nnnnnnnnnnnn TOP nnnnnnnnnnnnn
.................................. April 2006
Latest Additions
Mikuji, O-Mikuji, Fortune Telling Daruma だるまみくじ 達磨御籤, おみくじだるま
Hanga, Woodblockprints 版画a summary woodblock prints
Ta no Kami, God of the Rice Fields 田の神さま Yama no Kami, God of the Forest (#mountain)
Yaruki Daruma! Let us do it ! やるき達磨 Dai Kannon-Ji Temple, Mie Prefecture
Saicho, Dengyo Daishi 伝教大師最澄 (Saichoo, Dengyoo Daishi)
Mahasiddha Tilopa and Sesame
Eto (Zodiac Animals) 干支だるま
Flywhisk だるまの払子
Usuzumi Kannon with Cherry Tree 薄墨観音
Nichiren and Dragon Legends 日蓮と龍伝説
The Chinese Dragon, by Kate Hunt (Artnet) 中国の龍
Sun and Moon Buddha Statues 日天、月天
..... Amaterasu 天照大神
Hadaka Jizo 裸地蔵
.................................. March 2006
Tsuba Collection of Robert Roemer
Hokusai and his Dragons 北斎と龍図
Fudo Myo-O at Mt. Koya (Koyasan) 高野山の不動明王像
Kobujutsu, Antiques LINKS 古美術 LINK
Jizobon, O-Mizutori Ceremony, Omizutori, お水取り Shuni-E (Shuuni-e) 修二会 at Nigatsu-Do, Nara
Jizobon, Jizoo Bon 地蔵盆 and Sagichoo 左義長(さぎちょう)
Fudo Statue, Himalaya Singing Bowls
Four-armed Fudo 四臂不動尊 四面四臂四足不動明王像
Cake Molds Kashigata, 菓子型
Lamp ランプ
Kutaniyaki Pottery 九谷焼
Kanban 看板
Arts of Asia Magazine
Hina Matsuri 雛祭り
Kakebotoke 賭け仏
Please send your contributions to Gabi Greve
Daruma Discussion Forum
Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum
Helen Hyde
Helen Hyde 1868-1919
The Daruma Branch
Date: 1910
Size: 7 3/4 x 11 inches
© Robyn Buntin of Honolulu
Helen Hyde was a pioneer of color woodblock printmaking in America and one of the first Western women to study woodblock printing in the Orient. At the age of 12 she began studying with Ferdinand Richardt, the Danish landsape painter. She later studied with Soren Emil Carlsen, Franz Skarbina, Albert Sterner, and Raphael Collins.
It was Felix Regamey who cultivated Hyde's interest in Oriental art. In 1899 Hyde went to Japan where she studied with Kano Tomonobu, the last master of the Kano school of painting. She remained in Japan for 15 years. As subjects for her art she chose women and children, portraying scenes from everyday domestic life as well as Japanese festivals.
Collections in Art Institute of Chicago; Library of Congress; Rutgers University; Carnegie Library; Achenbach Foundation for the Graphic Arts, San Francisco.
© Robyn Buntin of Honolulu
ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo
Another great collection of her Japanese Woodblocks.
Davidson Galleries
ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo
One of the best known and most successful American printmakers of the early twentieth century, Helen Hyde (1868-1919) found her identity in Japan where she lived for most of the fifteen years between 1899 and 1914, and which she considered her "home." Her support community remained a group of European and Euro-American women, in Japan, and in the United States.
Female kin, friends, and fellow artists, particularly in San Francisco, Chicago, and Tokyo, nurtured her art, provided an audience for her artistic production, and gave her companionship. Japanese women and children were subjects of her most popular prints.
Read the whole article in our library:
Helen Hyde, American Printmaker, by Joan M. Jensen
By Helen Hyde (1868 - 1919) dated 1914.
- Shared by Hayato Tokugawa -
Joys of Japan, 2012
Hanga Woodblockprints in the Daruma Museum
Visit the Photo Gallery with Daruma Woodblock Prints
達磨 だるまの版画ギャラリー はこちら。
..... Photo Gallery
Helen Hyde 1868-1919
The Daruma Branch
Date: 1910
Size: 7 3/4 x 11 inches
© Robyn Buntin of Honolulu
Helen Hyde was a pioneer of color woodblock printmaking in America and one of the first Western women to study woodblock printing in the Orient. At the age of 12 she began studying with Ferdinand Richardt, the Danish landsape painter. She later studied with Soren Emil Carlsen, Franz Skarbina, Albert Sterner, and Raphael Collins.
It was Felix Regamey who cultivated Hyde's interest in Oriental art. In 1899 Hyde went to Japan where she studied with Kano Tomonobu, the last master of the Kano school of painting. She remained in Japan for 15 years. As subjects for her art she chose women and children, portraying scenes from everyday domestic life as well as Japanese festivals.
Collections in Art Institute of Chicago; Library of Congress; Rutgers University; Carnegie Library; Achenbach Foundation for the Graphic Arts, San Francisco.
© Robyn Buntin of Honolulu
ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo
Another great collection of her Japanese Woodblocks.
Davidson Galleries
ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo
One of the best known and most successful American printmakers of the early twentieth century, Helen Hyde (1868-1919) found her identity in Japan where she lived for most of the fifteen years between 1899 and 1914, and which she considered her "home." Her support community remained a group of European and Euro-American women, in Japan, and in the United States.
Female kin, friends, and fellow artists, particularly in San Francisco, Chicago, and Tokyo, nurtured her art, provided an audience for her artistic production, and gave her companionship. Japanese women and children were subjects of her most popular prints.
Read the whole article in our library:
Helen Hyde, American Printmaker, by Joan M. Jensen
By Helen Hyde (1868 - 1919) dated 1914.
- Shared by Hayato Tokugawa -
Joys of Japan, 2012
Hanga Woodblockprints in the Daruma Museum
Visit the Photo Gallery with Daruma Woodblock Prints
達磨 だるまの版画ギャラリー はこちら。
..... Photo Gallery
Hanga Woodblockprints
[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]
Hanga, Woodblockprints 版画
Daruma eating Buckwheat Noddles at Moriyama
and more woodblock prints about food in Edo
Collection of the Daruma Museum
There are quite a few woodblock prints with Daruma:
..... Daruma market in Odawara by Sekino Jun-ichiroo 関野潤一郎
Helen Hyde and The Daruma Branch
..... More about Helen Hyde and Lafcadio Hearn (Koizumi Yagumo)
..... Jim Breen and an Ukiyo-e Gallery.....
..... Japanese Prints and the World of Go / William Pinckard
..... New Year Prints, one with Daruma
Daruma by Ota Nampo
Japanese Prints Gallery, Anders Rikardson
Tanuki and his big scrotum
Shimizu Seifu (Seifuu) 清水清風
1851 - 1913
Visit my Photo Gallery with Daruma Woodblock Prints
達磨 だるまの版画ギャラリー はこちら。
..... Photo Gallery with more LINKS to the articles.
Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum
Hanga, Woodblockprints 版画
Daruma eating Buckwheat Noddles at Moriyama
and more woodblock prints about food in Edo
Collection of the Daruma Museum
There are quite a few woodblock prints with Daruma:
..... Daruma market in Odawara by Sekino Jun-ichiroo 関野潤一郎
Helen Hyde and The Daruma Branch
..... More about Helen Hyde and Lafcadio Hearn (Koizumi Yagumo)
..... Jim Breen and an Ukiyo-e Gallery.....
..... Japanese Prints and the World of Go / William Pinckard
..... New Year Prints, one with Daruma
Daruma by Ota Nampo
Japanese Prints Gallery, Anders Rikardson
Tanuki and his big scrotum
Shimizu Seifu (Seifuu) 清水清風
1851 - 1913
Visit my Photo Gallery with Daruma Woodblock Prints
達磨 だるまの版画ギャラリー はこちら。
..... Photo Gallery with more LINKS to the articles.
Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum
Yaruki Daruma
Let us do it ! Yaruki Daruma やるき達磨
やる気達磨 やるきだるま yaru ki Daruma
宝珠山 大観音寺
Dai Kannonn-Ji Temple, Mie Prefecture
This temple offers a lot of other attractions.
〒515-2621 三重県津市白山町
「高貴に勝つ 病気に勝つ 人生に勝つ」
枡と観音岩と達磨 . 大きな銅像です。
Katsu!! - Koan and Daruma 喝と達磨さん―公案散歩
Daruma Pilgrims in Japan: Konpira-san in Shikoku
Pendant: Buddha Mandala .. From Dai Kannon-Ji Temple
KATSU! Daruma from Konpira-san in Shikoku
© Collection of Gabi Greve
© Phoenix Oriental Art, U.K.
A large and very imposing Japanese lacquered hardwood carving of the seated Daruma with his clenched fist outstretched to repel demons. The body and head are carved as one, the outstretched arm is carved separately and attached to the main carving. The surface of the piece is covered with a lacquer finish. The effect is extremely strong, lively, and full of character.
This is an unusual piece, both in its subject matter and its size, measuring approx. 12 inches tall and 12 inches deep.
Early Taisho period, circa 1920.
Daruma with clenched fist
- #yaruki #yarukidaruma -
Let us do it ! Yaruki Daruma やるき達磨
やる気達磨 やるきだるま yaru ki Daruma
宝珠山 大観音寺
Dai Kannonn-Ji Temple, Mie Prefecture
This temple offers a lot of other attractions.
〒515-2621 三重県津市白山町
「高貴に勝つ 病気に勝つ 人生に勝つ」
枡と観音岩と達磨 . 大きな銅像です。
Katsu!! - Koan and Daruma 喝と達磨さん―公案散歩
Daruma Pilgrims in Japan: Konpira-san in Shikoku
Pendant: Buddha Mandala .. From Dai Kannon-Ji Temple
KATSU! Daruma from Konpira-san in Shikoku
© Collection of Gabi Greve
© Phoenix Oriental Art, U.K.
A large and very imposing Japanese lacquered hardwood carving of the seated Daruma with his clenched fist outstretched to repel demons. The body and head are carved as one, the outstretched arm is carved separately and attached to the main carving. The surface of the piece is covered with a lacquer finish. The effect is extremely strong, lively, and full of character.
This is an unusual piece, both in its subject matter and its size, measuring approx. 12 inches tall and 12 inches deep.
Early Taisho period, circa 1920.
Daruma with clenched fist
- #yaruki #yarukidaruma -
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