburi-Schüssel
donabe 土鍋 earthware pot. irdener Kochtopf
futatsuki wan 蓋付き碗 bowl with a lid (often for chawan mushi)
fukabachi 深鉢 deep bowl. tiefe Schale
guratan sarabachi グラタン皿鉢 bowl for gratin (usually heat-proof)
kakubachi 角鉢 square bowl. viereckige Schale
katakuchi bachi 片口鉢 bowl with a spout on one side. Schale mit Ausguss an einer Seite
kobachi 小鉢 small bowl. kleine Schale
mamebachi 豆鉢 very small bowl
meshiwan めしわん【飯椀/飯碗】 bowl for rice. Reisschale
sankaku asabachi 三角浅鉢 shallow bowl with three corners
tonsui とんすい small bowl with a handle (to take your own portions from a larger pot)
..... tetsuke tonsui 手付とんすい with a handle. Portionsschale.
It often comes with a small saucer
UTSUWA うつわ【器】, vessel or dish

kigo for all summer

suzu no hachi 錫の鉢 (すずのはち) small pot of tin
suzu no sara 錫の皿(すずのさら)plate of tin
Tin is close to silver, and its shining surface gives the food in summer a cool appearance. With some dewdrops on the plate it is even more refreshing.
sennamasu ya tsuyu ukibetaru suzu no hachi
fresh namasu fish -
dewdrops hover over
the tin pot
Aoki Getto 青木月斗
namasu is a dish of finely chopped raw fish and vegetables soaked in vinegar.
なますkind of vinegar dressing
and related KIGO
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
sarabachi mo honoka no yami no yoi suzumi / sara hachi
dishes and bowls
shimmer so faintly
in the cool darkness
Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉, 1694 summer 元禄7年夏
After the meal he was sitting on the veranda and observed how the white dishes were faintly still visible in the darkness. It is just a normal scene of daily life, but near his death, he seemed to enjoy just to be there.
asagiwan 浅葱椀 "blue laquer bowl"
in the translations of Shirane

this is almost the color of Japanese negi 葱 long green onion leaves .
The woooden bowls are covered with black laquer and then paintings in light yellow 浅黄椀 or in red and white auspicious colors of flowers and birds are applied
nori jiru no tegiwa mise keri asagi wan
he is so skillfull
at serving seaweed soup -
in this laquer bowl
More haiku by Basho about
. Nori 海苔 laver seaweed .
ume ga ka ya kyaku no hana ni wa asagiwan
scent of plum blossoms -
beneath the guest's nose
a blue laquer bowl
Kyoroku 許六
source : Haruo Shirane
. sara 皿 Plates with Daruma Design .
. mamezara 豆皿 small plates "beans size" .
with Daruma Design
tin pot of rice ...
he counts his debts
coin by coin
Ella Wagemakers
kigo hotline
a potter's wish
on the Daruma bowl...
Gabi san, the world saijiki is filling!
raising eyebrows
the tourist buys a few
for nuts and candies
nori jiru no tegiwa mise keri asagi wan
he is so skillfull
at serving seaweed soup -
a light yellow bowl
Matsuo Basho
Food Offerings and Bowls
Food offerings (onjiki kuyoo 飲食 供養)
Begging Bowl (ooki, ooryooki 應量器 応量器, hatsu, Sanskrit: paatra)
Zenwanbuchi 膳椀淵 "river pool for trays and bowls".
It was a place where you could lend dinner trays and bowls.
From a Kappa or an Oni Demon . . .
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