
Chatsutsu Daruma


Daruma as Container for Tea Leaves

cha tsutsu, chazutsu 茶筒

In contrast to the container for powdered tea, cha ire 茶入, we have a container for leaf tea, tea caddy, tea canister, cha tsutsu 茶筒. They are made from various materials, including wood, metal and plastic.
Some have a second internal lid.

Freshness is one of Japanese green tea's most important qualities. Unlike dry oxidized teas such as black or oolong, it does not last forever. Tea leaves easily deteriorate by contacting with oxygen, ultraviolet light, humidity, or high temperatures.
To preserve freshness, high-quality green tea leaves should be stored in an air-tight container away from heat and moisture. A "chazutsu" is specially designed to keep the green tea fresh.

Click HERE to see a wide variety of them.


From the Collection of ”Daruma World”

Containers for tea leaves, the bottom can be screwed off.

茶筒だるま 成形 130×101 mm

Red 茶筒だるま(赤)137×95mm

White 茶筒だるま白 15×92mm

茶筒だるま 成形 125×95mm
Tomizuka written on the belly

福朗 茶筒だるま 成形 145×120mm
Fukuro, the Owl

© http://blog.livedoor.jp/daruma32/archives/2005-11.html

だるまさん色々BLOG より

other Daruma from this collection

金持ちだるま : 重ね餅がお金を抱えています。張子




雑木だるま / 雑木だるま 輪切り





ゴルフボールだるま iroiro


蛙だるま だるま頭乗せ


3面だるま 見ざる・言わざる・聞かざるだるま

だるま抱き猫 張子 / 猫乗りだるま 張子

川越座禅だるま 張子

手招き招福 張子




. Tea and Daruma  




Daruma San Iro Iro BLOG

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Daruma San Iro Iro BLOG



Daruma San World
A great collection, see for yourself in these vast archives !
Take your time ! I could not find the name of this collector yet.




Collecting Daruma for more than 20 years. I will introduce my Collection bit by bit in the new BLOG.
I live in Saitama Prefecture




だるまさんワールド Daruma San World

Please send your contributions to Gabi Greve

Daruma Discussion Forum

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum


Macho Daruma

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Macho Daruma マチョダルマ




なんとなくつけたタイトルは : 「マチョダルマ」

© 2006 Carview Corporation

Please send your contributions to Gabi Greve

Daruma Discussion Forum

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum



Yakimono Pottery

. Districts of Edo 江戸の町 .
Setomono, 瀬戸物 see below
. Legends about pottery .

Yakimono 焼物 / Setomono 瀬戸物 pottery, crockery

. Yakimono, pottery and Haiku .


 達磨 Daruma in and on pottery

Japanese Pottery!
The oldest pottery in the world and in the long history of its development there are so many styles and areas involved, it is easy to loose track.
Talking about Japanese Pottery and Daruma san, I make the distinction between Daruma as a decorative figure or statue (okimono 置物), Daruma painted on a piece of pottery for use, for example a teacup, a soy sauce poorer or an oil dish. In this field we find Daruma almost everywhere! I will cover that in the separate stories.
And finally pottery items for use in the form of Daruma, for example incense burners, toothpick holders and the like. This also calls for different stories. Many pottery centers have some special type of Daruma objects, so I will cover the Pottery of Arita, Bizen, Kutani, Oribe etc. in extra stories.

There might be more in time.

. My ALBUM - Pottery .

. My ALBUM - Kutani 九谷焼 Pottery .

Yakimono - Culture Sketches

. Join the Yakimono Friends on Facebook ! .


Modern Japanese Ceramics:
Pathways of Innovation & Tradition
by Anneliese Crueger (Author), Wulf Crueger (Author), Saeko Ito (Author)

For more than 30 years, Dr. Anneliese and Dr. Wulf Crueger—guided by Saeko Itô—have devoted themselves to studying, understanding, and collecting Japanese ceramics. Today, they share the rich fruits of their knowledge with this lavishly illustrated volume based on their own collection. The equivalent of Roberts Museum Guide, devotees of beautiful ceramics can pick it up and use it to select and visit potters as they undertake an artistic tour of the country.
Organized geographically, it goes from kiln to kiln—which in Japan may refer to a lone site or an entire ceramics region that contains hundreds of workshops. Along the way, they outline the history, development, and unique stylistic characteristics of each area’s work, and the traditions that inspired it.
- source : www.amazon.com


..... Akahadayaki 赤膚焼 Akahada pottery "red skin" Nara

..... Akazu-yaki 赤津焼 Akazu pottery (Akatsu) Aichi

..... Aritayaki, Arita-yaki 有田焼 Pottery from Arita

..... Awata-yaki / Awada-yaki 粟田焼 Awata ware Kyoto

..... Bizen Pottery 備前焼 Bizenyaki - Okayama

..... Hajiki ware 土師器 and 埴輪 Haniwa

..... Hasami-yaki 波佐見焼 Hasami creamics - Nagasaki

..... Igayaki, Iga-Yaki 伊賀焼 Iga pottery, Iga ware - Mie

..... Kameyama yaki 亀山焼 Kameyama Pottery
- Nagasaki yaki 長崎焼 Nagasaki Pottery

..... Karatsuyaki 唐津焼 Pottery from Karatsu

..... Kumamoto 熊本県 pottery . - Shodai yaki, Amakusa yaki, Koda yaki

..... Kumurayaki, Kumura Yaki 久村焼 Kumura Pottery - Shimane

Kuromutayaki, Kuromuta yaki 黒牟田焼 - Saga - Maruta Masami .

..... Kutaniyaki <> Pottery from Kutani 九谷焼 

..... Mikawachi yaki 三川内焼 Mikawachi pottery - Nagasaki

..... Mishimayaki 三島焼 Pottery from Mishima  

..... Mumyoi-yaki 無名異焼 Mumyoi ceramics - Sado, Niigata

..... Nishikimatsu 錦松 Potter

..... Oribeyaki Pottery in the Oribe Tradition 織部焼 

..... Ontayaki 小鹿田焼 Ondayaki from Sarayama

........ Oyodayaki 大淀焼
-------- Matsubayashi Genei (松林玄衛) of Yoshino, Nara Prefecture.

..... Rakuzan-yaki 楽山焼 Ehime

..... Satsuma Ware 薩摩焼 

..... Seto 瀬戸 - Aichi

..... Shinoyaki 志野焼 Shino Pottery

..... Sodeshi 袖師窯 Sodeshi-gama Pottery - Shimane

..... Sumida Pottery 隅田焼 Vase with Daruma

..... Tobe-yaki 砥部焼 Tobe ware, pottery Ehime

..... Tokoname Pottery 常滑焼 

Yonezawa yaki, Okitama, Yonezawa city 米沢焼
..... Yonezawa yaki - youtube  
..... Yonezawa-yaki Pottery Narushima-gama  


..... Gabi in Takamatsu - Daruma Hunting


- shared by Robert Yellin - facebook - 2015


source : facebook

- quote
Kintsugi (金継ぎ) (Japanese: golden joinery) or
Kintsukuroi (金繕い) (Japanese: golden repair)
is the Japanese art of fixing broken pottery with lacquer resin dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum a method similar to the maki-e technique. As a philosophy it speaks to breakage and repair becoming part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Vase from the Heikichi Kiln of Hirashimizu
Yamagata prefecture
The pattern is engraved in a kind of scrafitto by etching the image through the slip.

「作者 平吉窯四代目 . 安倍宗太郎」

Photo from my friend Ishino
widest diameter 18cm / hight 25.5cm

This kind of pottery has a history of more than 200 years. Now there are six kilns that produce it.
平清水焼き Japanese Reference

Hirashimizu, to the south of Yamagata city is a renowned pottery producing area. It is said that at its peak there were some 20 producers in the area. This number has now dwindled to six which are enjoying the recent boom in ceramics. The peach Celadon style whereby the iron particles protrude through the celadon glaze giving the pottery a peach-skin effect is particularly well known. Pottery lessons and tours of the buildings where the potters sit at their wheels can be arranged by the Shichiemon, Bun'emon and Heikichi potters.
... www.yamagatakanko.com/

. Daruma from Hirashimizu 平清水だるま


Robert Yellin and his Japanese Pottery pages

. . . CLICK here for Daruma on pottery ... Photos !


. Districts of Edo 江戸の町 .

Setomonochoo 瀬戸物町 Setomonocho, Setomono-Cho
Now part of Chuo-Ku, Nihonbashi, Muromachi
setomono mise 瀬戸物店, setomonoya 瀬戸物屋
pottery shop, crockery shop

All kinds of pottery were called "Setomono" in Edo, but in Western Japan they were called Karatsumono 唐津物 "Things (pottery) from Karatsu".

Seto 瀬戸 is a pottery town in Aichi.
Pottery made in Seto dates back to the 13th century. Katō Shirōzaemon is credited as the first to produce wares in the town
- - - More about Seto Pottery in the WIKIPEDIA !

In the Setomono district of Edo were many shops selling pottery and crockery.
One of the first to open shop was 水野兵九郎 Mizuno Heikuro.
The eastern part of the district bordered to a wide river-canal Nishi-Horidome 西堀留, where ships from Seto could land easily.
There were also many wholesalers of Sake, incense sticks (senkoo 線香 and dried food (kanbutsu 乾物) in the district.
During the Year-End season, a popular market, (toshi no ichi 年の市) was held in the Western part of the district.


Horidomechoo 堀留町 Horidomecho District
Nihonbashi Area

Because of the wide waterway, many wholesalers (tonya 問屋) had their warehouses here, especially rice dealers.

Painting by Hasegawa Settan 1834-1836

- quote -
The Horidome district was located in the vicinity of modern Nihonbashi Horidome-chō 1-chōme and 2-chōme; it being positioned along an excavated bund that faced onto and altered the flow of the two Horidome rivers (east and west).
Water transportation was used extensively in the area during Edo times, with the town becoming well-known for its rice traders.
- source : library.metro.tokyo.jp/Portals -

. Funabori 船堀 Funabori district .


Iseya 伊勢屋 Iseya Store
- quote -
Ninben にんべん, Ihee Takatsu 高津伊兵衛 (1679 - )

... In 1691, he moved to Edo's Kobunacho and became the apprentice of a grain trader named Tarokichi Aburaya.
in 1704, he opened a wholesale store in Kobunacho. In the following year, he changed his name to Ihee and the name of his shop to Iseya Ihee 伊勢屋伊兵衛. He then started a retail store in Setomonocho, Nihonbashi (present day Muromachi 2-chome) in 1720, which is now the location of the current Ninben head office.
- source : ninben.jp/history -

Iseya kara katsuo o yobu ya inaya ame

When the master of Iseya store
buys first fish of the season,
it will surely rain.

First fish of the season was extremely expensive, and if he bought it, surely heaven himself would be surprized and start a shower.

. daitsuuya juuhachi 大通屋十八 18 big spenders .
The big 18 were the most famous of this group, most of them were the money-lenders of Kura-Mae 蔵前.

source : ukiyo-e.org/image

Three Women at the Iseya in Nakazu
- by Katsukawa Shuncho

. 小舟町 Kobunacho, Kobuna Cho district EDO .


. ABC List of Edo craftsmen 江戸の職人 .

tookooshi 陶工師 suetsukuri 陶工 Tokoshi, potter

- quote -
Kajibashi 鍛冶橋
..... The neighborhood we are entering now is home to a community of potters, and the shops on the main street have row after row of porcelain and pottery lined up on the shelves and tables. Each store offers a range of different types of plates, saucers, mugs, bowls and vases.

Pottery is a highly developed craft in Edo, though the best products still come from the far western provinces of Suo, Aki and Nagato. A wide range of different styles of pottery are available, from inexpensive dishes used by average townspeople to the works of master craftsmen, which can fetch extremely high prices from rich daimyo, merchants or members of the Emperor's court.

Everyone is intent on what they are doing, and take their work seriously -- even the youngsters and women who prepare the clay for use in making the pottery. Like many of Edo's crafts, there is a close connection between the business of making pottery and the expression of fine art. Apprentices may produce large amounts of simple pottery for daily use while they are learning their craft, but their goal is always to develop their skill to a fine level and to create true works of art.

The center of the potter's district is almost uncomfortably warm. You can feel the heat from the kilns as soon as you enter the square. The huge ovens used to bake the porcelain are set up in the center of the district, and they are tended carefully to ensure that the temperature is kept at just the right level. Around the square, individual craftsmen are shaping clay into different types of products. Every few minutes, someone will carry another large rack of molded pottery over to the kilns to be baked.
This neighborhood can be unbearably hot in the summer time, since potters have to work all year round. On the other hand, it isnt such a bad place to visit in the winter. Each of the crafts districts is entirely devoted to producing their specialty products, and each member of the community has a part to play. Most of the people are closely bound together by ties of kinship and community, and all work together to help the entire neighborhood become prosperous.

Craftsmen in Japan have to spend ten years working as an apprentice for a "master craftsman" before they can start to work on their own. While they are an apprentice, they will spend the entire day working with their master, watching every move that he makes, and attempting to imitate his skills. Although the crafts tend to hereditary professions, with people passing on their trade from father to son, it is not that uncommon for people to switch to a different craft while they are still very young. .....
- source : edomatsu/kajibashi -

. Imado yaki 今戸焼  Imado ware .
from Imado, Asakusa


source : edokurashi.hatenablog.com/entry - 渡辺京二

porcelain dealer


Potters and Patrons in Edo Period Japan
Andrew L. Maske


niwaka ame setomono uri wa tsune no ashi

sudden rainfall -
the vendor of pottery
walks as usual

Since his ware can break easily, he does not dare to speed up or hurry during a rainfall.

source : www012.upp.so-net.ne.jp/shonokousaten

- - - - - MORE to explore - 瀬戸物屋 - TBA
茶碗ばち網の中から出して売 . . .
- source : ameblo.jp/tachibana2007

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu in Edo .


. Legends about pottery .


 WASHOKU : sara, hachi, kappu ...
various kinds of plates and bowls

- #potteryjapan #setomonochoedo #yakimonojapan #iseya-


Bentoo Lunchbox

[ . BACK to Worldkigo TOP . ]

Yukidaruma Bentoo Box
Lunchbox with a Snowman Daruma

The town of Niitsu in Niigata Prefecture prepares various lunchboxes served in colorful plastic Daruma boxes.


Even a BLACK snowman Daruma is available.

Some other snacks with nuts and crackers in a Daruma box

Copyright (C) 2001-2006 まっこうくじら All Rights Reserved.


CLICK for original LINK

He No He No へのへの
Painting the Daruma Face with letters

A way children learn to write letters.

HE is for the eyebrows, NO for the eyes.
MO も is for the nose and the final
HE is for the mouth.

One more photo

HE NO HE NO, some fun with Farting

へのへのもへじ Wikipedia

CLICK for more HE NO items
Click for more HE NO items !


Shingen Bento Boxes

Wood with red laquer

Wood with black laquer

Detail of the above

Photos from my friend Ishino.


TAKABEN, the famous lunch box with
Takasaki Daruma

has been reproduced lately.


Here you can see the contents

Click on the photo to see MORE !

Daruma Relief at Takasaki Train Station

CLICK for more photos


sanmen Daruma yaki
Daruma with three faces, from Takasaki

a cookie

a smiling face to lure good luck
a face with two open eyes to open good fortune
a face to keep harmony with the sourroundings

The eyebrows in the form of a crane
the beard a symbol for long life.


© Itibou-Kaku


Bentobox from Nagoya Shinkansen Station
東海道新幹線 : 名古屋駅

And a Daruma Miso-Don

© PHOTOs : kun.ciao.jp/kunkun


「ダルマ」弁当, 達磨弁当

CLICK for original LINK
© PHOTO : charaben.at.webry.info


CLICK for English Information

CLICK for more photos CLICK for many more photos
CLICK for many more photos !


ぷちサンプル 駅弁紀行 だるま

. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Magewappa, magewappa Bento Boxes
まげわっぱ / 曲げわっぱ

magemono 曲物 cirulare box

CLICK for more photos Magewappa was first made by woodcutters in the Odate area, using straight grain Akita Cedar. The Lord of Odate Castle, Nishiie Satake, encouraged this use of the soldiers and has been passed on from generation to generation from the end of the Edo Era to the present. With the emergence of plastics, it became economically necessary for some craftsmen to change their business. Since then more people are becoming aware of real quality and craftsmanship.

Odate Magewappa 大館曲げわっぱ fits this description perfectly.

For more than four hundred years our ancestors have exploited mountains, planted Japanese cedars, and repeated the process of weeding, pruning, and thinning out the forests every year to protect the beauty and health of the environment for the next generation
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. chigibako 千木筥 / 千木箱 auspicious box .

from the shrine Shiba Daijinguu 芝大神宮

akinai mamori 商い守り amulet to protect business
- source : www.shibadaijingu.com

. shoobai hanjoo 商売繁盛 good business amulets .

Bentobako Ekiben Bentobox
Bentoobako - Lunchbox with Daruma
. - Backup text of this entry -  

Yukidaruma - Daruma as a Snowman 雪だるま―冬の散歩
- Backup text of this entry -

World Kigo Database: Lunchbox (bentoo) and Haiku

World Kigo Database: Snowman (yukidaruma) and Haiku


WASHOKU ... Tableware and Tools

WASHOKU : Ekiben 駅弁 station lunchbox  





Izakaya Drinking Places


Drinking Places, Izakaya 居酒屋 

Read the Original here:

Izakaya adapting to social changes

By Hideo Yoshida

An "izakaya" (inexpensive Japanese-style pub) in the Monzennaka area, one subway stop away from Tokyo's Kayaba district where securities companies are concentrated, is always full of salaried people, both men and women, at night on weekdays.

Osamu Kouke, 73, the owner of the establishment, called Dharma, opened it 35 years ago. "This was an area of factories, and employees at Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co and students at then Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine (now Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology) were our main customers."

"It was noisy, with heated talk among the men about the company or college. But now, customers drink quietly as most of them are accompanied by women. They may not want to cut a poor figure in front of a woman," he said.

At night on a Saturday in early July, six men in their 30s and 40s gathered at the izakaya. They got to know each other through the Internet website "Izakaya Raisan (cultism)." Nobody knows the others' profession or career. What links them is their love of izakaya.

One of them, a company employee, 44, said, "I can drink enjoyably without bothering myself." "It is enjoyable as we have the same sense of values," said a 36-year-old editorial staffer at a specialized newspaper.

The "Izakaya Raisan" website was created by Shinro Hamada, 47, an employee at a shipbuilding company. It has had more than 3.5 million hits.

Hamada visits izakaya in Tokyo and neighboring Kanagawa Prefecture on his way home from the company or on holidays, and writes notices on the web page about the food, prices and impressions of the place. He has so far written about more than 500 izakaya on the site.

Regarding what makes an izakaya attractive, Hamada said, "People in the neighborhood gather, and their talk is full of local topics. Depending on the izakaya, the atmosphere is different. At one, the proprietor is an old guy like an old-fashioned dad, and at another, she is a gentle mother. Like in a hot spring, you can welter in an atmosphere handed down from generation to generation."

The first franchise shop of the izakaya chain Yoronotaki (waterfall for the aged) Co. opened in Tokyo's Itabashi Ward in April 1966, and similar izakaya have since mushroomed.

The first of the Murasaki (come to the village) Corp. izakaya chain was opened in Tokyo's Setagaya Ward in 1973. In the same year, the Tsubohachi (8 tsubo) chain began its business by opening a shop that had a floor space of 8 tsubo (26.4 square meters), in Sapporo's Nishi Ward, Hokkaido.

Their openings coincided with the graduation from university and entry into the working world of the baby boomer generation born shortly after World War II. At that time, izakaya were considered to be places for company employees to drink with their workmates and young people to make a rumpus in groups, but that image has drastically changed in recent years.

"With the spread of chain shops, they have become beautiful, and the quality of food served has been improved. Also, the quality of service has been improved. That was needed to attract the young, and women and families," said Miki Watanabe, 46, president of Watami Co, which runs some 600 Watami and other izakaya nationwide.

Women account for 60% of the customers at Watami izakayas, and there are also many families who use the chain. Nonsmokers can also enjoy eating out for a change as there are glass barriers to separate the smoking and nonsmoking areas.

Customers can enjoy "real food" with no chemical seasoning and in a quiet atmosphere at the Zen No Ya (natural house), and married couples can eat and drink at ease at the Watamin-Chi (Watami's house), where most dishes are priced at 200 yen to 300 yen each. Thus, Watami is trying to attract as many customers as possible by responding to their needs.

Watanabe said, "When you drink with your friends, you change shops depending on them. When you go out with your family, the shop you go once a week is different from that you go to once a month. In a rich age, the lifestyle has become segmented. Izakaya have to respond to the needs of these customers."

In the high economic growth period in the 1960s, overtime and drinking afterward was the normal lifestyle for the "salaryman," but now, young people who work for companies are changing their "after 5" lifestyle.

Folk singer Kenichi Nagira, 54, said, "Izakaya were an after-5 relaxation place for baby boomers, who had to work hard and are still trapped in the feeling they have an obligation to do so. They need to find something interesting."

Hamada said, "For baby boomers and people before them, izakaya and cheap drinking places were places to take their mind off their companies. But now, they are places to enjoy a free time."

© 2006 Kyodo News. August 9, 2006
© The Japan Times, August 15, 2006



There are a lot of drinking and eating places in Japan called
"DARUMA だるま 達磨 ".

. Izakaya, 居酒屋, public drinking house - INFO - .

. Izakaya ... die japanische Kneipe .

187 izakaya street


