
ME - Blue Eyes of Daruma


ME 目 Blue Eyes of Daruma san

.. .. .. 青い目のだるまさん
aoi me no Daruma
for komainu, see below


A friend asked about paintings of a Daruma with blue eyes. Since most painings of Daruma san are in the Zen-painting tradition (zen-ga 禅画), they are in black and white ink. But Daruma, as an Indian Monk, might have blue eyes.

.. .. .. .. Let us see what we find in the Internet.

Then, about fourteen hundred years ago Bodhidharma (Bodhidharma in Sanskrit, Pu-Ti-Ta-Mo, Buti-Damoin or Ta-mo in Chinese, Bodai Daruma in Japanese) who was a Buddhist master and an accomplished Kshatriya warrior, left western India, penetrating mountain ranges including the Himalayas and crossing unbridged rivers through complete wilderness, to travel to China and present lectures on Buddhism.

Ferociously ugly, with wide, piercing blue eyes; and bearded with wild curly hair, who was known as he arrived in China as a "barbarian", is now known as the founder of Ch’an (Zen) Buddhism and of the Shaolin arts. Some historical notes have him arriving in Canton, China at 470 AD, leaving there and arriving next in Ching-Ling (which is now Nanking).
Since even present roads between India and China would not be described as good, one can only imagine the greatness of Bodhidharma's spirit and physical strength as he made this several thousand mile trip alone. This journey was the death bed wish of his master Prajnatara who wished to spread the "sudden" philosophy of Chan Buddhism outside of India proper and particularly to the land of Song Dynasty China.
quote from ohio shaolin

The blue-eyed Founder of Shaolin & Chan Buddhism


Actually, Kung Fu was introduced to China
by a man whose BLUE EYES supposedly burned a hole through a wall, according to the legend. His name was Bodhidharma, and he is mentioned as "the blue-eyed devil" in the quote below.
Another thing we always see in the Orient is the Buddha, whose statues are all very Oriental-looking. Actually, Buddha was an Aryan who lived and died in India.
As one Buddhist puts it,
"We're all prepared to visualize the Buddha's blue eyes. He was an Aryan, of European descent, a nobleman in a societal caste system that did not ‘officially' intermarry with native populations. The rigidity of the system can be seen even in further generations. Nearly a thousand years later, Bodhidharma, another Aryan descendant, was called The Blue Eyed Demon by the Chinese.'"


Buddhas Eyes are like a Blue Lotus

The countenance of the Buddha is like the clear full moon,
Or again, like a thousand suns releasing their splendour.
His eyes are pure, as large and as broad as a blue lotus.
His teeth are white, even and close, as snowy as white jade.

- from the Suvarnaprabhasa (Suvarnabhasottama) Sutra

Interesting Article about the perception of the Color BLUE.


Bodhidharma is revered as the founder of kung fu. He introduced kung fu exercises to the monks of the Shaolin temple after gaining entry around 497AD. Legend states that he cut off his eyelids to stay awake in meditation and had piercing blue eyes.


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. History of Taekwondo

was a disciple of the priest Prajinatara, who later became the 28th descendent of Skaka (the founder of Buddhism). Bodhidharma was a colorful character;
Chinese writers refer to him as the "blue-eyed barbarian. "

He is often depicted as a balding man with a beard, potbelly, and blue eyes. He was most probably born in Kanchipuran (near Madras), India. He was probably the son of a lesser member of the warrior caste, but there are some indications he may have been of the mixed priest-warrior caste "Brahaman-Kshyatriya"; the clue being his Caucasoid features. Although heir to a throne, Bodhidharma chose the life of a religious devotee.


People of Old Along the Silk Road
On this page, you will see wall paintings from the tomb of Princess Yongtai at the site of the Qian Ling tombs, Shaolin Monastery, and from the grottoes at Dunhunag, Kizil and Bezeklik.

Other figures, shown kneeling before the Buddhas offering gifts, were of particular interest to von Le Coq since they depicted individuals in costumes of different nationalities. They included Indian princes, Brahmins, Persians -- and one puzzling character with red hair, blue eyes and distinctly European features."
source . mary mount


Kites of Daimon Town 越中だいもん凧まつり
One of these kites features a Daruma with blue eyes.

Poster for the Kite Competition Heisei 20

This Kite pattern is also on a large tile design in the town.


And my Daruma Story about Kites:
- wadako 和凧 Japanese Kite -


Tea Legends and the Blue-eyed Daruma
Daruma, the blue-eyed prince from India, did long sessions of zazen in China and cut off his eyelids, because he wanted to prevent going to sleep. From the cast-off eyebrows the tee tree emerged, with his envigorating dring helping the meditating Daruma.

お茶について最も広く知られている伝説に登場するのは、紀元前2800年ごろに中国を治めていたとされる 神農(神の農夫)である。彼は哲学者、本草家としても知られていた。山野をかけ巡り、日に72種もの野草 や木の葉などを口にして効能を調べ、そのたびごとに茶の葉を用いて毒を消していたのがその始まりとされて いる。 これとは別にもうひとつの伝説がある。お茶の始まりを仏教伝播(でんぱ)に結びつけるもので、その時期 は、実際の発祥よりも後のこととされている。インドの青い目の王子、菩提達磨(ぼだいだるま)が主人公で ある。彼は何年もの間、一睡もせずに修行を続けたと言われている。修行の座禅中、睡魔に襲われ不覚にも 眠ってしまった。目覚めた彼は、無念の思いから自らに愛想をつかし、自分のまぶたを切り取り捨てた。その 後5年以上も眠らず座禅を続けるが、再び眠ってしまった。彼は目を覚ますと、近くにあった木の葉をかんで みた。するとたちまち眠気が覚めた。これこそお茶に含まれる成分の代表的なカフェインの効果である。
source ichigashira.com

だるまは こうしこくのおうじ kooshi koku no ooji / 香至国 の第三王子 Prince from Koshi



The Daruma above is from my collection. He is made from clay and about 19 cm high.

Kokeshi set on a piece of wood with blue eyes.


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Further Reading

Me-ire - Painting Eyes for Daruma 達磨の目入れ
Daruma and his EYES

The Eye-Opening Ceremony of a Buddha Statue


Comments from my readers:
The ancient 12-13th c. Korean history "Samguk Yusa" describes Tamo (Daruma) as a blue-eyed barbarian. "The Blue Cliff Records" of Japan label him as"that old blue-eyed barbarian".
Coupling this info. with the Silk RoadTrade, considering that Chinese interacted with Nordics through that very route, literary references to Nordics (Aryans), that artistic works refer to non-European Whites, and that "blue-eyed barbarian" was apparently used as a general term for White strangers (from Xinjiang, Persia, India, C. Asia,etc. - where else would they come from?), makes the chances of Daruma being a White Man (he was from the Warrior Caste) with blue eyes quite apossibility; just like the Buddha.
- darumasan forum yahoo


aoi me no komainu 青目の狛犬 
Koma-Inu with blue eyes

They have stone eyes of blue color.

. komainu, koma inu 狛犬 "lion dog" .
Lit. 'Korean dog'. - Introduction

- photo by Yasue M. san -
from 白鳥神社 - 宮城県柴田郡村田町

- photo by Takashi G. san -
from 人麻呂神社 栃木県

- source : Shinto Shrines facebook -

. . . CLICK here for Photos !



SCROLLS - sumie, suiboku

. Paintings and prints of Daruma San .

Scrolls with Daruma 掛け軸 kakejiku

Many Daruma Scrolls introduced here are from extensive internet search of Ebay, Trocadero and other soucres.

Since they usually disappear soon from the web, I have prepared a safecopy in my photoalbum.
... gabigreve /album/

I wish to express my thanks to the many dealers who show their Daruma scrolls online. If this little collection would help to promote the sales, I will be happy ! And if you want to share them here directly too, please go ahead.

CLICK for more images.


source : arttattler.com

Suiô Genro (Japanese, 1716-1789)
遂翁元廬 (1717 - 1790) Suio Genro


from Tomioka collection 富岡重憲コレクション
- source : waseda.jp/aizu - Aizuyaichi museum -


Zen Art Gallery Shambhala

In Zen art, the master does not paint Daruma as an historical figure (or even a saint) but as a symbol of penetrating insight, self-reliance, ceaseless diligence, and the rejection of all externals. In order to bring the image of Daruma to life with brush and ink, the artist must become Daruma. Thus, a Daruma painting is a spiritual self-portrait, based on the individual experience of each Zen master.

Look at this great Gallery of Daruma Scrolls.
... www.shambhala.com/zenart/



Daruma Under Bo Tree, Taisho
CLLICK for original LINK !

Humorous painting on Japanese Zen scroll featuring Daruma sitting beneath a bo tree, Taisho Era, c. 1912-1926. Colorful depiction with ink and colors on silk. Daruma, also known as Boddhidharma, is the known as the first patriarch of Zen Buddhism and said to have founded Kung Fu in China. In this entertaining rendering, he is pictured meditating under the halo of a bo tree. This unusual combination of a serious pose taken aback by an amusingly rendered expression gives an eye-catching overall effect.
Dimensions: 79” high, 21.5” wide.
Nr. 58/59
See Photo Album


- - - - - More in the album
- source : Dariusz on facebook


Gaun (1633 - 1701) - Crimson Daruma
This is a 17th Century painting of the enigmatic Daruma. Depicted with his robe clutched tightly to himself and his face is set in deep concentration. He appears to be summoning his will to control the tumultuous thoughts within. The calligraphic inscriptions are signed Myoitsu, and the top seal below his signature also reads Myoitsu. The seal below this reads Gaun. Gaun (Arima Ryodai) was a practitioner of calligraphy and tea ceremony in Kyoto. He died in 1701 at the age of 69. The larger seal at the top left reads ‘Zenkoku …….Hakurankai’. This translates to ‘the all Japan exhibition of painted treasures’. The painting has just been cleaned and re-mounted – the previous brocade was worn beyond repair. The gold used for the calligraphy, and the deep, crimson red pigments of his robe have faded. It is now in fine condition, and completely stable. The scroll measures 77 by 20 inches.
Nr. 60/61
See Photo Album


.. .. .. .. .. .. The Kura
Murasakino Kita-ku Kyoto

The Kura was established in 1994 in the ancient capitol and cultural heart of Japan, Kyoto. It has a lot of other Daruma items too.

An erratic mid 20th century Daruma painting signed Gozan in the original signed wooden box; the almost frenzied aspect of the brushwork balanced with the morose look on the legendary figures face. Of course, the Daruma is the founder of Zen Buddhism, and is attributed by the Chinese as the originator of Shao-Lin Kung-Fu. We have been unable to find any information on Gozan; however the name (five mountains) is certainly that of a priest (as originally in Japan the five main sects of Buddhism were represented by five mountain temples). The watercolor and ink on paper image, taken from an unusual angle and reminiscent of the works of the artist Tessai, is set in a very clean border of dark brown cloth, extended in beige. There is some age staining present on the image, but due to the peculiar style of the painting, actually blends in to the background. The scroll measures 19-1/4 by 62 inches (48 x 155 cm).
Nr. 21/22
See Photo Album


A lovely Sanpuku set of three bright early 20th century sumi-e scrolls, Ichi-gyo Calligraphy scrolls framing an image of the Daruma, legendary founder of Zen Buddhism. The signature is a bit difficult to read, but the stamps read Kiun (upper) and Hosen (lower). Typical of characters used for a priestfs name. Each ink work is framed in fresh green brocade featuring bone rollers and measures 7-1/4 by 77-1/2 inches (18.5 x 197 cm).

Six Tips to Protect Your Hanging Scrolls


Six Tips to Protect Your Hanging Scrolls
When it comes to hanging scrolls, conservators believe that preventive care is the best medicine.
Tip #2 Handle scrolls in the traditional manner
- source : www.asianart.org


Photo from my friend Ishino



"Daruma riding leaves to cross the seas to Japan"
attributed to Hokusai or Oi (葛飾 応為, c. 1800–c. 1866), his daughter.



Scroll in a Tokonoma, Japan


...................... Look at My Photo Album


fuuchin, fūchin 風鎮 Fuchin, hanging-scroll weight

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

- reference -


sumi-e 墨絵 painting with ink and brush

Ink and wash painting is an East Asian type of brush painting also known as ink wash painting. Only black ink — the same as used in East Asian calligraphy — is used, in various concentrations.
In Western art, works on paper in similar techniques are generally classified with drawings.
..... Ink wash painting developed in China during the Tang Dynasty (618-907).
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

East Asian Brush Painting
source : www.sumiesociety.org


Sumitsubo Gassen 

Kobaien Nara, Tsubai-Cho 7 - 古梅園 - 古墨 古梅園
source : 古梅園


. Paintings of Daruma
how to paint your own Daruma ! .


suibokuga 水墨画 ink paintings

When you draw the traditional images, such as geisya, samurai or Buddha, it is key point how to draw the neck line. I build up the neck line of this dharma image inspired by Sesshu and Hakuin.

Kazu Shimura
Look at a video of this painting in process:
source : sumi-e.jp/museum/bodydharma.htm


Futaara san sumie bokashi ni tsuchi fureri

an ink painting
of Futarasan in all gradations -
it is raining sand

Matsuzaki Tetsunosuke

. Yellow sand  黄砂 (こうさ) koosa .


sumi-e ni mo honoka naru momiji kaze hikaru

even in this ink painting
a tint of red autumn leaves -
shining wind

Fukushima Kazu 福島加津

akebono no sumi-e no kumo ya itozakura

in morning dawn
the clouds like ink paintings -
hanging cherry blossoms

Izumi Kyooka 泉鏡花 Izumi Kyoka
(1873 - 1939)


sudo goshi ni ukiyo no sama na sumi-e meku

Oosaka Getsuooshi 逢坂月央子 Osaka Getsuoshi


kakaritaru sumi-e Daruma no kinichi kana

Tokumoto Eisui 徳本映水


sugiyama no sumi-e bokashi ni botan nabe

the ink painting
of a cedar forest in all gradations -
wild boar stew

Kiuchi Shooshi 木内彰志 Kiuchi Shoshi
(1935 - 2006)

source : www.grace-tsumugi.com

A Sumi-e hanging scroll decorated with pine trees and clouds,
by Shibata Zeshin.

柴田是真 墨絵杉山


source : buddhanet.net/lineart...


. Paintings and prints of Daruma San .



Fishhook Daruma


Fishhook Daruma
Fishlure 魚のルーアー

Daruma comes in may variations but this is super ! Even the eyes are popping out.


. Fishing Methods in Japan  




Netsuke with Daruma

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]
. zooge 象牙 ivory art in Japan .

Netsuke 根付
are miniature sculptures that were invented in 17th-century Japan to serve a practical function (the two Japanese characters ne+tsuke mean "root" and "to attach").
Traditional Japanese garments—robes called kosode and kimono—had no pockets; however, men who wore them needed a place to store their personal belongings, such as pipes, tobacco, money, seals, or medicines.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


- shared by Walter on facebook -



Netsuke, inro, ojime, lacquer works of art, snuff bottles, pendants jade and ivory carvings

All fully described by
Neil K. Davey & Robert Hall
source : www.jncohen.net


- shared by Mark Harris, FB


Many netsuke with Daruma introduced here are from extensive internet search of Ebay, Trocadero and other soucres.

Since they usually disappear soon from the web, I have prepared a safecopy in my photoalbum.
gabigreve/ photoalbum

I wish to express my thanks to the many dealers who show their Daruma netsuke online. If this little collection would help to promote the sales, I will be happy ! And if you want to share them here directly too, please go ahead.

To read more about Netsuke, check the following LINKS:

The International Netsuke Society

Sagemono-ya in Tokyo

Boy carrying Daruma in Furoshiki


source : facebook

György Ráth Museum - Budapest


The order the netsuke are listed below is arbitrary.
Click on the links to see the pictures please.


Dmitry Levit Asian Art

Boy with Daruma and Cloth
19 century ivory netsuke of a Chinese boy pulling a wrapping textile over a cloth doll of Zen Buddhism patriarch Daruma. Excellent faces, fantastic quality etching of facial hair of the doll, beautiful wear and patina. Himotoshi (cord opening) is located under the left arm of the boy. Height 1 1/8 inches

Boy and Daruma Snowman by Masahiro
19 century ivory netsuke of a boy making a snowman in a form of theZen Buddhism patriarch Daruma, with his handprints all over thesnowman. Excellent carving, especially facial expressions - delightedof the boy, and ferocious of Daruma, very nice patina. The hair knots of the boy and the eyes of Daruma are inlaid with dark horn. Nice etched pattern on textiles, usual age lines. Wonderful sculpture -all that a good netsuke should be. Signed MASAHIRO on the bottom. Masahiro Gyokkosai of Osaka school worked in mid-19th century, was one of the foremost students of Mitsuhiro and carved much in the style of his master - see NETSUKE & INRO ARTISTS AND HOW TO READTHEIR SIGNATURES by George Lazarnick, p.704. Length 1 3/4 inches.1250 Dollars.

Daruma and Demon by Gyoku-Unsai
Late 19th century ivory netsuke carved as Daruma (Boddhidharma - thefounder of Zen Buddhism) wearing an earring and enveloped in hismonastic robe with cape, sitting trying to read a book, while beingdistracted by oni (little mischievous demon) standing by his side with a club in its hand. Fantastic carving of the face with the expression of extreme annoyance, great rendition of hair in his beard and on his chest. Very nice patina, old age lines in ivory, old restoration (about a third of the front page of the book, very welldone). Signed GYOKUUNSAI on the bottom - the artist is listed on p.432 of NETSUKE & INRO ARTISTS AND HOW TO READ THEIR SIGNATURES byGeorge Lazarnick.
Height 1 1/8 inches.
photos.gabigreveNr. 20

Manju-Type Daruma by Gyokkei
19th century ivory netsuke in manju (rice cake) shape carved insunken relief with Daruma (Boddhidharma - the founder of ZenBuddhism) wearing earrings and enveloped in his monastic robe blownby the wind. The back is decorated with incised hossu - flywisk.Fantastic carving of his face with the expression of extremeconcentration, great rendition of hair in his beard and on his chest.Himotoshi in the center of the back is lined with ivory inset stained green. Two parts fit nicely, honey colored patina on the back where netsuke was touching the silk of kimono. Signed GYOKKEI on the back.For information on the artist see NETSUKE & INRO ARTISTS AND HOW TOREAD THEIR SIGNATURES by George Lazarnick, p. 417. Wonderful work ofart by the master carver.
Diameter 1 5/8 inches.
photos.gabigreveNr. 12

Wooden okimono size netsuke 19th cent.
okimono representing standing Daruma (founder of Zen Buddhism) enveloped in his monastic robe. Wonderful face with almost portrait features, graceful flow to his robe. Himotoshi might have been added, old smoothed and stained loss at the bottom of the robe on the back .
Height 4 11/16 inches.

Akubi no Daruma, Daruma yawning
19th century ivory netsuke carved as a cloth toy in a form of Zen Patriarch Daruma stretching and yawning after 9 years of meditation. Excellent carving, fantastic facial expression, great rendition of the patched body of the doll with various textile patterns. Beautiful staining and patina from wear, old age line. Signed GYOKUSAI in an oval reserve on the side - the carver is probably one of the 3 artists who signed this way (see Neil Davey NETSUKE, p. 461).
Height 1 7/8 inches.

.. .. .. Ojime
Numerous Daruma. Ivory19th century ivory ojime (slide bead for tightening the cord goingfrom netsuke to inro) carved in the round with numerous dolls representing Daruma (the founder of Zen Buddhism). Excellent clevercarving, central hole is lined with silver, wonderful warm patina andbeautiful sheen to the surface, in very good condition. Height 13/16inches.

19c okimono DARUMA by netsuke carver SUKEYUKI
Late Meiji period (1890s -1912) wooden okimono of cloth doll of Daruma (founder of Zen Buddhism) enveloped in his monastic robe.
Skillfully carved out of chosen matsu (Korean pine wood) in ittobori (one cut) style characteristic of Hida school of netsuke carvers with clever use of wood grain as element of design.
source : trocadero.com/stores/dmitry/items



Pop-out eyes, IvoryDaruma,
the Indian priest who so worshipped the Buddha that he cutoff his eyelids to prevent them from closing while he prayedendlessly, so long indeed that his legs shriveled beneath him. Thisexquisite little ivory netsuke portrays him as a rolypoly figurewhose eyes pop out when the figure is moved. Japanese, early Twentieth Century, and signed by the artist, it is approximately 1-1/4 inches high by 7/8 of an inch in diameter.



Chilong Antiques

Daruma enduring Moxa, Bizen

A Bizen stoneware netsuke showing Daruma enduring moxa. Height: 1 ½in. 19th century.The identical figure in the renowned Raymond and Frances Bushell sale(Part 1, 27 October 1987, lot 274) realised £ 550. Bushell’s example is illustrated in Arts of Asia 3/4 1976, fig. 12.

Boy holding Daruma. Boxwood.
A good quality boxwood and marine ivory okimono of a child with an outsized Daruma doll. Height: 1 5/8 in. Unsigned. Meiji. Late nineteenth century.


source : Moró Antik
Daruma trimming his nosehair...



Simply Seated. Wood.
Late 19th Century Of Daruma seated in a meditating position and wrapped in his coat.The pupils are inlaid in dark horn and the details very well carved.The wood used is probably a fruit wood, possibly from the cherry or persimmon tree.
1.1/2in. (3.8cm.) high


Alexander Fine Art

Ivory Netsuke of Daruma
Carved seated and holding a wisk. Date: Meiji period, 19th century.
Size: 1 1/2 in. high.



Netsuke of Daruma as Hyotoko

Benkei and Kamewakamaru as Daruma

Look at more interesting netsuke from Sagemonoya :
source : www.netsuke.com/netsuke


Oriental Arts

Chasing a Rat. Katabori
A rare and superb katabori netsuke in wood of DARUMA, 18TH century
Seated, holding a hos-su, trying to chase away a rat climbing on his back and bitting him. The wood bears an incredible rich and deep patina. The eyes of Daruma with a double incrustation, ivory and wood. The wood rater worn and in very good condition, a fantastic expression. The rat is not the only "thing" sended to disturb Daruma, just look at the bottom of the piece; there are two simulated mask of demons. A real masterpiece! Unsigned, 18th century, Tokyo circa 1780
H: 2.6cm L:3.6cm

Onna Daruma. Ivory.
A very nice manju of octogonal form representing Onna Daruma, the ivory bearing a good patina, signed in cursiv at the back of the piece.
L: 5.5cm


B & C Antiques

Boy playing with Daruma Doll. Polychrome. Komin.
A polychrome ivory netsuke of a young boy kneeling down to play with a tiny Daruma doll. Carved and signed by Japanese artist Komin, 20th century. When Westerners began to take an interest in netsuke, particularly in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, netsuke carvers turned to the world around them for netsuke subjects.
Activities of ordinary people, such as this child at play, helped create a picture of Japan during the period in which the pieces were carved.
Daruma, the monk who brought Zen Buddhism to Japan, has become a familiar and beloved figure with an important place in religion, art and folk culture. His most frequent representation is of a roly-poly figure without limbs. This roly-poly figure makes one of the most popular toys in Japan. A symbol of patience and perseverance, it rights itself when knocked over. Condition is excellent with wonderful patina.
Overall dimensions: 1 ½” x 7/8” x 1” high.


Hans-Martin Schmitz
Alte Kunst aus China und Japan


Daruma with toys, demons and fox mask

Spielzeuge, u.a. Darumapuppe, Oni- und Fuchsmaske,Elfenbein,
L. 3,2 cm1. Häfte 19. Jh.
photos.gabigreve # 18/

Boy with Snowman Daruma, Ivory
Schneeball-Daruma Elfenbein, H. 2,7 cmSign.: Masahiro Ôsaka, 19. Jh.


La Galliavola / Arte Orientale

Height mm 78, lenght mm 53

source : www.lagalliavola.com


Daruma Doll.
Boxwood with mammoth ivory and bamboo inlays
Height: 1 1/4" / Signed: Zanmai

source : www.takaraasianart.com


Kunstwerke aus Mammut Elfenbein

Four Daruma huddeling. mammoth ivory
Vierfacher Daruma



Some Daruma come in form of Shunga, erotic scenes 春画

Gallerie Flachsmann

Okame in der Form von Daruma (Shunga)
O-Kame san
signiert Masahiro Osaka Schule
Elfenbein IVORY 3,6 cm


Seated Daruma, 13 cm high
Looks very unauspicious, until you turn him upside down.

Onna Daruma, Lady Daruma with the special touch

I have written about her in the story about
Daruma and the Courtesans.



Mice and Daruma

Gallery Zacke, Vienna
1010 Vienna, Kohlmarkt 7 Stairway 3/1, 1st Floor
source : www.zacke.at


Diameter about 45 mm. It has two small holes in the tsumami.
It was most probably made from ivory in the Edo period.

Back side

Photo from my friend Ishino.


.. .. .. .. .. More about my Netsuke Collection

See my Netsuke Album.
They are not all in my position, this is a virtual collection.
gabigreve / photoalbum

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Some articles

Bosshard about Netsuke, an article


More thumbnail netsuke photos !

Click on the thumbnail to view more !


..... Latest Aquisitions

Netsuke, man with daruma, badly carved

Netsuke wood large.

Netsuke, Arms over head

Ojime red laquer おじめ

Netsuke from Celadon

Netsuke from Ivory, Inemuri Daruma 居眠りだるま


Wooden Onna Daruma

Photo from my friend Ishino.


Photo from my friend Ishino.

about 3.9 cm high and 30 g heavy.


. inroo, inrō 印籠 / 印篭 / いんろう Inro, pillbox, pill box .
- Introduction -

source : tukubaskecth.tsukuba.ch

The famous inro of Mito Komon occupied by manekineko !

- quote
An inrō (印籠) is a traditional Japanese case for holding small objects, suspended from the obi.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Cats and Daruma 招き猫とだるま Manekineko .


.....- My Netsuke Photo Gallery -

. Netsuke omamori 根付お守り netsuke amulets .


Shunga Daruma 春画だるま


snuff bottle, snuffbottle スナッフボトル

Made in Japan for the Chinese market, Meiji Period (1868-1912)
Of diamond shape carved in low relief with Daruma holding a hossu in his arms on side,
and 半諾迦尊者 Handaka Sonja carrying his bowl on the other,
the base with a shou character.
H: 2 1/8in. (5.5cm.)
source : Asiantiques - New Orleans, LA

- quote
By most terms of history in China, snuff bottles are a relatively
recent development. Tobacco reached China toward the end of the 16th
Century. Similar in time to itsf introduction into England. When
tobacco was converted into snuff is hard to say but by the mid
seventeenth century seems to be likely. Customs records document that
by 1685 snuff was entering China although it possibly may have been
in use prior to that date. Snuff, however, did not come into common
usage and was largely a habit of the upper classes. The Jesuits
introduced its use at court and soon it became increasingly common
among the court, rich landlords and merchants.

The Chinese believed that snuff possessed medicinal qualities and
that its use helped to dispel colds, cure migraine, sinus and tooth
pain, relieve throat trouble, cause sweats and counter asthma and
constipation. Snuff was believed to be particularly an aid to
digestion. Beijing was always the center of snuff usage in China.
The gHsiang tsu pi chih, a document written in the early 18th
Century, notes that snuff was being manufactured in Beijing at this
time. Mint, camphor and Jasmine were and still are added to snuff in

It was not until the eighteenth century that snuff-bottles began to
be made in large numbers. The traditional shape for snuff bottles
were that they were small enough to fit in the palm of the hand.
Generally they were provided with a small spoon fixed in the stopper
and capped usually with a hemispherical piece of jade. This later
touch is undoubtedly a creation of the Chifen Lung period. Snuff
bottles are most probably an evolution of the small medicine bottles
that are common from an earlier period and the earliest dated piece
is 1653. Snuff bottles often have either the makerfs name or the
date but rarely both are present together. A large number of Chinese
snuff bottles carry the mark of Chfien Lung, but most of these were
really made during the reign of Tao Kuang (1821-1850) or later.
Further, most of the snuff bottles with the Kfang Hsi reign mark
were made significantly later. All of the bottles with interior
painting date much later and were made into the early years of the
nineteenth century.

Snuff bottles are made of a wide variety of materials. These include
coral, ivory, jade, jadeite, mother of pearl, lapis lazuli, quartz,
malachite, agate, turquoise as well as gold, silver and many more
exotic materials. Despite the number of exotic materials to chose
from, glass remained the most popular substance to use and most
surviving models are from this material. Glass was treated much
differently by the Chinese during this period than it is today. The
Chinese cut and polished it like a precious stone. By mixing metal
oxides, the subsequent glass could be turned into exquisite glass
sculptures. The glass for these works generally originated in
Shantung although the cutting itself was done in Beijing.
- source : www.asia-art.net

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