Alphabetical List of the Daruma Topics
. . . . . . Who is Daruma ?
- - - The alphabetical Daruma index: - - -
Use your browser to find a keyword.
. Contents A - C . - - - . Contents D - F .
. Contents G - J . - - - . Contents K .
. Contents L - N . - - - .Contents O - R .
. Contents S . - - - . Contents T - Z .
Aburazara 油皿 Oil Dishes Oribe plates 織部
Acupuncture ... 針灸
Ai 藍 indigo
Ainu Daruma ... アイヌだるま Hokkaido. Papermachee Doll
Aizu Daruma 会津だるま Papermachee Dolls
AKB48 - idols girl group
Akai ... 赤いRed Hoosoo 疱瘡 ..Smallpox, Red and Daruma (by Bernard Faure)
Akita University Daruma 秋田大学 合格だるま
Akubi あくび / 欠伸 Daruma Yawning Yawning and Health - (not screaming)
Akuma no Daruma 悪魔 Daruma the Demon
Aloha Daruma Hawaii
Amabie Daruma アマビエ だるま - Covid-19 epidemic
Amanatto (amanattoo) 甘納豆 sugar-glazed beans
and Daruma gummi sweets だるまグミ
Amaterasu 天照大神 The Sun Deity
Amazake 甘酒 "sweet rice wine"
Ame, dagashi <> Sweets 飴、駄菓子
Ame 雨 rain rain rain -
Anime アニメ <> Animation
Ankake Daruma soup あんかけだるま gankake 願掛け
Anko, sweet bean paste Daruma 餡子だるま , だるまあん
Anzan 安産だるま Daruma for an easy birth and delivery
Aoi Me no Daruma 青い目の達磨 <> Blue Eyes of Daruma
..... Eye-opening Ceremonies for Buddhastatues
Arai Daruma store 荒井だるま屋 Hiratsuka
Arare あられだるま
"Hail stones" crackers
Areaware Daruma Wish Doll
Aritayaki ― Daruma of Arita Pottery 有田焼と達磨さん
Art DE Daruma Exhibition アートDEだるま展 Tokyo. January 2009
. Artists, Persons, People .
Asahi Daruma 朝日 morning sun Daruma
Asakusa Kannon 。。。浅草観音、東京
Asao Fudo and Daruma Market ... 麻生不動だるま市 Kawasaki Town.
ashi 足 Daruma with legs and toes
Atari アタリ modern Plays and Games
Atariya 当たり矢 arrow to hit good luck
Atsugi Daruma 厚木だるま
Auctions for Daruma Items in English and Japanese
Aum, A-Un (阿吽) Alpha Omega
Ayame あやめ 菖蒲 <> Iris Dolls and Daruma
Azuki 小豆 ... Red Beans, "small beans", adzuki and DARUMA
Azumabukuro あづまぶくろ small bags
Azechi Umetaro 畦地梅太郎 Painter
Baby Suit ベビー服Dresses for Children
Bakemono, yookai ... 化け物 妖怪 Ghosts 。。。an overview
Bakeneko, the Monster Cat ... 化け猫 and お化け達磨 O-bake Daruma
Bakuchi 博打 Gambling Daruma Dice Holder
Bankoyaki 萬古焼 だるまpottery
Banzai Daruma design by Mauricio Eiji
Bara 薔薇 rose, roses
bath ball だるまバスボール Daruma Bath Ball
Beads Daruma ... ビーズ だるま Beads kit to make your Daruma
bear brick train / be@rbrick train / bearbrick Daruma
Bear Mascot Bär from Germany
Beesubooru ベースボール Baseball Mascots 野球
bekkoo 鼈甲 / べっこう / べっ甲 tortoiseshell Daruma
Benten, Benzaiten 弁天 弁財天 Deity of Good Luck
Bentoobako 弁当箱 Lunchbox with Daruma Bentoo Bako, Bento Bako, bentobako , Ekiben
..... へのへの HE NO HE NO
Bicycle called Daruma だるま自転車
BIG Daruma Statue Daruma Temple Koozen-Ji 興禅寺, Wakayama
Big Toe Daruma - Hayato Tokugawa
Biiru ビール beer glass, mug . . .
Bijoo ... 尾錠馬具 ... Buckle for a horse stirrup
Bird and parrot named Daruma
Bishamonten Tanuki ... Bishamon Tanuki 毘沙門狸Bishamonten Daruma Doll
Bizenyaki ― Bizen Pottery and Daruma san 備前焼とだるまさん
. . . Bizenyaki, Aobizen 青備前 and Daruma Kiln(だるま窯)
bolo tie, loop tie ループタイ looptie
Bon, 盆 a tray
Bonji Daruma 梵字だるま with sanskrit letters and Bonji Mandala 梵字曼陀羅
..... Books about Daruma だるまの本、大百科など
Booshi だるま帽子 hat, cap
Bulb, Lightbulb, Gluehbirne
Bukku kabaa ブックカバー Book cover, book covers and book cover design. Notebook cover
Buddhastatuen ... Who is Who Mein Buch auf Deutsch !
My Book in German about Buddha Statues !
Buddhist Deities, my Introduction
Buddhist Protective Deities for the Individual (ichidai mamori honzon)
..... Buddhism and Shintoism
Bunchin 文鎮 ... paperweight
Buriki gangu ブリキ玩具 Tin plate toys. Blechspielzeug
Buroochi Daruma ... Broach .. ブローチ だるま / だるまブローチ. badges with daruma / Badge バッジ
Busshi 仏師 ... - Buddhist sculptors Gallery
bust, kyoozoo ダルマ胸像 bust of Daruma
Bushuu Daruma Koshigaya Daruma, 武州だるま、越谷だるま 張子
Buta ... ぶただるま... Pig as papermachee doll
Butsudan ... 仏壇 Buddhist Family Altar
Butsugai ... Takeda BUTSUGAI Fusen ... 1795~1867
Butsugu, hoogu .. 仏具 .. 法具 Buddhistische Kultgegenstände Japans
(Buddhist Ritual and Ceremonial Tools) .. My Book
Buy a Daruma ! Shopping for Daruma <>「だるま」はどこで買えるの?
..... List with more stores worldwide
Byoobu and Tsuitate - Daruma on a Screen 屏風, 衝立とだるま.
Biombo Exhibition
Osaka Zu Byobu 大阪図屏風 Scenes of Osaka at Eggenberg castle
Calendar - Daruma だるまのカレンダ - Kalender
Calligraphy , shodoo 書道
Camera, Crime prevention camera だるま型防犯カメラ Bohan Kamera watches over stores
Cap Clip だるま キャップクリップマーカー
Carole Davenport Collection New York
Cartoons with Daruma
CE Mark Daruma for Europa
CHA 茶 <> The world of Tea
The world of TEA and Daruma
Chataku 茶托saucer for tea cup
Chawan 茶碗 tea bowl and gohan chawan for eating rice
Chichibu Daruma 。秩父だるま
chigaidana, chigai-dana 違い棚 staggered shelves
Chigiri-e .. ちぎり絵 Paintings from torn paper
China, Korea and Bodhidharma (01) 中国、韓国のだるま
..... China, Korea and Bodhidharma (02)
..... Chinese Poetry
..... Chinese Symbols in Art
Chirimen ちりめん / 縮緬 crepe silk Daruma
Chokinbako 貯金箱 <> Piggybank with Daruma
Choko Daruma チョコだるま Chocolate
Choochin, lanterns 提灯とだるま. akachoochin, akachochin 赤提灯
Choofu Daruma ちょう布だるまだる Chofu Daruma
Cho-o-Ji, Temple Choo-Oo-Ji 長翁寺 .. and nearby hill: Daruma Zuka だるま塚
Narumi-Juku of the Tokaido
Christian St. Daruma
Christmas tree with Daruma
Chrysanthemum . 達磨菊(ダルマギク) . Darumagiku
Cider Daruma Label, a good luck drink ダルマサイダー. drinks for winning
Citta Daruma / LA CITTADELLA チッタだるま
Clipart with Daruma
Clivia クリビア <> Some clivia flowers named Daruma
Clown, pierrot (dokeshi, piero)
Coca Cola Signboard from Nagano Olympics 1998 and other advertisements
Coconut Daruma .. ココナツだるま、自然のだるま
coffee だるま珈琲 Daruma cohi Kaffee
..... ..... . Collections of Online Daruma / LINKS
Colours Traditional Japanese Colors 日本の伝統的色、色彩
Color Symbol Daruma カラーだるま
Cool Biz Underwear クールビズ ダルマ型スリップ since May 2011
Cosplay コスプレ ・コスチュームプレー / costume parties
Cups and Mugs 湯のみ yunomi, chawan
Cup soup <> カップラーメン Cup Ramen, Cup Raamen
Curry from GLICO グリコカレー / glico カレー職人
Gookaku 合格 to pass the examination
- #amabie -
Showing posts with label culture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label culture. Show all posts
Darumapedia on Facebook
Darumapedia on Facebook
- The latest news is always HERE:

. Darumapedia - Newsletter .
The Darumapedia has expanded over the years.
Here is a list (growing) of my presence on facebook :

. Joys of Japan - Main Gallery .

. Joys of Japan - Poetry for Tohoku .

. Tohoku Japan - Information .

. WASHOKU - Japanese Food Culture .
March 11, 2015
Almost four years have past since my "Facebook Life" started.
Soon there was more and more, my own galleries and pages of others.
Here I want to create a resource of forums and pages about Japan.

. Japan on Facebook .

. MINGEI - Japanese Folk Art .

. Kokeshi Gallery .

. Kappa 河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ water goblin .

. Japanese Festivals - Matsuri .

. Japanese Interior Gallery .

. Shikoku - Gallery .

. Japanese Literature .

. Japanese People .

. Japanese Calendar Days .

. The Heian Period 平安時代 (794 - 1185) .

. Edo 江戸時代 the Edo Period .

. Edo - Senryu 川柳 .

. Fudo Myo-O Gallery 不動明王 .

. Enku - Master Carver 円空 - .

. Jizo Bosatsu Gallery .

. Kannon Bosatsu Gallery .

. Yakushi Nyorai Gallery .
. Buddha Statues - Japanese Deities .

. Buddhist Temples - Japan .

. Shinto Shrines - Japan .

. Japan in Spring .
. Japan in Summer .
. Japan in Autumn .
. Japan in Winter .

. Japan - New Year Season .

. Fujisan Gallery - Japan .
. Dragon Gallery - Asian Art and Animals .

. Japan - Animals .

. Haiku Culture Magazin .

. Matsuo Basho .

. Kobayashi Issa .

. Yosa Buson .

. Masaoka Shiki .

. Mongolia Saijiki - Mongolian Haiku .

. WKD - World Kigo Database .

. Japanese Haiku Poets .

. Japan - Rural Revitalization .

. My Treasure Box .
- The latest news is always HERE:

. Darumapedia - Newsletter .
Darumapedia on Facebook
- The latest news is always HERE:
. Darumapedia - Newsletter .
The Darumapedia has expanded over the years.
Here is a list (growing) of my presence on facebook :

. Joys of Japan - Main Gallery .

. Joys of Japan - Poetry for Tohoku .

. Tohoku Japan - Information .

. WASHOKU - Japanese Food Culture .
March 11, 2015
Almost four years have past since my "Facebook Life" started.
Soon there was more and more, my own galleries and pages of others.
Here I want to create a resource of forums and pages about Japan.

. Japan on Facebook .

. MINGEI - Japanese Folk Art .

. Kokeshi Gallery .

. Kappa 河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ water goblin .

. Japanese Festivals - Matsuri .

. Japanese Interior Gallery .

. Shikoku - Gallery .

. Japanese Literature .

. Japanese People .

. Japanese Calendar Days .

. The Heian Period 平安時代 (794 - 1185) .

. Edo 江戸時代 the Edo Period .

. Edo - Senryu 川柳 .
. Fudo Myo-O Gallery 不動明王 .

. Enku - Master Carver 円空 - .
. Jizo Bosatsu Gallery .

. Kannon Bosatsu Gallery .

. Yakushi Nyorai Gallery .
. Buddha Statues - Japanese Deities .

. Buddhist Temples - Japan .

. Shinto Shrines - Japan .

. Japan in Spring .
. Japan in Summer .
. Japan in Autumn .
. Japan in Winter .

. Japan - New Year Season .

. Fujisan Gallery - Japan .
. Dragon Gallery - Asian Art and Animals .

. Japan - Animals .

. Haiku Culture Magazin .

. Matsuo Basho .

. Kobayashi Issa .

. Yosa Buson .

. Masaoka Shiki .

. Mongolia Saijiki - Mongolian Haiku .

. WKD - World Kigo Database .

. Japanese Haiku Poets .
. Japan - Rural Revitalization .

. My Treasure Box .
- The latest news is always HERE:
. Darumapedia - Newsletter .
Chindonya Band
Chindonya ちんどん屋 street musician
commercial street band
advertising street band

source : pegasus_es2004

Street musician with Daruma at the Mihara Daruma Market
. Mihara Daruma 三原だるま .
Chindon'ya (チンドン屋),
also called Japanese marching band, and in the old times also called
tōzaiya (東西屋) or
hiromeya (広目屋 or 披露目屋)
are a type of elaborately costumed street musicians in Japan that advertise for shops and other establishments.
The performers advertised the opening of new stores and other venues, or promoted special events such as price discounts. Nowadays, chindon'yas are rare in Japan. The word consists of Japanese sound symbolism chin and don to describe the instruments, and the -ya suffix which roughly equates to the English "-er" suffix in this context.
Origin as single performers in Osaka
Street performers existed in Japan for a long time. However, the connection with advertising forming a chindon'ya first appeared in Osaka during the 19th century (Late Edo period and early Meiji period) at the beginning of industrialization. The first known chindon'ya is generally considered to be a candy seller in Osaka named Amekatsu, who around 1845 used singing and a noise making toy to attract attention to his own portable candy stall, as many other salespeople, especially candy sellers. Due to his strong voice he was well known in Osaka, and hence tried to sell not candy but rather advertise for other stores and a theater, wearing a large hat and straw sandals, and small bells at his belt, and used a wooden hyogoshi noisemaker. He was succeeded by a former bath attendant Isamikame, who also used to shout tozai (Literally East-West, equivalent to Listen up or welcome (come one come all)).
Subsequently, such advertising street performers were called tozaiya in Osaka up to World War II. He soon received competition from another advertiser called Matemoto, and they split their business, with one covering the Uemachi region and the other covering the Shinmachi region of Osaka.
After Maemoto died in 1891, his brother, also called Maemoto took over the business, and he was soon joined by his son and daughter, probably the first female chindon'ya. Maemoto is also famous as being the first person in Osaka to die from electric shock in 1893. Other well known performers from this time are Tanbataya Kurimaru, a former Sweet Chestnut seller, and Satsumaya Imosuke, a former bean seller. These two also occasionally added a second performer to their band.
Group performers in Tokyo
At the early Meiji period, such advertising was still unknown in Tokyo, and advertising was mainly done on curtains (noren), billboards (kanban), and flyers (hikifuda). Stalls also advertised for themselves by making noise and wearing colorful clothes, a at the time widely known example being the extremely colorful dressed pharmacist Iwashiya.

During this time, newspapers and posters also started to appear in Japan and were used for advertising. The military also started to popularize western style marching bands, and at the same time public bands started to appear. In1885 an advertising agency in Tokyo hiromeya(wide eyes) hired musicians for advertising.
Hiromeya was founded by a former tozaiya from Osaka Akita Ryukichi. He soon found out that a one person band was not as popular in Tokyo as in Osaka, and hired larger bands of more than 10 performers for advertising purposes, following the popularity of military and public bands. His band also provided entertainment at festivals and parties, and also created background music for silent films. He was also hired by the Kirin beer company, whose advertising campaign spread out to Osaka.
In Osaka, this form of group bands was yet unknown, as only individual performers were hired for advertising. The police also had to stop some of the larger performances in Osaka, as they hindered traffic, partially also caused by the 2 meter tall beer bottle the group was equipped with. The Hiromeya business grew, and they were even asked to perform at the burial of Emperor Meiji in 1912. The business still exists nowadays, although they now do mainly decorations.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

source : shotokimura.web. Librairie Seizan
Listen to their music!
source :
ちんどん通信社〜(有)東西屋 Their History in Japanese
source :

. . . CLICK here for Photos !
... There are also amateur and student troupes. A good place to check out the state of the industry is the Chindonya Championship, held every April in Toyama City, Toyama Prefecture.
source : Japan Times, July 17, 2012

Nakamura Gakuryoo 中村岳陵 Gakuryo Nakamura 中村岳陵
hatsu tsubame kyoo no tame naru chindonya
the first swallow -
a Chindonya band
just for today

Haiku by Hoshino Tsubaki 星野椿先生
On the occasion of the great Haiku Meeting in Komuro
信州小諸 全国俳句大会
source : chindonband
. Hoshino Tsubaki 星野 椿 .
. gannin boozu 願人坊主 mendicant monks .
performing all kinds of performances at the roadside
Chindonya ちんどん屋 street musician
commercial street band
advertising street band

source : pegasus_es2004

Street musician with Daruma at the Mihara Daruma Market
. Mihara Daruma 三原だるま .
Chindon'ya (チンドン屋),
also called Japanese marching band, and in the old times also called
tōzaiya (東西屋) or
hiromeya (広目屋 or 披露目屋)
are a type of elaborately costumed street musicians in Japan that advertise for shops and other establishments.
The performers advertised the opening of new stores and other venues, or promoted special events such as price discounts. Nowadays, chindon'yas are rare in Japan. The word consists of Japanese sound symbolism chin and don to describe the instruments, and the -ya suffix which roughly equates to the English "-er" suffix in this context.
Origin as single performers in Osaka
Street performers existed in Japan for a long time. However, the connection with advertising forming a chindon'ya first appeared in Osaka during the 19th century (Late Edo period and early Meiji period) at the beginning of industrialization. The first known chindon'ya is generally considered to be a candy seller in Osaka named Amekatsu, who around 1845 used singing and a noise making toy to attract attention to his own portable candy stall, as many other salespeople, especially candy sellers. Due to his strong voice he was well known in Osaka, and hence tried to sell not candy but rather advertise for other stores and a theater, wearing a large hat and straw sandals, and small bells at his belt, and used a wooden hyogoshi noisemaker. He was succeeded by a former bath attendant Isamikame, who also used to shout tozai (Literally East-West, equivalent to Listen up or welcome (come one come all)).
Subsequently, such advertising street performers were called tozaiya in Osaka up to World War II. He soon received competition from another advertiser called Matemoto, and they split their business, with one covering the Uemachi region and the other covering the Shinmachi region of Osaka.
After Maemoto died in 1891, his brother, also called Maemoto took over the business, and he was soon joined by his son and daughter, probably the first female chindon'ya. Maemoto is also famous as being the first person in Osaka to die from electric shock in 1893. Other well known performers from this time are Tanbataya Kurimaru, a former Sweet Chestnut seller, and Satsumaya Imosuke, a former bean seller. These two also occasionally added a second performer to their band.
Group performers in Tokyo
At the early Meiji period, such advertising was still unknown in Tokyo, and advertising was mainly done on curtains (noren), billboards (kanban), and flyers (hikifuda). Stalls also advertised for themselves by making noise and wearing colorful clothes, a at the time widely known example being the extremely colorful dressed pharmacist Iwashiya.

During this time, newspapers and posters also started to appear in Japan and were used for advertising. The military also started to popularize western style marching bands, and at the same time public bands started to appear. In1885 an advertising agency in Tokyo hiromeya(wide eyes) hired musicians for advertising.
Hiromeya was founded by a former tozaiya from Osaka Akita Ryukichi. He soon found out that a one person band was not as popular in Tokyo as in Osaka, and hired larger bands of more than 10 performers for advertising purposes, following the popularity of military and public bands. His band also provided entertainment at festivals and parties, and also created background music for silent films. He was also hired by the Kirin beer company, whose advertising campaign spread out to Osaka.
In Osaka, this form of group bands was yet unknown, as only individual performers were hired for advertising. The police also had to stop some of the larger performances in Osaka, as they hindered traffic, partially also caused by the 2 meter tall beer bottle the group was equipped with. The Hiromeya business grew, and they were even asked to perform at the burial of Emperor Meiji in 1912. The business still exists nowadays, although they now do mainly decorations.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

source : shotokimura.web. Librairie Seizan
Listen to their music!
source :
ちんどん通信社〜(有)東西屋 Their History in Japanese
source :

. . . CLICK here for Photos !
... There are also amateur and student troupes. A good place to check out the state of the industry is the Chindonya Championship, held every April in Toyama City, Toyama Prefecture.
source : Japan Times, July 17, 2012

Nakamura Gakuryoo 中村岳陵 Gakuryo Nakamura 中村岳陵
hatsu tsubame kyoo no tame naru chindonya
the first swallow -
a Chindonya band
just for today

Haiku by Hoshino Tsubaki 星野椿先生
On the occasion of the great Haiku Meeting in Komuro
信州小諸 全国俳句大会
source : chindonband
. Hoshino Tsubaki 星野 椿 .
. gannin boozu 願人坊主 mendicant monks .
performing all kinds of performances at the roadside
Daruma An Farms
Daruma An Farms

Welcome to Daruma An Farms!
Daruma An Farms is a family owned and operated farm located on Sado Island, Japan. We grow Koshihikari, Organic Hananomai, and Organic Black Rice.
We can ship our rice anywhere in Japan, so please check out the Shop if you would like to purchase some!
Created in 2009 on Sado Island, Japan, Daruma An Farms is two families working together to grow delicious rice in the most environmentally friendly methods possible. We grow several varieties of rice, including Koshihikari, Koshiibuki, Hananomai, and Kuromai. Most of our rice is grown using conventional methods--planting machines, synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, weed-killers--though, each year an increasing percentage of our rice is grown completely organic--no use of pesticides or weed-killers and only using natural fertilizers.
. .
Daruma An Farms

Welcome to Daruma An Farms!
Daruma An Farms is a family owned and operated farm located on Sado Island, Japan. We grow Koshihikari, Organic Hananomai, and Organic Black Rice.
We can ship our rice anywhere in Japan, so please check out the Shop if you would like to purchase some!
Created in 2009 on Sado Island, Japan, Daruma An Farms is two families working together to grow delicious rice in the most environmentally friendly methods possible. We grow several varieties of rice, including Koshihikari, Koshiibuki, Hananomai, and Kuromai. Most of our rice is grown using conventional methods--planting machines, synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, weed-killers--though, each year an increasing percentage of our rice is grown completely organic--no use of pesticides or weed-killers and only using natural fertilizers.
. .
Kamon family crest
Family Crest 家紋 kamon

© PHOTO : yotchan
This is a
. Daruma from Shirakawa 白川だるま
Mon (紋), also monshō (紋章) Monsho,
mondokoro (紋所), and kamon (家紋),
are Japanese emblems used to decorate and identify an individual or family. While mon is an encompassing term that may refer to any such device, kamon and mondokoro refer specifically to emblems used to identify a family.
The devices are similar to the badges and coats of arms in European heraldic tradition, which likewise are used to identify individuals and families. Mon are often referred to as crests in Western literature, which is another European heraldic device that approximates the mon in function.
On the battlefield, mon served as army standards, even though this usage was not universal and uniquely designed army standards were just as common as mon-based standards.
Check a long list of famous Japanese crests!
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

montsuki 紋付 formal wear with the family crest

CLICK for more photos !
monuwaeshi, mon uwa eshi 紋上絵師 painting family crests
The space for a family crest was usually left white by the cloth dyer and a special painter added the pattern and colors.
Since crests had become quite popular with the townspeople of Edo, they were used not only for official robes but also for decorations of every-day things, even 手ぬぐい tenugui hand towels.
The workshop of a crest painter did not take up much space and could be done in a small home in Edo.
- quote -
There are different styles of mon too. In the picture below, showing three variations of icho (ginko) mon, you can see three versions of a the mon: hinata – full sun (left), kage – shadow (middle), and nakakage – mid shadow (right). The more subtle versions are for slightly less formal occasions. There are also embroidered mon, called nui mon.

hinata mon 日向紋 - - - kage mon 陰紋 - - - nakakage mon 中陰紋
A family may choose a mon that is associated with their family (a family mon is called a kamon) or just opt for one they like instead. They are seen on all sorts of items in Japan: clothing, signs, boxes, ceramics, banners etc.
- source : -
上絵の道具 tools of a crest painter

(左から)from left to right
①分廻し(一本)bunmawashi compass to make a circle
②上絵筆(一本) ③定規 ④丸棒(二本) ⑤小刀(一本)
⑥丸刀(大、小) ⑦摺り込み刷毛(大,中、小) ⑧平刷毛(大、小)
⑨つや刷毛(大、中) ⑩平ゴテ ⑪丸ゴテ ⑫押さえゴテ
- Look at more photos how the tools are used:
- reference source : -
「紋直し mon naoshi」「紋入れ・入れ紋 mon ire」「抜き紋 nuki mon」
「摺り込み紋 surikomi mon」「切り付け紋 kiritsuke mon 」
「のり落とし上絵 nori-otoshi uwa-e」「加賀紋 kaga mon」
(Kaga mon is a crest for a "fashionable person" and was very colorful, sometimes with embroidery.)
- with detailed descriptions
- reference source : -
- Check out the detailed page of 紋章上絵師
Itoo 伊藤武雄 Ito Takeo
- reference source : -
. Edo craftsmen 江戸の職人 .
mongata shi 紋形師 craftsman making Mon patterns

source : mongata...
- quote -
Family-crest master fears he’s one of a dying breed
- Tomoko Ontake - Japan Times -
Dressed in a black kimono and wearing a pair of eye-catching black, triple-framed spectacles, Shoryu Hatoba straightens his back as he sits on the tatami floor of his quaint studio in Ueno, central Tokyo, holding a pair of bamboo compasses fitted with a brush dipped in ink in place of a pencil.
- snip -
But 56-year-old Hatoba is now one of a dying breed of monshō uwae shi (family-crest painters and designers). “I’m an endangered species,” the Tokyo native concedes.
That’s because Japan is now on the verge of losing the tradition of making and preserving the ritual or everyday use of kamon (family crests) — which pretty much everyone in the nation once had. That’s despite the fact that its first known family crests date from the eighth century, when nobles at the Imperial court, and then samurai warriors, started using them as badges of identity or ownership.
But unlike in the West, where family crests were exclusively for the nobility, in Japan their adoption grew exponentially during the Edo Period (1603-1867), and especially during its economically and culturally vibrant golden age known as the Genroku era (1688-1704), Hatoba explains.
Then everyone, but men mostly, started featuring them in whatever design they liked on their kimono. That even included commoners — who mostly had no family names at all until a law in the modernizing Meiji Era (1868-1912) required everyone to have one — though Hatoba says women were generally late to the kamon party, only adopting them at the end of the Edo Period.
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The crests’ motifs are derived from a wide range of plants, birds and other animals.
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As a profession, monshō uwae shi demands microscopic attention to detail and command of many sophisticated techniques — not to mention aesthetic sensibilities. And, as Hatoba explains, a crest’s component parts all have to be rendered in a circular design on average only 38 mm in diameter for men’s kimono, and 21 mm for women’s. Interestingly, too, the number of crests on a kimono ranges from one to five — with more crests reflecting an occasion’s greater formality.
Hatoba, who apprenticed under a kamon craftsman for five years before opening his shop, is determined to keep the tradition alive. To do that, he has collaborated with creators and corporations in various genres, featuring kamon designs on everything from bags to boxes of wagashi (traditional Japanese) sweets.
- snip -
- source : Japan Times 2013 -
. Edo shokunin 江戸の職人 Edo craftsmen .

Some crests covered in the Daruma Museum

. Mitsuba Aoi 三つ葉葵 Hollycock of Tokugawa Clan
. Tokugawa Ieyasu 徳川家康
. Tokugawa Mitsukuni 徳川 光圀
The famous inro box with the "mondokoro" from Mito Komon.
. Asa no ha 麻の葉の家紋 Hemp leaf
. Kuyoo no mon, 九曜の紋
Nine planets, nine deities representing the stars
. Myooga 茗荷 Japanese Ginger
. Rindoo no mon 竜胆 gentian blossoms
. Rokumon sen 六文銭 Six coins of Sanada

Daruma in a turtle shell crest
More than 90 Crests from shrines and temples
shinmon 神紋 Shrine crest - jimon 寺紋 Temple crest

source :
- quote
A tomoe (巴), also 鞆絵, and tomowe (ともゑ) in its archaic form, is a Japanese abstract shape described as a swirl that resembles a comma or the usual form of a magatama. The origin of tomoe is uncertain. Some think that it originally meant tomoe (鞆絵), or drawings on tomo (鞆), a round arm protector used by an archer, whereas others see tomoe as stylized magatama.
It is a common design element in Japanese family emblems (家紋 kamon) and corporate logos, particularly in triplicate whorls known as mitsudomoe (三つ巴).

A mitsudomoe design on a taiko drum (note the negative space in the center forms a triskelion)
Some view the mitsudomoe as representative of the threefold division (Man, Earth, and Sky) at the heart of the Shinto religion. Originally, it was associated with the Shinto war deity Hachiman, and through that was adopted by the samurai as their traditional symbol. One mitsudomoe variant, the Hidari Gomon, is the traditional symbol of Okinawa.
The Koyasan Shingon sect of Buddhism uses the Hidari Gomon as a visual representation of the cycle of life.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Hachiman Shrines in the Edo period .
- quote
Okinawan Symbols and History of the Hidari-Gomon
The Hidari Gomon and it was once the Royal crest of Ryukyu Kingdom in Okinawa. In Japanese it is called the Hidari mitsudomoe and is a common design element in Japanese family emblems (家紋) and corporate logos. The Hidari Gonon is the primary traditional symbol of Okinawa. It is unclear who used the symbol first but it has special significance to the Okinawan people especially those practicing the ancient art of Okinawan Karate. I have heard a couple different interpretations of the meaning of the symbol so their may be more than one definition for the symbol.
The Koyasan Shingon sect of Buddhism which came from China to Japan uses the Hidari Gomon as a visual representation of the cycle of life. Others believe that the symbol is Shinto related because in Shinto mythology the symbol is often used to signify the structure taking place between three worlds. Such worlds include heaven, Earth, and the Underworld.
One explanation that was particularly interesting to me was the Okinawan folktale where they interpret the "Hidari Gomon" as representing loyalty, heroism, and altruism to a proud island people and their descendants. They believe it to be expressed through a past full of struggle and hardship, but also a willingness to face the difficulties the ahead no matter what the cost.

Later, back in the Ryukyu Kingdom, the envoy described the death of three warriors to the King. The King after hearing the story of the Ryukyu guards deaths had up the Hidari-Gomon drawn up to symbolize their heroic action. The symbol is said to portray the three Ryukyu warriors spinning around in the pot giving their lives for the greater good of the people. The symbol has since become the symbol of the Ryukyu Kingdom, a symbol which can now be found just about everywhere in Okinawa.
Many Karate dojos have also incorporated its use into the symbols they use to represent their particular style of the ancient Okinawan art of Karate
- source :
- quote -
tomoemon 巴文
1 - Also tomoe 巴. A pattern of one or more curled tadpole shapes inside a circle. The pattern is also called right tomoe, migidomoe 右巴, or left tomoe, hidaridomoe 左巴, depending on the direction in which the pattern curves. When the comma shapes are placed in opposite directions, the term kaeruko domoe 蛙子巴 is used. The expressions double tomoe, futatsudomoe 二つ巴, or triple tomoe, mitsudomoe 三つ巴 are used depending on the number of tadpole shapes used.
The pattern was used to decorate the eave-end semi-cylindrical tiles *nokidomoegawara 軒巴瓦, *nokimarugawara 軒丸瓦 on Buddhist temples.
The pattern first appeared in the Heian period and has continued to be popular to the present day. Sharp pointed tomoemon forms in the Heian period gradually changed to short rounded forms by the Edo period. The same is design is also found on roof-tiles in China, where the tomoemon is associated with water. Therefore, the tiles are believed to ward off fire. A tile with this design is known as *tomoegawara 巴瓦 or *hanamarugawara 端丸瓦.
2 -
A design pattern comprised of one or more spherical head-like shapes each with a connected curving tail-like shape which ends in a point. The character tomoe 巴 means eddy or whirlpool; however, it is not clear if this was the original idea of the design. Some scholars are convinced that it stems from the design on leather guard worn by ancient archers-tomo 鞆 thus tomo-e 鞆絵, a tomo picture.
Others say it was originally a representation of a coiled snake. It may be the oldest design in Japan, because it is similar in shape to the *magatama 曲玉 jewelry beads of the Yayoi period. It appears as a design on the wall paintings of the Byoudouin *Hououdou 平等院鳳凰堂 (1053) in Kyoto, and in the Illustrated Handscroll of the Tale of Genji Genji monogatari emaki 源氏物語絵巻 (early 12c). It was widely used from the Kamakura period onward and is often found on utensils, roof tiles and family and shrine heraldry. Its frequent appearance in connection with Shinto shrines indicates that it was thought to express the spirit of the gods. Patterns of one, two and three tomoe exist, some facing left, others right.
- source : JAANUS -
kite with a tomoe 巴(ともえ)Tomoe pattern

. 静岡の凧 Kites from Shizuoka .

CLICK for more photos !
kani botan, kani-botan 蟹牡丹 crab and peony
A crest where the blossoms and leaves of a peony are formed in a way to represent a crab.
It was often used for cloths and carpets.

. Kani Yakushi 蟹薬師 "Crab Yakushi" Temple .
Ochiai, Gifu

Sendai Botan 蟹牡丹(仙台牡丹)- Date clan
鍋島緞通 carpet from Nabeshima
蟹牡丹唐草文 kani botan karakusa mon

Carpet with kani botan pattern.
- source : -
. karakusa 唐草 / からくさ Karakusa art motives .
karakusa moyoo 唐草模様 Karakusa pattern. Karakusa arabesque
Chinesischen Arabesken und Rankenornamente

source :
色絵牡丹文変形皿 kanibotan pattern - Nabeshima
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
kamon 家紋 family crest
If people fought about the parents of a child, in former times, they used to wash the 胞衣placenta in water and when it floated up, the proper Kamon would show.
愛知県 Aichi 岩倉町 Iwakura
daija 大蛇 big serpent
青森県 Aomori 大間町 Oma
hotoke no zaisho ホトケの罪障 Buddhist attonement for sins
Once a man about 38 years of age came to the temple asking what to do. He felt very weak and could not go to work any more. After some explanation this became clear:
In former times at this fisherman's home a dead body got caught in the net. The family had taken care of it in a funeral, but since the family crest was different, the man's sould could not go to the Buddhist paradise. So they performed a special ritual and he was healed.
愛媛県 Ehime 成妙村 Narutaemura
shirohebi 白蛇 white serpent
岐阜県 Gifu 池田町 Ikeda
yamanba 山姥 old woman in a mountain
神奈川県 Kanagawa 小田原市 Odawara
hato 鳩 dove
鹿児島県 Kagoshima 伊佐郡 Isa district
Garappa, the Kappa ガラッパ / 河童
If people wear a robe with a family crest, put up a candle and look through the long sleeve of the kimono, they could see a Garappa.

Gataro ガタロ Kappa
If people went swimming in the river during the 祇園さん(天王さん Gion Festival, the Gataro would pull them in the water, so swimming was not allowed during that time.
The Shrine crest of the Gion shrine was a cucumber cut in slices, a favorite food of the Kappa. So during that festival people were not allowed to eat cucumbers.

祇園さんの神紋 Gion Shrine Crest
. Kappa Legends from Kyushu 河童伝説 - 九州 .
宮城県 Miyagi 東松島市 Higashi Matsushima
kitsune 狐 the fox
Once upon a time
at a place called Ipponsugi 一本杉 (one cedar tree) a fox used to come out clad as a human in a 紋付羽織 haori coat with a family crest.
島根県 Shimane 鹿島町 Kashima
ryuuja 竜蛇 dragon-serpent and shinmon 神紋 Shrine crest
- source : nichibun yokai database -
- #tomoe #familycrest #kanibotan #kamon -
Family Crest 家紋 kamon

© PHOTO : yotchan
This is a
. Daruma from Shirakawa 白川だるま
Mon (紋), also monshō (紋章) Monsho,
mondokoro (紋所), and kamon (家紋),
are Japanese emblems used to decorate and identify an individual or family. While mon is an encompassing term that may refer to any such device, kamon and mondokoro refer specifically to emblems used to identify a family.
The devices are similar to the badges and coats of arms in European heraldic tradition, which likewise are used to identify individuals and families. Mon are often referred to as crests in Western literature, which is another European heraldic device that approximates the mon in function.
On the battlefield, mon served as army standards, even though this usage was not universal and uniquely designed army standards were just as common as mon-based standards.
Check a long list of famous Japanese crests!
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montsuki 紋付 formal wear with the family crest

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monuwaeshi, mon uwa eshi 紋上絵師 painting family crests
The space for a family crest was usually left white by the cloth dyer and a special painter added the pattern and colors.
Since crests had become quite popular with the townspeople of Edo, they were used not only for official robes but also for decorations of every-day things, even 手ぬぐい tenugui hand towels.
The workshop of a crest painter did not take up much space and could be done in a small home in Edo.
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There are different styles of mon too. In the picture below, showing three variations of icho (ginko) mon, you can see three versions of a the mon: hinata – full sun (left), kage – shadow (middle), and nakakage – mid shadow (right). The more subtle versions are for slightly less formal occasions. There are also embroidered mon, called nui mon.

hinata mon 日向紋 - - - kage mon 陰紋 - - - nakakage mon 中陰紋
A family may choose a mon that is associated with their family (a family mon is called a kamon) or just opt for one they like instead. They are seen on all sorts of items in Japan: clothing, signs, boxes, ceramics, banners etc.
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上絵の道具 tools of a crest painter

(左から)from left to right
①分廻し(一本)bunmawashi compass to make a circle
②上絵筆(一本) ③定規 ④丸棒(二本) ⑤小刀(一本)
⑥丸刀(大、小) ⑦摺り込み刷毛(大,中、小) ⑧平刷毛(大、小)
⑨つや刷毛(大、中) ⑩平ゴテ ⑪丸ゴテ ⑫押さえゴテ
- Look at more photos how the tools are used:
- reference source : -
「紋直し mon naoshi」「紋入れ・入れ紋 mon ire」「抜き紋 nuki mon」
「摺り込み紋 surikomi mon」「切り付け紋 kiritsuke mon 」
「のり落とし上絵 nori-otoshi uwa-e」「加賀紋 kaga mon」
(Kaga mon is a crest for a "fashionable person" and was very colorful, sometimes with embroidery.)
- with detailed descriptions
- reference source : -
- Check out the detailed page of 紋章上絵師
Itoo 伊藤武雄 Ito Takeo
- reference source : -
. Edo craftsmen 江戸の職人 .
mongata shi 紋形師 craftsman making Mon patterns

source : mongata...
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Family-crest master fears he’s one of a dying breed
- Tomoko Ontake - Japan Times -
Dressed in a black kimono and wearing a pair of eye-catching black, triple-framed spectacles, Shoryu Hatoba straightens his back as he sits on the tatami floor of his quaint studio in Ueno, central Tokyo, holding a pair of bamboo compasses fitted with a brush dipped in ink in place of a pencil.
- snip -
But 56-year-old Hatoba is now one of a dying breed of monshō uwae shi (family-crest painters and designers). “I’m an endangered species,” the Tokyo native concedes.
That’s because Japan is now on the verge of losing the tradition of making and preserving the ritual or everyday use of kamon (family crests) — which pretty much everyone in the nation once had. That’s despite the fact that its first known family crests date from the eighth century, when nobles at the Imperial court, and then samurai warriors, started using them as badges of identity or ownership.
But unlike in the West, where family crests were exclusively for the nobility, in Japan their adoption grew exponentially during the Edo Period (1603-1867), and especially during its economically and culturally vibrant golden age known as the Genroku era (1688-1704), Hatoba explains.
Then everyone, but men mostly, started featuring them in whatever design they liked on their kimono. That even included commoners — who mostly had no family names at all until a law in the modernizing Meiji Era (1868-1912) required everyone to have one — though Hatoba says women were generally late to the kamon party, only adopting them at the end of the Edo Period.
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The crests’ motifs are derived from a wide range of plants, birds and other animals.
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As a profession, monshō uwae shi demands microscopic attention to detail and command of many sophisticated techniques — not to mention aesthetic sensibilities. And, as Hatoba explains, a crest’s component parts all have to be rendered in a circular design on average only 38 mm in diameter for men’s kimono, and 21 mm for women’s. Interestingly, too, the number of crests on a kimono ranges from one to five — with more crests reflecting an occasion’s greater formality.
Hatoba, who apprenticed under a kamon craftsman for five years before opening his shop, is determined to keep the tradition alive. To do that, he has collaborated with creators and corporations in various genres, featuring kamon designs on everything from bags to boxes of wagashi (traditional Japanese) sweets.
- snip -
- source : Japan Times 2013 -
. Edo shokunin 江戸の職人 Edo craftsmen .

Some crests covered in the Daruma Museum

. Mitsuba Aoi 三つ葉葵 Hollycock of Tokugawa Clan
. Tokugawa Ieyasu 徳川家康
. Tokugawa Mitsukuni 徳川 光圀
The famous inro box with the "mondokoro" from Mito Komon.
. Asa no ha 麻の葉の家紋 Hemp leaf
. Kuyoo no mon, 九曜の紋
Nine planets, nine deities representing the stars
. Myooga 茗荷 Japanese Ginger
. Rindoo no mon 竜胆 gentian blossoms
. Rokumon sen 六文銭 Six coins of Sanada

Daruma in a turtle shell crest
More than 90 Crests from shrines and temples
shinmon 神紋 Shrine crest - jimon 寺紋 Temple crest

source :
- quote
A tomoe (巴), also 鞆絵, and tomowe (ともゑ) in its archaic form, is a Japanese abstract shape described as a swirl that resembles a comma or the usual form of a magatama. The origin of tomoe is uncertain. Some think that it originally meant tomoe (鞆絵), or drawings on tomo (鞆), a round arm protector used by an archer, whereas others see tomoe as stylized magatama.
It is a common design element in Japanese family emblems (家紋 kamon) and corporate logos, particularly in triplicate whorls known as mitsudomoe (三つ巴).

A mitsudomoe design on a taiko drum (note the negative space in the center forms a triskelion)
Some view the mitsudomoe as representative of the threefold division (Man, Earth, and Sky) at the heart of the Shinto religion. Originally, it was associated with the Shinto war deity Hachiman, and through that was adopted by the samurai as their traditional symbol. One mitsudomoe variant, the Hidari Gomon, is the traditional symbol of Okinawa.
The Koyasan Shingon sect of Buddhism uses the Hidari Gomon as a visual representation of the cycle of life.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Hachiman Shrines in the Edo period .
- quote
Okinawan Symbols and History of the Hidari-Gomon
The Hidari Gomon and it was once the Royal crest of Ryukyu Kingdom in Okinawa. In Japanese it is called the Hidari mitsudomoe and is a common design element in Japanese family emblems (家紋) and corporate logos. The Hidari Gonon is the primary traditional symbol of Okinawa. It is unclear who used the symbol first but it has special significance to the Okinawan people especially those practicing the ancient art of Okinawan Karate. I have heard a couple different interpretations of the meaning of the symbol so their may be more than one definition for the symbol.
The Koyasan Shingon sect of Buddhism which came from China to Japan uses the Hidari Gomon as a visual representation of the cycle of life. Others believe that the symbol is Shinto related because in Shinto mythology the symbol is often used to signify the structure taking place between three worlds. Such worlds include heaven, Earth, and the Underworld.
One explanation that was particularly interesting to me was the Okinawan folktale where they interpret the "Hidari Gomon" as representing loyalty, heroism, and altruism to a proud island people and their descendants. They believe it to be expressed through a past full of struggle and hardship, but also a willingness to face the difficulties the ahead no matter what the cost.

Later, back in the Ryukyu Kingdom, the envoy described the death of three warriors to the King. The King after hearing the story of the Ryukyu guards deaths had up the Hidari-Gomon drawn up to symbolize their heroic action. The symbol is said to portray the three Ryukyu warriors spinning around in the pot giving their lives for the greater good of the people. The symbol has since become the symbol of the Ryukyu Kingdom, a symbol which can now be found just about everywhere in Okinawa.
Many Karate dojos have also incorporated its use into the symbols they use to represent their particular style of the ancient Okinawan art of Karate
- source :
- quote -
tomoemon 巴文
1 - Also tomoe 巴. A pattern of one or more curled tadpole shapes inside a circle. The pattern is also called right tomoe, migidomoe 右巴, or left tomoe, hidaridomoe 左巴, depending on the direction in which the pattern curves. When the comma shapes are placed in opposite directions, the term kaeruko domoe 蛙子巴 is used. The expressions double tomoe, futatsudomoe 二つ巴, or triple tomoe, mitsudomoe 三つ巴 are used depending on the number of tadpole shapes used.
The pattern was used to decorate the eave-end semi-cylindrical tiles *nokidomoegawara 軒巴瓦, *nokimarugawara 軒丸瓦 on Buddhist temples.
The pattern first appeared in the Heian period and has continued to be popular to the present day. Sharp pointed tomoemon forms in the Heian period gradually changed to short rounded forms by the Edo period. The same is design is also found on roof-tiles in China, where the tomoemon is associated with water. Therefore, the tiles are believed to ward off fire. A tile with this design is known as *tomoegawara 巴瓦 or *hanamarugawara 端丸瓦.
2 -
A design pattern comprised of one or more spherical head-like shapes each with a connected curving tail-like shape which ends in a point. The character tomoe 巴 means eddy or whirlpool; however, it is not clear if this was the original idea of the design. Some scholars are convinced that it stems from the design on leather guard worn by ancient archers-tomo 鞆 thus tomo-e 鞆絵, a tomo picture.
Others say it was originally a representation of a coiled snake. It may be the oldest design in Japan, because it is similar in shape to the *magatama 曲玉 jewelry beads of the Yayoi period. It appears as a design on the wall paintings of the Byoudouin *Hououdou 平等院鳳凰堂 (1053) in Kyoto, and in the Illustrated Handscroll of the Tale of Genji Genji monogatari emaki 源氏物語絵巻 (early 12c). It was widely used from the Kamakura period onward and is often found on utensils, roof tiles and family and shrine heraldry. Its frequent appearance in connection with Shinto shrines indicates that it was thought to express the spirit of the gods. Patterns of one, two and three tomoe exist, some facing left, others right.
- source : JAANUS -
kite with a tomoe 巴(ともえ)Tomoe pattern

. 静岡の凧 Kites from Shizuoka .

CLICK for more photos !
kani botan, kani-botan 蟹牡丹 crab and peony
A crest where the blossoms and leaves of a peony are formed in a way to represent a crab.
It was often used for cloths and carpets.

. Kani Yakushi 蟹薬師 "Crab Yakushi" Temple .
Ochiai, Gifu

Sendai Botan 蟹牡丹(仙台牡丹)- Date clan
鍋島緞通 carpet from Nabeshima
蟹牡丹唐草文 kani botan karakusa mon

Carpet with kani botan pattern.
- source : -
. karakusa 唐草 / からくさ Karakusa art motives .
karakusa moyoo 唐草模様 Karakusa pattern. Karakusa arabesque
Chinesischen Arabesken und Rankenornamente

source :
色絵牡丹文変形皿 kanibotan pattern - Nabeshima
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
kamon 家紋 family crest
If people fought about the parents of a child, in former times, they used to wash the 胞衣placenta in water and when it floated up, the proper Kamon would show.
愛知県 Aichi 岩倉町 Iwakura
daija 大蛇 big serpent
青森県 Aomori 大間町 Oma
hotoke no zaisho ホトケの罪障 Buddhist attonement for sins
Once a man about 38 years of age came to the temple asking what to do. He felt very weak and could not go to work any more. After some explanation this became clear:
In former times at this fisherman's home a dead body got caught in the net. The family had taken care of it in a funeral, but since the family crest was different, the man's sould could not go to the Buddhist paradise. So they performed a special ritual and he was healed.
愛媛県 Ehime 成妙村 Narutaemura
shirohebi 白蛇 white serpent
岐阜県 Gifu 池田町 Ikeda
yamanba 山姥 old woman in a mountain
神奈川県 Kanagawa 小田原市 Odawara
hato 鳩 dove
鹿児島県 Kagoshima 伊佐郡 Isa district
Garappa, the Kappa ガラッパ / 河童
If people wear a robe with a family crest, put up a candle and look through the long sleeve of the kimono, they could see a Garappa.

Gataro ガタロ Kappa
If people went swimming in the river during the 祇園さん(天王さん Gion Festival, the Gataro would pull them in the water, so swimming was not allowed during that time.
The Shrine crest of the Gion shrine was a cucumber cut in slices, a favorite food of the Kappa. So during that festival people were not allowed to eat cucumbers.

祇園さんの神紋 Gion Shrine Crest
. Kappa Legends from Kyushu 河童伝説 - 九州 .
宮城県 Miyagi 東松島市 Higashi Matsushima
kitsune 狐 the fox
Once upon a time
at a place called Ipponsugi 一本杉 (one cedar tree) a fox used to come out clad as a human in a 紋付羽織 haori coat with a family crest.
島根県 Shimane 鹿島町 Kashima
ryuuja 竜蛇 dragon-serpent and shinmon 神紋 Shrine crest
- source : nichibun yokai database -
- #tomoe #familycrest #kanibotan #kamon -
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