Daruma shuu 達磨宗 the Daruma sect

Nihon Darumashuu 日本達磨宗(にほん だるましゅう)
From the early Heian period till the Kamakura period, this sect founded by
Dainichibo Noonin 大日房能忍(だいにちぼうのうにん) was popular.
Dainichi Nonin
Dainichi Nōnin (or Dainichibō Nōnin) (d. c.1194).
The founder of the Daruma school, an early and short-lived school of Japanese zen. Nōnin studied Zen texts on his own early in his monastic career, and had a significant enlightenment experience. Realizing that Zen enlightenment requires authentication by a recognized master, he sent two disciples to China in 1189 to visit the master Te-kuang (1121–1203) with letters and gifts.
The latter sanctioned Nōnin's experience and sent back a certificate and robe. Thereafter, Nōnin's fame spread and he gathered many disciples. An early account says that he was killed by a nephew in either 1194 or 1195, but scholars give little credence to this.
After his death, his disciples joined Dōgen (1200–53).
source : www.encyclopedia.com
Poems from famous Zen masters were called
Daruma Uta 達磨歌 Daruma-sect poems
many thought they were nonsense poems, confusing poem
Bodhidharma Song, Zen poem
“poems of Zen gibberish”
They reminded of obscure waka and tanka by Fujiwara Teika 藤原定家.
Les Daruma-utas (Les wakas incomprehensibles)
pejorativa esprimo por Zen-poezio
Daruma-sect poems
lit. "a nonsense poem" – a pejorative term for Zen poetry. It seems that this term was coined in connection with the Zen kōan's "critical phrases" (話頭, Jp. watō; Ch. huà-tóu) that seemed like unintelligible riddles to ordinary people and other Buddhist schools.
This term was used by conservative waka poets to refer to the innovative style of Fujiwara no Teika (1162–1241), the compiler of the Hyakunin Isshu and Shin Kokin Wakashū, notwithstanding the fact that Teika himself had never been a Zen practitioner.
He used for example reversed diction (toogo 倒語) and mannerism (irihoga 入り穿).
Daruma uta is not the same as the shakyoka, shakkyōka 釈教歌, which stands for Japanese Buddhist poetry in a general sense.
source : wikipedia
source : google books. David T. Bialock
source : google books . Japanese Court Poetry
. Reference . 達磨歌
. Fujiwara no Teika 藤原定家 .

Noren with a laughing Daruma for good luck
Fujiwara no Teika 藤原定家
During his lifetime Teika's personal reputation suffered from reports of his arrogant, uncompromising, and contentious manner. His long, sometimes submerged feud with ex-emperor Go-Toba, detailed in his Meigetsuki, is considered a prime example of Teika's haughty defiance toward what he perceived as inferior aesthetic taste.
Scholars have observed that these apparent flaws of character nevertheless served Teika effectively throughout his literary career. In response to some of Teika's more experimental works, contemporary poetic rivals denigrated his verse as
Darumauta (“poems of Zen gibberish”),
referring to the often inscrutable maxims and stories of the Daruma, a Zen Buddhist sect.

Such disparagement was largely ineffectual, however, and Teika ascended to become the supreme arbiter of Japanese poetic doctrine in his later years. Within a few generations, Teika, in the words of Robert H. Brower, had “been virtually deified by his descendents, who cast his influence over the entire course of classical poetry for more than six hundred years after his death.” Teika also became a figure of Japanese literary lore.
source : www.enotes.com/classical
Fujiwara no Teika
and his famous compilation of waka poems
. Ogura Hyakunin Isshu Poems 小倉百人一首 .
External LINK : 達磨歌
Daruma uta by Hidaka Masato 日高正人(ひだかまさと)
. Daruma ondoo だるま音頭 Darums Song
of our modern times
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