
Engimono for good luck


Engimono, little things for good luck 縁起物

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Things red, round and small are pretty good for your auspicious future, especially during the New Year season. Daruma is one of them, but there are others.

Why is the Tumbler Doll Daruma always of RED color?
Red was the color of the robe of a high-ranking priest and since Daruma Daishi was the founder of the Zen Sect, he must have worn a red robe. The patterns painted in gold on the doll represent the Buddhist stole that a priest wore.

During the Edo Period, Daruma came to be seen by the townspeople as the healer of smallpox. Nowadays we have medicine to cure this illness, but in former times children suffered a lot from this and other diseases. It was believed that RED would ward off diseases, so the Red Daruma Doll with a threatening face became the preventor and healer of sickness. Modern medicine has found out that the color red really helps prevent smallpox!
Who is Daruma ?

hoosoo-e 疱瘡絵 prints to protect children from smallpox


CLICK for more books about the toys of Edo.

江戸の縁起物 - 浅草仲見世 助六物語
Engimono - The Good Luck Charms of Edo

. Tokyo and Edo Folk Art .


Now let us look at some others.

Why is the monkey a symbol of good luck? In Japanese, you can say
ma ga saru, 魔が去る, the bad luck is going to leave.
SARU means also monkey, so the monkey might help to make your bad luck go away.

Migawari-zaru of Naramachi, a Monkey Charm to take on your bad luck

In the old part of Nara, ther is a special custom to hang out a small red monkey to ward off evil. A special Kooshin-do Hall (庚申堂) is dedicated to the blue-faced heavenly guardian called Kooshin-san. Good-luck charms modeled after a monkey, which acts as a messenger from Kooshin-san, are hanging at the eaves of houses in Nara-machi so that evil spirits can be driven away. The charm is called "Migawari-zaru," or a monkey of substitution, because the monkey is supposed to get disasters in place of people. One doll for each person of the home is hanged on the eves of the house.

The Kooshin Deity (庚申 Koojin, Koshin, Kojin, Koshin) is also venerated in Chinese Daoism and this believe was taken over by the townspeople during the Edo period. There was this belief:

During one year according to the old lunar calendar, there are six Kooshin-days of the monkey. Three worms which inhabit the human body (san-shi no mushi) get out on these days and report the sins of the people to the gods. Kooshin was a popular deity that protected those who should be punished by the gods, and his messenger, the monkey, was therefore punished instead of the human sinner. Hence the name “migawari” “instead of my body”.

Migawari Monkey


Why would a monkey take on the punishment of human sins?
The explanation brings us to Dunhunag, the oasis in the Gobi desert with the 1000 Buddhist caves, where there is a picture of a monkey bound by hand and feet, with a band around his belly. A monkey was believed to protect humans from evil and in the charming story of the Chinese pilgrim walking all the way to India to obtain Buddhist sutras, one of his magic protectors was the famous Monkey Son-Gokuu 孫悟空。
This extremely famous story has been translated into English by Arthur Waley, MONKEY.


Another name of the charm is "Negai-zaru," or a monkey for wishes. If you write your wishes on the monkey's back and hang it, your wishes are said to come true.


in many languages, PDF-files

source : nara-edu.ac.jp

. san-shi no mushi, sanshi no mushi 三尸の虫 The Three Worms .

. medicine for kan no mushi 疳の虫 .

. Kooshin shinkoo 庚申信仰 Koshin Shinko belief .

. Folk Toys from Nara .


Kooshin Hall in NishinoShinya-cho,Nara-City

The Koshin-do Hall is dedicated to a blue-faced heavenly guardian called Koshin-san. Good-luck charms modeled after a monkey, which acts as a messenger from Koshin-san, are hanging at the eaves of houses in Nara-machi so that evil spirits can be driven away. The charm is called "Migawari-zaru," or a monkey of substitution, because the monkey is supposed to get disasters in place of people.

Another name of the charm is "Negai-zaru," or a monkey for wishes. If you write your wishes on the monkey's back and hang it, your wishes are said to come true.




Aka-beko, akabeko, a red cow protecting from smallpox (like Daruma)

This little folk toy comes from the Tohoku region of Northern Japan.

Japanese reference

This whimsical lacquered red papier-mache figure of an ox is known as an “aka-beko” which, literally translated, means red calf. Mid-20th Century. Her head, which is attached by a string, nods up and down and from side to side. This little folk toy comes from Fukushima Prefecture in the Tohoku region of Japan. Some 350 years ago, the townspeople constructed a large temple there dedicated to Buddha.

Heavy loads of lumber had to be transported long distances, and one of the oxen used was a large reddish cow. When the building was completed, she refused to leave the site. Shortly thereafter a member of the ruling clan fashioned a small effigy of the devout cow as a child’s toy. Made of lacquered papier-mache, the free swinging head bobs easily with any movement and delights children of all ages. When a great plague of smallpox swept the country, people appealed to Buddha for deliverance.

It was noticed that children who had this toy were not afflicted with the dread disease, and the superstitious local populace began to make similar toys as amulets against illness. (See “Mingei” by Amaury Saint-Gilles) Aka-beko are looked upon as omens of good luck and prosperity and are given as gifts at New Year’s and other auspicious occasions.
Dimensions: 11” long, 5 ¼” high.
Curtesy of B & C Antiques


Continue here

Daruma Doll Museum : Cats and Daruma 猫と達磨

Read a detailed essay by Mark Schumacher about the Monkeys in Japanese art and lore. !!!

Information about
Hoosoo 疱瘡 <> Smallpox, Red and Daruma (by Bernard Faure) An Essay

Edo Toys and beni lipstick

... ... ...


The Three Worms in Taoism and Chinese Mecicine


! More Engimono !
- click on the images for more -


Founder of Zen Buddhism in China. Fill in one eye and make a wish. Fill in the other eye when the wish has come true.

Tumbler Dolls (okiagari-koboshi)

That is another version of our Daruma san. For the New Year, you get just one more than members of the family and pray for health and good luck. This is a doll and custom of Aizu Wakamatsu, Northern Japan.

Golden Crucian Carp (金鮒)

This wonderous fish called FUNA from Ibaragi prefecture helps cure smallpox too. Especially when you eat it.

Kirin 麒麟 Kirin, not the giraffe

Legendary animal from China.Body like a deer, tail like an ox, hoofs like a horse, forehead like a wolf, with wings to take off to the clouds. Appears when a king was crowned in ancient China. Today a good beer!

. Kirinjishi 麒麟獅子 Kirin Lion Head .

Hare in the Moon (tsuki no usagi)

He pounds the herb of immortality to make the elixir of long life.
Pounding rice in the moon

Mallet for Good Luck (fuku-tsuchi)

Usually held by the Daikoku, one of the Seven Gods of Good Luck. You hammer your straw, make sandals of it, sell them and voila, you are a rich man.

Manekineko, maneki neko 招き猫 the beckoning cat
At the entrance of a shop or restaurant, she helps pulling customers in the store.The left hand up beckons for financial luck,The right hand up for a thousand customers- or vice versa, who knows?!

Mount Fuji (Fuji-san)

If your first dream of the New Year shows you this mountain, you are lucky for the rest of the year.
First Dream ... a kigo

New Year Ricecakes (kagami-mochi 鏡餅)

Decorated and later eaten in a good soup.This is maybe the most common New Year decoration.

Raijin  雷神  God of Thunder
A deity taken over from ancient Indian religion. Protector of the harvest.Usually with his buddy, the God of the Winds (fuujin raijin).
Gods of the Elements

Shichifuku-jin 七福神 <> Seven Gods of Good Luck
Usually shown in a “Boat of Treasures” (takara-bune)

Tanuki 狸 ... A Badger posing as Daruma
Usually made of Shigaraki Pottery. He brings luck with many parts of his own body and things he is carrying.


全国区の縁起物 だるま(No.1076)
Good Luck Daruma from all parts of Japan

Tokyo Shinbun 東京新聞
source : www.tokyo-np.co.jp


Go-en ga arimasu yoo ni!

May we be bound by good fortune and good karma!

a pun with go en 五円 five yen coin !

Shared by Kunio Wakabayashi
Joys of Japan

. tashoo no en 他生の縁 karma relations and haiku .


. Engi food for the New Year .

. Engi Food - the Octopus .

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

- #engimono #goodluck #newyear -


Newsweek Daruma


Daruma as Newsweek Cover Photo



衆院選 397世代が日本を変える

争点 「ミュージカル選挙」の楽屋裏

国際比較 日本とドイツの崖っぷち選挙

外国メディア ここが変だよ日本の選挙

The Elections of September 2005 in Japan


Daruma and the USB memory




source : www.itmedia.co.jp/news





Yakimono logo

Please send your contributions to Gabi Greve
Daruma Discussion Forum

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum



Rush-Leaf Daruma (royoo)

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Daruma on a Rush-Leaf . . on a reed
Royoo Daruma 芦葉達磨

There are many renderings of Daruma figures, but what they want to express on the inside is always the same. It is the spirit of Daruma Daishi (about 5th Cent.), the eighth generation Great Master after Shakyamuni Buddha, founder of the Zen sect. Legend says that Daruma was born the third prince in a South Indian kingdom. He was of a sharp mind already as a child and followed the Great Master Prajnaatara, where he studied Buddhism intensly and carried on his tradition. He then took off to China to preach Buddhism, taking the sea road to South China.

He was invited by Emperor Wu and expounded his wisdom for him. But the emperor did not understand the preachings of Daruma, so Daruma took off again, crossing the Yangtse River to the east and ended up in the Shaolin Temple near Loyang. He stood on some reeds when crossing the river, which leads to the famous iconographic rendering of "Rush-leaf Daruma" (royoo Daruma 芦葉達磨).


正阿弥勝義作 芦葉達磨像

by Shooami Katsuyoshi

Shooami was born in Tsuyama, a city close to my present home in Japan.


Nantembo (1839-1925)
Daruma crossing the Yangzi river on a rush leaf

..... Although the emperor was gracious, he did not pretend to grasp Bodhidharma's meaning, and the monk decided to travel north, crossing the Yangtze River on a rush leaf (J. royô) and went to the northern kingdom of Wei where he spent nine years meditating in the Shaolin monastery.

Bodhidharma's mysterious crossing the Yangzi River on a rush leaf has first been mentioned in the 13th century: The Wudeng huiyuan, edited in 1252 by Dachuan Puji (1179-1253), the Wujia zhangzong zan, compiled two years later by Xisou Shaotan (d. 1279) and the Shishi tongjian, in 1270 by Ben Jue state Bodhidharma's breaking off a rush leaf and crossing the Yangzi river. But these sources do not indicate the use of the rush leaf as a vehicle.

This aspect probably was introduced later to compensate Bodhidharma's fruitless visit at the emperors court. Earlier sources as the Jingde chuandeng lu (J. Kidoroku) compiled by Xutang Zhiyu (J. Kido Chigu, 1185-1269), in the years 1004-07 or the Chuanfa zhengzong ji, 1060 do not mention any rush leaf at all. (Brinker/Kanazawa 1993, 208).

Zen practice has had little use for miraculous deeds, stressing instead the enlightenment of the everyday world. The Chinese character that originally meant both reed boat and reed lost its first meaning over the course of time. This inspired the idea that Daruma had crossed on a reed rather than in a reed boat. (Addiss 1989, 57.)

© Bachmann Eckenstein Art & Antiques


Daruma riding leaves and crossing the sea to Japan

Attr. To Hokusai or Oi, Hokusai's daughter. Most probably Oi.

© The Art of Japan, R. Waldmann


By Miyamoto Musashi




In a Chinese style, with hat and staff

[落款] 甲子元春釋紹明並題(印)
寸法 (本紙)縦98×横42.5cm (軸寸)縦172×横52cm
© 有限会社アンダーアート


Daruma on a Reed (Rozan Eko)

© by Jacqueline McAbery



Look at more pictures here:

Paintings by Hakuin Zenji 白隠の禅画と墨蹟
The Ryu'un-ji Collection


Great Teacher Bodhidharma riding a reed.

The title and inscription are based on the legend that Bodhidharma, after his unsuccessful meeting with Emperor Wu, crossed the Yangze River on a reed as he made his way north toward the country of Wei.

The picture and inscription are a pairing of two genres of Daruma portraits: Daruma on a Reed (芦葉達磨 Royo Daruma) ), explained above, and One Shoe Daruma (隻履達磨 Sekiri Daruma, based on the legend that Bodhidharma after his death and burial, was seen walking through the mountains on his way back to India, wearing a single shoe. When Bodhidharma’s grave was later examined, it was found to be empty except for the Patriarch’s other shoe). These stories may be regarded as expressive of the time- and space-transcending nature of the buddhadharma.


Cleaveland Museum
The Zen Patriarch Daruma on a Reed

Bodhidharma (Daruma in Japanese) is the founder of the Zen school of Buddhism. He is usually represented as a bearded figure whose dark-skinned appearance refers to his Indian ancestry. His scowling facial expression not only signifies the determination with which he pursues religious enlightenment, but also discourages followers who are not similarly motivated.


Daruma riding leaves and crossing the sea to Japan

Attributed to Hokusai or his daughter, Oi


Geisha as Daruma Crossing the Sea
Suzuki Harunobu

- - - - - and even more direct

Ippitsusai Bunchoo 一筆斎文調 Buncho (ca. 1760–1794)


Daruma Crossing the Yangtze River
From a conventional viewpoint, it might symbolize the miraculous feat of crossing a mighty river while balanced on a tiny reed, or it might refer to "crossing to the other shore," or, as author John Stevens suggests, it could symbolize smooth sailing over the turbulent waters of samsara (cycle of suffering). But a growing number of art scholars think otherwise. Charles Lachman for instance, says the first textual reference to the river crossing [on a reed] dates from 1108, that the theme did not become widespread until the 13th century, and that the rushleaf [reed] motif should not be considered a biographical narrative, as heretofore believed. Scholar Bernard Faure suggests a radically new interpretation. Since Daruma was, by the 16th century, considered a protector against smallpox and other epidemic diseases, Faure believes the reed was used by the Japanese to establish Daruma's credentials as an epidemic deity. Writes Faure: "Epidemic deities were related to water, and often came from the West, crossing large bodies of water.
source : Mark Schumacher

Daruma as a Woman
By Katsushika Hokusai 葛飾北斎 (1760-1849).
Daruma Crossing the River on a Reed.
By Suzuki Harunobu 鈴木晴信 (1743 - 1807).
source : Mark Schumacher


yoshiashi ni watari-yuku yo ya mu ichibutsu

this world
we pass on a rush leaf -
not one thing

Painting is here :
. Tagami Kikusha 田上菊舎 Poetess and Painter





Lanterns (choochin)

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Lanterns with Daruma, Daruma Choochin
choochin 提灯 / 提燈 / チョウチン Chochin, Lantern, Lanterne

This one is from Hakone.

This type of lantern with Daruma is a common souvenir found in many tourist areas. I have some from Kamakura, Miyajima and other famous places.

. bake-choochin 化け提灯 Bake-Chochin, Monster Lantern .
Chōchin-obake 提灯お化け, "paper lantern ghost"


On this page, you can click on the arrow and see the whole process of making a paper lantern. It takes a while to upload.


The bamboo grid is made either of one long bamboo spiral, which breakes quite easily but is cheap to make.
Or circles of different size are adjusted around a woode frame and then sewn together with a string. They are covered with paper and the wooden frame form taken out. Then each fold is carefully made with the fingers.
This type is more expensive and called Lantern from Kyoto (kyoo choochin 京提灯)
. . . CLICK here for kyoto lantern Photos !


From a collector of lanterns, here is one from Tsumagome/Magome, Nagano.
妻籠・馬籠(長野) だるま型提灯



Two modern lanterns, with electrical fixtures for indoors.

『招福だるま提灯』, 有限会社  三好商店
Good Luck Daruma From Miyoshi Store, Takamatsu, Shikoku

His homepage about lanterns in English


During the Winter Festival in Nakashibetsu, Hokkaido, lanterns of Snowman Daruma were used.



During the winter festival of Takasaki town, the town of origin of the modern Daruma dolls, there are also Daruma lanterns made every year by the children.



Here is a Japanese Daruma Lantern in the city of Seoul, Korea.

I also found some simple lanterns, made in China, for many modern events in Japan.

In the story about the Blowfish (fugu, Japan) you find a lantern made out of a dead fish!


Quote from
Japanese Interiors, Paper Lanterns -- chochin

A "chochin" is a hand crafted paper lantern made of bamboo and Japanese washi paper. Well, at least it used to be. Now, of course, you can find factory-made plastic ones that look exactly like the real thing. Chochin cast a serene glow, simple and elegant.

Chochin lanterns are very common throughout Japan. Restaurants hang them near their entrance, indicating that they are open for business. They are generally less formal, and more utilitarian, than other traditional decorations like hanging scrolls.

To a western eye, they are perhaps one of the most widely recognizable Japanese decorations, next to, perhaps, woodblock prints or folding screens.

Chochin containing a candle were widely used during the Edo period (1603-1869) as a portable light source. During the Edo period the night-time was darker than it is today and people had to travel on foot. Odawara Chochin was both useful and psychologically reassuring because of the belief that it protected people against evil spirits. For these reasons, it was widely used, particularly by travelers from the beginning of the 18th century.

The Odawara chochin is perhaps the most well-known. Named after a person who was living in Odawara, now a city in Kanagawa, the prefecture just south of Tokyo, the Odawara chochin have three distinguishing features.

They are collapsible, small and light enough to fit in the bosom of a kimono.
They are durable and can be used in inclement weather.
It is believed that they are able to protect people against evil spirits, especially when constructed of materials gathered from sacred locations.

挑燈(ちょうちん) making chochin source : edoichiba tyoutin


"Chochin" was a kind of lantern at Japan in the olden times. At those days, "Chochin" served as a flash light when people went out at night. Japanese Lantern-"Chochin" made of a bamboo frame with paper covering. A candle burns inside. Today, "Chochin" is mainly used in festival at various Japanese towns. The design, pinted picture of Geisha makes it suitable for home decor.

About Lanterns from Odawara, Odawara Chochin
Chochin (Japanese lantern) widely used during the Edo period (1603-1869) is portable light that use candle as a light source. Japanese paper is applied to a spiral-shaped coil of finely split bamboo, and rings are fitted to the top and bottom of the Chochin so it can be collapsed and folded flat.

CLICK for more photos
Odawara Lantern

In the pun-language of the Yoshiwara pleasure quarters, this was also an expression for an old man's penis.

Odawara choochin 小田原提灯 

. Regional Folk Craft from Japan .


Big Lantern Festival . Oochoochin Matsuri
at Suwa Shrine and other places
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Gifu 岐阜提灯 Gifu Chochin, Lanterns from Gifu .
With delicate hand-painted patterns. Almost like Bon Choochin.


Sanuki Choochin, Sanuki Chochin, Lanterns from Sanuki
With three layers, innermost with dragon, middle with sutras, outside with pattern


source : blog.livedoor.jp/suntronix_fuga

kokeshi choochin こけし灯籠 lanterns in the form of wooden dolls

. kokeshi こけし wooden dolls, Kokeshi .


Lanterns for O-Bon, bonjoochin 盆提灯
(bon choochin) ぼんぢょうちん

There are two types, to hang and to stand. Usually they are made to turn around and around, producing nice shadows on the paper screens of the walls and windows of a typical Japanese home.
They serve the same purpose as the fires at the entrance, to welcome and later to send off the souls of the ancestors.

Standing Lanterns


Hanging Lanterns


Link in Japanese
盆提灯はなぜ飾るのですか? nadonado

Preparing bamboo lanterns for o-bon
This time they use halfcut bamboo pieces with candles to produce a natural light.
Look at the photos here:

Read more about O-Bon as a kigo for early autumn for a haiku.
Bon Festival (o-bon) お盆

bonjoochin tatameba atsuki iki o seri

this bon lantern -
when it is closed it lets out
a hot breath

Nonaka Ryosuke (Ryoosuke) 野中亮介 (1958 - )


鳥羽(三重)from Toba, Mie prefecture

Look at many many many more :
source : kunio.raindrop.jp


. List of Edo craftsmen 江戸の職人 .

. Edo Tegaki Chochin 江戸手描提灯
Hand-Painted Paper Lanterns .

火袋提灯 hibukuro chochin (literally "fire bag lanterns")
高張提灯 takahari chochin parade lanterns with long poles

From the mid Edo Period onward, a great number of craftsmen skilled in calligraphy and brushwork resided in Edo's Asakusa district. Wholesaling systems were developed in the Meiji Era (1868-1912), this resulted in a growing division of tasks between chochin production processes and character/crest decoration processes. Even today, some Tokyo craftsmen make a living based on writing Japanese characters on finished hibukuro 火袋 ("fire bag lanterns"). The Japanese characters written on chochin are generally referred to as being in the Edo moji style (the Edo lettering style), and such chochin calligraphers also prepare senjafuda, slips of paper bearing pilgrim names that are affixed to the gates of Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples.
Although lettering is written inside an outlined area on senjafuda 千社札, chochin lack such restrictions. This leads to a slightly more free-flowing calligraphy style. Furthermore, painting family crests on chochin differs from applying them to kimono, in that the former are painted in black ink on a white background. Crests are painted in a way that facilitates visibility from a distance, and unique methods are utilized to achieve a balanced appearance.

choochinshi 提灯師 craftsman making paper lanterns

Since the dark roads of Edo at night were not always safe, the stick to hold a lantern was quite strong and could serve as a weapon in case of need.


choochin hari 提灯張り gluing paper to lanterns
choochin harikae 提灯張り変え gluing new paper to lanterns

Since the paper of the folding lanters broke easily, repairing them was a good job in the towns of Edo, Osaka and Kyoto. On demand the repairmen would also paint the family crest or the name of a shop on a newly repaired lantern.

. naishoku 内職 home worker, side business in Edo .


- reference : 浮世絵 提灯 Ukiyo-E -

川瀬巴水 提灯 雪の柳橋 Yuki no Yanagibashi


- ANDON 行灯 Andon lanterns of old -

. Yotaka andon matsuri 夜高行灯祭 (よたかあんどんまつり)
Yotaka andon lantern festival .

Fukuno no yotaka 福野の夜高(ふくののよたか)
observance kigo for late spring

. bonbori ぼんぼり / 雪洞 paper lantern .
- Introduction -


Akachochin Jellyfish 赤提灯クラゲ Pandea rubra

. Daruma Lantern at a Shop in Saga, Kyoto  


"Paper Lantern Seller"
Tokuriki Tomikichiro 徳力富吉郎


. 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - Kappa, the Water Goblin of Japan! .
- Introduction -

source : google.co.jp


. bake-choochin 化け提灯 Bake-Chochin, Monster Lantern .
Chōchin-obake 提灯お化け, "paper lantern ghost"

- #chochin #paperlantern -