
Mikaeri Amida looking back


Mikaeri Amida 見返り阿弥陀 Amida looking Back

An image of a standing *raigou-in Amida 来迎印阿弥陀 who is shown from the side as he turns his head back.
Based on a story of late 11c Buddhist priest Eikan 永観, who practised constantly moving, uninterrupted nembutsu 念仏 (the recitation of sutras). While he was walking around the back of the central image during this practice, he grew sleepy and came to a stop . Just at this moment the main image turned his head back and said "Eikan hurry up!".
An image of an Amida looking back, related to the story of Eikan, is preserved in Eikandou 永観堂, Zenrinji 禅林寺, Kyoto.


Eikandou 永観堂, Zenrinji 禅林寺
The temple is commonly called Eikando after the 7th head of the sect, Yokan Risshi.
Establishment - 863 AD.
The Emperor Seiwa named the temple "Zenrin-ji".

Zenrin-ji is the head temple of Jodo-shu Seizan Zenrin-ji sect. The temple has more than 1,100 years of history and is dedicated to Amida. Due to a merciful pose of Mikaeri Amida (Amitabha looking back), the temple attracts many believers and people through the world. The temple is also well-known as "Eikando in maple leaves", because of its beautiful garden filled with many maple trees. In late November, many people visit the temple to worship the Amida and enjoy the scenery.

Among them, Yokan (1033-1111), who is commonly known as "Eikan", is famous for his virtue and aid to the poor. Jodo-syu teaches that human will surely reborn in Jodo (the Pure Land in the West) by praising repeatedly Nembutsu, "Namu Amida Butsu". Yokan names himself "Nembutsu-syu Yokan", because he believed in the teach of the Amida. Yokan also devoted for helping the poor. He built the hospital in Zenrin-ji and planted plam trees to feed plam fruits to the poor as medicine. The plam trees are known as "Hidenbai".

There is an interesting story why Mikaeri-Amida is looking back.In the early morning on Feb. 15, 1082, Yokan was walking around the altar praising "Nembutu". All of a sudden, the Amida came down the altar and began to lead Yokan. Yokan was stunned and stoped walking, then the Amida looked back over the left sholder and said "Yokan, you are slow." Yokan awoke and was deaply impressed the merciful pose of the Amida. He pleaded with the Amida to keep the pose forever. Since then, the Amida has been keeping the pose of "Mikaeri (Looking back)".
The pose is a symbol of the Amida's mercy to lead people and wait people who are late.

Read it all here:
source : eikando.or.jp/English


Eikan - Yōkan - Eikan-dō Zenrin-ji (永観堂禅林寺)
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Eikan Ki 永観忌 (えいかんき) Eikan Memorial Day
kigo for mid-winter
. Memorial Days of Famous People - Saijiki .


Here is a modern painting of the famous Amida

Mikaeri Amida (Amitabha Looking Back), Oil on Canvas(15F), '99


And plenty more modern paintings of Amida for sale.

List of famous temples in the Higashiyama Area of Kyoto,
where the temple with our Amida is located too.


Eikan-do Temple
Also known as Zenrin-ji Temple, the Eikan-do Temple is interesting because of its varied architecture, gardens, and works of art. Priest Shinsho had originally founded the temple in 855. However, the name was changed in the 11th Century to honour the benevolent priest, Eikan. The famous statue of Mikaeri Amida (Buddha Glancing Backwards) is housed in the Amida-do Hall at the southern end of the temple.

And more about the temples in the area:


MORE red maple leaves
source : eikando.or.jp/kinei

MORE momiji at night
source : eikando.or.jp/lightup





[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]
. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List .
Tengu and Daruma 天狗とだるま

CLICK for more tengu photos
Tengu from Mount Takao

Tengu (天狗, "heavenly dogs")
are a class of supernatural creatures found in Japanese folklore, art, theater, and literature. They are one of the best known yōkai (monster-spirits) and are sometimes worshipped as Shinto kami (revered spirits or gods). Although they take their name from a dog-like Chinese demon (Tiangou), the tengu were originally thought to take the forms of birds of prey, and they are traditionally depicted with both human and avian characteristics.
The earliest tengu were pictured with beaks (karasu tengu 烏天狗), but this feature has often been humanized as an unnaturally long nose, which today is practically the tengu's defining characteristic in the popular imagination.

Buddhism long held that the tengu were disruptive demons and harbingers of war. Their image gradually softened, however, into one of protective, if still dangerous, spirits of the mountains and forests. Tengu are associated with the ascetic practice known as Shugendō, and they are usually depicted in the distinctive garb of its followers, the yamabushi.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Tengu from Miroku-Ji 弥勒寺
445 Kamihotchimachi, Numata, Gunma Kashozan 迦葉山弥勒寺

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .


坂出の天狗まつり Tengu Festival in Sakaide

The festival is centered on Saganbo Tengu, a long-nosed goblin from Mount Shiramine near Sakaide that appears in many ancient Japanese folktales. The main events such as the Tengu Walk, Tengu Bazaar and Tengu Kite-Flying Contest focus on this theme. The Tengu Marathons (15km and 5km) are particularly popular, and they attract participants from all over the nation because of the scenic view of the Seto Inland Sea and Seto Ohashi Bridge. Bowls of udon (hot wheat noodles) with ten no gu (ten kinds of ingredients) are available at every festival site.

Tengu Udon 天狗うどん

Date: 2nd weekend in February
Place: Saganbo, Oyabu-cho, Sakaide City; Hayashida

白峰山の相模坊(通称「さがん坊」)は,「保元物語」をはじめとして「源平盛衰記」,「太平記」,「雨月物語」など,多くの史書文献にもしばしば登場し,日本の八大天狗の一狗として古来から輝かしい歴史の1頁を飾っています。 こうした由来のある「相模坊」から生まれたのが,「大天狗しらみね爺や」と「小天狗さがんぼうや」の両天狗です。

. Saganbō or Sagamibō 相模坊 .

天狗うどん作り How to make Tengu Udon Noodles

Even a Tengu Marathon Walk on high wooden clogs.


Tengu 天狗の面 <> Long-Nosed Goblins
At Mt. Takao

. Hiwatari matsuri 高尾山の火渡り祭
fire-walking ritual at Mt. Takao
with tengu and tengu waffles 天狗焼き Tengu Yaki


Here is another group with Tengu and O-Kame (Okame)

Read a bit more about the three characters here and come back:

By now, you might wonder what this strange bedfellows do together.
Well, Okame represents the female genitals, Tengu of course the male ones and our Daruma, in this context, the golden balls (kintama). As a symbol for fertility of the human and the earth, these three are often found in souvenirs from rural areas and hot springs.


A Book about Little Daruma and his Friend, Little Tengu
This was so popular it is now a TV series about Little Daruma and his friends.

Little Daruma & Little Tengu

By Kako Satoshi, Peter Howlett Hardcover


There is a whole Daruma-chan Family.

Daruma-chan and Tengu-chan

Look at this delightful picture story:

More books about Daruma and his little friends.
だるまちゃんとかみなりちゃん Kaminari-chan, the Thunder Boy
だるまちゃんととらのこちゃん Tora, the little Tiger
だるまちゃんとだいこくちゃん Daikoku, the God of Good Luck
加古 里子 Kako Satoshi

Daruma chan and Tora chan だるまちゃんととらのこちゃん
Daruma and Little Tiger
. Tora トラ - 虎 - 寅 Tiger Toys .

Ehon, E-Hon 絵本 Exhibition in New York, January 2007

Kako Satoshi Sensei 加古里子
90 years with birthday present Daruma


.. .. .. .. .. The Real Tengu Daruma

Read my Story about Haguro San.


All you ever want to know about Tengu
with great illustrations

By Mark Schumacher
Tengu are mountain and forest goblins with both Shinto and Buddhist attributes. Their supernatural powers include shape-shifting into human or animal forms, the ability to speak to humans without moving their mouth, the magic of moving instantly from place to place without using their wings, and the sorcery to appear uninvited in the dreams of the living.


A wooden doll set of a Tengu and 5 Daruma dolls


Daruma with Geta and Box like a Tengu

Side and Back

Photos from my friend Ishino.


White Daruma and large Tengu mask

© PHOTO : nanalove701


. Komine Jinja 古峯ヶ原古峯神社 Nikko .
Tengu no Yashiro 天狗の社 Shrine of the Tengu
Seals of the Tengu 天狗の御朱印 with 16 different faces:

CLICK for more photos !

Tengu Shuin 天狗朱印 temple stamps


Tengu and his wooden clogs, the GETA, this is another story

- - - Geta Sandals 下駄 - - -


source : tabelog.com/tokyo/

だるまてんぐ Daruma Tengu restaurant
恵比寿横丁 - Tokyo

- More restaurants with the name TENGU 天狗
- reference : 天狗 レストラン -

- reference : tengu restaurant -


source : James Bird - Tatooing


drawing by Yang Lee, Facebook 2023


Tengu -The Shamanic and Esoteric Origins
of the Japanese Martial Arts

Roald Knutsen

This fully illustrated volume, including an eight-page colour-plate section, is the first in-depth study in English to examine the warrior and shamanic characteristics and significance of tengu in the martial art culture (bugei) of Muromachi Japan (1336-1573).
According to Roald Knutsen,
who is widely known for his writings on the samurai tradition, prompting his life-long study of tengu – the part-human, part-animal creatures – was the early discovery that the tengu of the Muromachi period were interacting with the deadly serious bugei masters teaching the arts of war. … read moreHere were beings who did not conform to the comic, goblin-like creatures of common folklore and were not the creations of the Buddhist priests intent on demonizing that which they did not understand and could not control.
source : www.brill.nl/tengu



. The Seven Tengu Scrolls 七天狗絵 Shichi Tengu-e .

The Seven Scrolls Tengu:
Evil and the Rhetoric of Legitimacy in Medieval Japanese Buddhism
by Haruko Wakabayashi


Torii Kiyomasu I - 鳥居清倍 


Konpira pilgrims carrying a tengu mask on their rucksack wooden box (oizuri)

. Konpira pilgrims 金比羅参り .


source : daizukan9.blog63.fc2.com

pokkuri tengu 健康長寿のぽっくり天狗
Tengu for a healthy long life and sudden death

Hoogihoogi Jinja 宝来宝来神社 Hogihogi Jinja
熊本県阿蘇郡南阿蘇村石神3, Kumamoto, Minami Aso

- Homepage of the shrine
pokkuri Tengu sama ぽっくり天狗さま
This was a present from a shrine located in the mountains of Kochi prefecture.
A man who had been ill and been cared for back to health shortly after the war there, promised to give it as a present. He prayed every day "hogi hogi ホギホギ 宝来宝来" (come, sacred treasure) until he and his son were both cured.
He had many children and grand-children and when he was 100 years old, he lay down, laughed aloud calling "pokkuri" and was on his way to paradise in no time.
- source : hogihogi.org

. pokkuri  ぽっくり amulets for a sudden death .


kigo for late spring

. tengu no goohan 天狗の強飯(てんぐのごうはん)
large rice portion of the tengu goblin

CLICK for more photos

another name for the ceremony
Nikko Gohanshiki (Nikkoo Goohan-Shiki 日光強飯式)

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List .


. Kashoozan no tengu men 迦葉山の天狗面
Tengu mask from Tengu Mountain Kashozan

. . . . . and
sanshoo tengu 山椒天狗
tengu from wood of the mountain pepper


Tengu from my collection


***** . Haiku with NOSE (hana 鼻) .

Mukai Tengu 向い天狗 Tengu facing each other
Fuji Tengu 富士天狗(富士太郎)Tengu from Mount Fuji
and many more
. Folk Toys with a Tengu .

. Sake Legends and Buddhist Temples 酒とお寺 .
Legend from Mirokuji 弥勒寺 Miroku-Ji, Gunma

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List .




Menuki, a sword fitting and Tsuba

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Menuki Set with Daruma
and Fuchi Kashira

As an introduction, read my story about

. Katana - the Japanese Sword .

. (2) Tsuba, Menuki, Daruma and the Sword
刀、鍔、目抜きとだるま― 武芸散歩 .


This is a nice fuchi kashira and menuki a set made in AKA KIN 赤金 ( reddish gold, copper mixed with gold ) for a Japanese sword.

Fuchi kashira are fittings for the tsuka that help hold the tsuka together.

The KASHIRA is deeply incised and decorated in the form of Daruma while the FUCHI is carved with his attributes; his big eyes, his earrings, and the fly whisk, hossu. The pair of menuki is made in the shape of Daruma enwrapped in a billowing cloak.

The details in very high relief are accented with finely shakudo and gold inlaid in a Yanagawa style.

This notable school takes rank with the GOTO, the NARA, and the YOKOYA in the extent of its influence, the numbers of its pupils, and the importance of the branch school founded by them. The founder, YANAGAWA NAOMASA (1692 –1757 ) was a pupil of the early YOKOYA and of the YOSHIOKA, and combined characteristics of both this school.

This menuki is signed YANAGAWA.

Different families and schools, such as the Goto, Nara, Hamano, Myochin and Yanagawa, evolved and created their own "house styles" which influenced and were influenced by the world/culture around them. Periodically military requirements made the tsuba return to its more humble beginnings. However as artistic skills developed and peace, more or less, arrived, the tsuba became less of an item of defense than a portable work of art to be shown off, given as a gift (let's impress the local boss/emperor/daimyo) and be passed down as a family heirloom.

· HIGH: 11 mm · WIDE: 22 mm · LENGTH: 38 mm
· HIGH: 9 mm · WIDE: 18 mm · LENGTH:34 mm
· 36 mm X 26 mm


TSUBA, the sword guard

. Tsuba, Menuki, Daruma and the Sword
刀、鍔、目抜きとだるま― 武芸散歩 .

Masterly crafted KINKO TSUBA signed and designed by the artist MASAYUKI. It features the portrayal of the famous ZEN PATRIARCH DARUMA and a HOSSU. This rare piece is of Japanese origin and dates back to the 18th century.

DATE: 18th century.

MARKS: Artist’s signature “Masayuki” at the Seppa-dai. Seal mark underneath the Kozuka Hitsu-ana.

ARTIST: Masayuki.
MATERIAL: Shakudo.
MANUFACTURING TECHNIQUE: Forging & chase work.
SHAPE: Kaku Gata.

CONDITION: Very good ORIGINAL as found condition with only minor traces of wear and some abrasions. Tiny nicks here and there. NO RESTORATION! Please wait for all pictures to load, as they illustrate the condition very accurately.

SIZE: Size is 2.6 x 3 inches. (tsuba 449sz)

This is an excellent 19th century Kinko sword guard signed and designed by the Japanese Tsuba artist Masayuki.

It features a rounded Kaku Gata shape with a Sukidashi Mimi (rim) and boasts an irregular surface. On the front we see the portrayal of the Zen patriarch Daruma executed in high relief. The famous Buddhist monk bears a grimly facial expression and wears a round earring. Underneath the Kozuka Hitsu-ana we find a seal mark also executed in high relief. On the verso is the depiction of a Hossu, the traditional attribute of Daruma.

The Japanese Hossu has its origins with the fly whisk carried by both Buddhist and Jain monks in India. Its purpose was to gently remove insects without harming them. As a tool of Ahimsa (non-violence), it represents compassionate action. It is also believed that the Hossu removes hindrances.


Daruma is the Japanese name given to Bodhidharma, the famous Buddhist monk and the founder of Zen Buddhism. After nine years of continuous meditation, both of his legs had died off. Until today Daruma dolls are popular gifts in Japan, especially when a new business is founded. A Daruma doll is considered a lucky charm promoting prosperity. Because of Daruma’s Indian ancestry his appearance was quite exotic for the Japanese people. Hence he often has been depicted in a slightly caricatured manner.

Quoted from Ebay December 2004


menuki by Aoki Harutsura (1805-1858)


Daruma sitting, holding a fly whisk

Edo Period 1615-1868
Edo period brass, gold & copper 7.2 x 6.8 cm
Bequest of Sir Samuel Way 1916
 source:  www.artgallery.sa. Australia


Tsuba with small Daruma

 © Swordstore.com


Look at a Tsuba collection of Robert Roemer



Size ca. 7,7 x 8 cm
Weight ca. 178 g


Photos from Ishino san


GOOGLE : Daruma Tsuba

Kanamono, Metal Figures  金物
..... From Silver 銀だるま


Kappa 河童 the Water Goblin

source : pinterest

CLICK for more tsuba and menuki photos !

CLICK for more photos to google !

. Kappapedia - my Kappa BLOG .  


Tengu 天狗 the Mountain Goblin

This is probably Yoshitsune Wakamaru Minamoto jumping upside, during sword technics, over crow-tengu Fudo Myoo acessor of Kurama mountain, and waterfall at foot of Kurama temple.
Old Tsuba of MITO style
source : Sylvain Guintard

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.


. Katana (1) - Daruma and the Japanese Sword
日本刀とだるま― 武芸散歩 .

. (2) Tsuba, Menuki, Daruma and the Sword
刀、鍔、目抜きとだるま― 武芸散歩 .

. mokkoo tsuba 木瓜鍔 Mokko sword guard .
- with quince pattern




Gingko Daruma Kigo

[ . BACK to Worldkigo TOP . ]
- Legends about the Gingko Tree -

Daruma from the Chichibu area, 秩父だるま
with a Gingko Leaf

ichoo,ichō 銀杏 Icho, Itcho, gingko biloba


Papermachee, with the painting of the important mountain of Chichibu, Mt. Bukoo, the regional tree, our Gingko, and the regional bird, a swan.
(photo got lost)

source : blog.uu-life.com
Daruma san on a float of the Chichibu Night Festival


Chichibu Papermachee Dolls
. . . CLICK here for more Photos !


Sugar dispenser in Daruma shape

CLICK for original LINK . gingko dreams

Look at many many more articles with Gingko design !
© www.ginkgodreams.com


Daruma Temples in Kyoto, with Autumn leaves
especially Gingko Trees

A wonderful LINK.

There are more autumn leaves and temples in Kyoto, click any.


Now let us look at more links

************ about the Gingko biloba tree

The complete Gingko Biloba Page

(Most of my following quotes are from this quote by Cor Kwant.)

I created this site because of my fascination and respect for this unique tree, a living fossil, unchanged since the time of the dinosaurs. It is the sole living link between the lower and higher plants, a symbol of longevity and is seen as one of the wonders of this world.
Cor Kwant

Gingko, the Chinese Name
Ginkgo : from the Chinese (later also Japanese) word Ginkyo meaning "silver apricot" (gin=silver, kyo=apricot). This term is thought to come from a romanized version for the Chinese ideograph Yin Hsing (Xing).

The Gingko Tree has many different names in different countries,
as you can see on the link below. Here is the Gingko World Leaf Design.

Mandarin ducks
are regarded as love symbols in China and Japan (duck foot). (The orange brown feather -right- is called Ichoo-ba in Japan.)
Look at the ducks and read more about the name here:

......................... Does it represent One living creature
......................... which has divided itself?
........................ Or are these Two, which have decided,
........................ that they should be as One?

Scientists thought that it had become extinct, but in 1691 the German Engelbert Kaempfer* discovered the Ginkgo in Japan. The Ginkgos had survived in China and there they were mainly found in monestaries in the mountains and in palace and temple gardens, where Buddhist monks cultivated the tree from about 1100 AD for its many good qualities. From there it spread (by seed) to Japan (around 1192 AD with some relation to Buddhism) and Korea.
Read more about the history of this tree.

*********** Medical Use

The seeds (baigo) are most used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, the leaves in western medicine. In Japan the seeds are called ginnan. The Japanese way of using Ginkgo as a medicine originates from the Chinese tradition.
Read a lot more about it.

Gingko Tea have been found to lower serum cholesterol and aid blood circulation. Besides, Gingko Tea is well known for helping to improve memory, reaction time and mental clarity. Gingko tea is particularly a favorite of Chinese tea drinking tradition. For more details on the health benefits of Gingko please read them at Gingko
Scientists in Japan prove one more time that gingko leaves are the best natural product to guard against and weaken the influence of radiation on relevant people exposed to radiation.
source : www.teacuppa.com

The A-Bomb and the Gingko Tree,
a Bearer of Hope in Hiroshima
At the end of World War II on August 6th 1945 an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima by the Americans. The plants and trees in the area around the epicentre were examined in September 1945. The Ginkgo situated near a temple about 1.1 km away from the blast center appeared to bud after the blast without any major deformations (the temple itself was destroyed).


Famous Gingko Trees in Kamakura.
... Shrine Tsurugaoka Hachimangu 鶴岡八幡宮
even after it fell down on March 10, 2010 !

More famous BIG Gingko in Japan
Temple Koosen-ji
In Downtown Utsunomiya
Mountains of Iseyama
Click on the other bottons on the right for more.
Also above the picture, click on the little box on the left [次へ] to see more.

Big Japanese Gingko Trees
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Ginkgo leaves can be mixed with vodka and a "mash" made over a couple of weeks.
That makes "mash" and American Sour Mash (whiskey).

American Sour Mash Whiskey Recipe:

Ginkgo "Mash" Recipe:

Opie (Kigo Hotline, 2011)



ichoo no hana 杏の花 (いちょうのはな) blossoms of the gingko tree
... hana ichoo 花銀杏(はないちょう)
... ginnan no hana ぎんなんの花(ぎんなんのはな)
kigo for late spring

ichoo momiji 銀杏黄葉(いちょうもみじ)yellow leaves of the gingko tree
ichoo chiru 銀杏散る (いちょうちる) gingko leaves falling
ginnan 銀杏 (ぎんなん) gingko nuts, gingko nut
... ichoo no mi 銀杏の実(いちょうのみ)
kigo for late autumn

ichoo ochiba 銀杏落葉 (いちょうおちば) fallen leaves of the gingko tree
kigo for early winter

ichoo karu 銀杏枯る(いちょうかる)gingko tree withers
kigo for all winter

銀杏散る 遠くに風の 音すれば

................... 富安風生 Tomiyasu Fuusei Sensei

gingko chiru tooku ni kaze no oto sureba
scattering gingko leaves -
faint sound from the wind
far away

Tr. Gabi Greve

- - Photo Gabi Greve
Gingko tree at Temple Tanjo-Ji, 2007


- Legends about the Gingko Tree -


- #gingko #icho #itchoo #ichoo #biloba -