
Shamoji Ladle

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shamoji しゃもじ ladle
杓文字, 杓、シャモジ

しゃもじ 杓子 =しゃくじ shakuji, shakushi

- source : kyoudogangu.xii.jp...

They are used to scoop rice out of the cooking pot.
Also called "Rice Paddles", rice spoons, wood spatula, rice scoop.
They were made from wood or bamboo, but nowadays of course they are made of plastic.

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shakuji 杓子 are also used to scoop liquid.


Some temples are famous for the shamoji that people bring as offerings.


Tiny folk craft of a miniature rice paddle (shamoji) and Daruma in a kiri (paulownia) wood box.
The rice paddle measures 1-7/8". Attached to the rice paddle are two grains of rice. There are some Japanese characters or words written on each rice grain. Daruma is painted on a 3/16" roundish piece of wood. The box measures approximately 1-3/4" x 2-1/4" x 11/16" and has words, a red stamp and a mountain painted on the top.

source :  kyototraditions.com

Daruma Dolls from Kyoto Traditions Com


Uzuma no namazu うずまの鯰 catfish amulet from Uzuma
from the river Uzumagawa 巴波川
in the form of a shamoji ladle

. Namazu なまず/ 鯰 catfish in legends and toys .


Miyajima shamoji 宮島 しゃもじ rice paddles

It has been invented as a souvenir to help people make some extra money.

The island of Miyajima near Hiroshima is famous for inventing the rice ladle. There is even the largest rice paddle of the world on display.

CLICK for more photos

The large one (ooshakuji 大杓)is 2.7 meters tall, 7.7 meters long and 2.5 tons heavy.
It is made from an old zelkova (kiri) tree.
It scoops not only rice, but tourists to the island.

On the island, many shops sell souvenir shamoji for good luck, in all sizes and forms. One shop owner still makes them by hand and offers more than 60 different types.

Many Japanese buy such a paddle , write a wish on it, and then send it to a friend, or leave it at a temple.

It is so famous on the island, that the local people call a rice paddle
"Miyajima" at the kitchen table.

It is also a pun with the sound of
meshi o toru 飯を取る to get some rice
meshitoru 召し取る to get a woman for marriage

and thus an extra bonus for good luck.

Personal shamoji with photos

source : miyajima-tk

source : www.shakushi.jp

for the year of the Dog

Shamoji Bento lunch box しゃもじ 弁当

shopsign with a shamoji


In 2012, the famous yearlong drama of NHK features

. Taira no Kiyomori 平 清盛 .

who built the famous shrine on the island.
Some eager souvenir shops have already started to paint the head of the actor on a shamoji.


shamoji at Enoshima 江ノ島

shamoji 杓文字 Shaped Like Benten's Biwa

The Shamoji 杓文字, or rice scooper,
was reportedly first devised by a monk from the Benzaiten island sanctuary at Itsukushima Shrine (Hiroshima). This biwa-shaped wooden spoon is used to serve cooked rice everywhere in Japan. It supposedly symbolizes both Benzaiten's musical instrument (the biwa or lute) and Benzaiten's linkage to agriculture and the rice crop. Small and large versions of the shamoji are sold as popular souvenirs at many Benzaiten shrines in modern Japan.

source : Mark Schumacher


... on this day at the temple Zenkoo-Ji 善光寺 in Nagano, the statue of Binzuru is dressed with a straw rope around his head. While the believers touch him with bamboo ladles (shamoji 杓), he is carried around the outer shrine and then back to his original place.
People pray for health and good luck for the coming year.

Read more HERE
Ceremony for Binzuru (Binzuru mawashi)



- - - - - Kobayashi Issa - - - - -

mi-botoke mo shakushi mo mushi ni nakare keri / mihotoke

Buddha and spoons
the whole wide world!
insects singing

by Issa, 1808
Shinji Ogawa notes that Issa is playing with the expression, neko mo shakushi mo ("cats and wooden spoons"), in other words, "everybody." Instead of "cats and spoons" Issa writes "Buddha and spoons."
(Tr. and Text: David Lanoue)

even Buddhas,
even ladles have to listen
to these loud insect cries

. Comment by Chris Drake .

suzushisa wa ka o ou imo ga shakushi kana

the coolness
of my darling's spatula
driving away mosquitoes

Tr. Chris Drake

This hokku was published posthumously, so it's not known when it was written. The word imo in the second line had four possible meanings in ancient Japanese:
1) a man's sister, older or younger,
2) "darling," a man's lover or wife,
3) a young woman of marriageable age, and
4) the younger sister of a woman, or "you" when used by a woman to a woman friend.

In Issa's time this was a classical word, but many writers in this period liked to use ancient words because of the romantic aura the words had. The same aura clung to imogako, "darling girl," which Issa occasionally uses in the sense of "young lady," clearly referring to young girls. Issa uses the classical imo from time to time, mainly, it seems, when he wants to be polite and raise a normal happening to a more romantic level. There is no consensus in Japan about Issa's use of imo, but my impression is that about half seem to refer to Issa's wife or, when he was younger, a possible lover or lovers, and about half seem to refer to lively young women who are doing something interesting. The present hokku, since it seems to refer to a private supper, probably refers to Issa's wife. When Issa wants to refer to his first and most beloved wife in an ordinary way, he uses her name and writes "my Kiku" (waga Kiku), but in the present hokku he seems emotionally appreciative of her and what she's doing, and perhaps he wants to evoke her actions in a more romantic and offhandedly elegant way.

The flat wooden implement Issa's darling holds is a cross between a paddle and a scoop, with a handle and an oval or semicircular flat area that acts as the scoop. Probably Issa's wife has been scooping out portions of rice into bowls, or perhaps cleaning up after supper, and when the sun goes down and the air grows cooler the mosquitoes arrive in force. In the light of an oil lamp she waves the spatula or scoop at mosquitoes to keep them away, but the way she does it is so unexpectedly graceful that Issa feels even cooler. I don't think the hokku is about using the scoop as a fan. It's the way Issa's darling holds the scoop in her hand and moves it that seems to make him feel even cooler. In another version of the hokku the first line is, "in the coolness," suggesting that the woman doesn't create the coolness with her spatula but makes the coolness feel more palpable or apparent or perhaps more pleasant. Does she make the room seem airier? Larger and more spacious? Do her movements with the spatula make Issa feel as if she's scooping air? Issa has numerous hokku about coolness, and many of them deal with shapes or sights that synesthetically make people feel cooler.

Chris Drake

. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 Issa in Edo .


- #shakuji #shamoji #ricepaddle #ladle #scoop -


Temple Io-Ji

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Temple Io-Ji ... 医王寺
This temple is located in Kyoto, Ayabe town.

The temple was founded around 1460~65 by 安国寺九世妙澤和尚.
Originally in contained a statue of Yakushi Nyorai (hence its name, temple of the Medicine King. But this was stolen and later replaced by an Amida statue.
This temple is more famous for a statue of Amida Nyorai.

This statue of Daruma is about 35 cm high.
Its origin is unknown.

© PHOTO :ayabe bunkazai


Daruma Temples, an Overview

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Eraser (keshigomu) 消しゴム
Radierer, Radiergummi,

This is an old one, maybe 30 years old. Used for studentd during the examination period as encouragement.

Photo from my friend Ishino.


© PHOTO : ~doishun


source : www.popgallery.jp

Snowman Daruma as Eraser

CLICK for more photos .


Enpitsu 鉛筆 Pencil with Daruma





Daruko clappers

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Daruko Daruma clappers だる子

Daruko, also Naruko だる子又は鳴子
They are used when dancing during festivals in Takasaki.
Also called rattles. The name is a contraction from
Naruko and Daruma.

and the LOGO DARUMA from this site:

© takasaki-live


Here is another "Naruma" なるま

CLICK for more photos


These NARUKO 鳴子 with different design are also used for other regional dances in Japan.
The "Yosakoi Naruko Odori" dance parade of Kochi in Shikoku every August is especially famous for these clappers. They are old instruments of farmers to scare away birds from the fields. They are black and have yellow sticks to beat the plate.
There is also a famous "Yosakoi Naruko Dancing" song from Takemasa Eisaku.

Farmers in other regions of Japan also used naruko to scare away animals from the harvest.

CLICK for more photos
CLICK for more photos.


Kokeshi from Naruko Hot Spring なるこ温泉のこけし
鳴子温泉 Naruko Onsen
Kokeshi, Wooden Dolls こけし


Do not mix this clapper with the toy called "Denden Daiko",
a little drum and toy for babies and small children.

Denden Daiko でんでんだいこ, でんでん太鼓
, twist drum

CLICK for many more photos of でんでん太鼓CLICK for more photos
CLICK for more photos !

. mamedaiko, mame taiko 豆太鼓 Denden drum with beans . - Tochigi


The drum (daiko) is an auspicious instrument. This toy is added with the wish that happiness may grow and grow.

. tsurushibina つるし雛 / 吊るし雛 small hanging hina dolls .


. denden daiko デンデン太鼓 toy drum .
In red and black from Miyazaki

denden daiko omamori でんでん太鼓
. Akama Shrine 赤間神宮 Akama Jingu .

. denden inu hariko でんでん犬張子
papermachee dogs with a little denden drum .


. Damaru drum, damru .


ponpachi ポンパチ Ponpachi paper drum
. Kagoshima Jingu 鹿児島神宮 Kagoshima Shrine .

Gangu 玩具 <> Toys with Daruma

Kokeshi, Wooden Dolls こけし and Daruma





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Namaketaroo Daruma Ponpon
なまけたろう だるまポンポン

the Lazy Taroo

© PHOTO : e-towelya

is a manga figure and toy you can take to bed. He is always sleepy and lazy.

. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum




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Shamisen 三味線

Here is a full set of things from my friend Ishino.

CLICK for more photos

The shamisen or samisen (literally "three flavor strings"),
also called sangen (literally "three strings") is a three-stringed musical instrument played with a plectrum called bachi.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Tsugarujamisen 津軽三味線 Tsugaru Shamisen

Okinawa no sanshin 三線 / 沖縄の三味線 three strings of Okinawa

Also called jabisen 蛇皮線, lit. "snake-skin strings" or
jamisen 蛇三線, "snake three strings" due to its snakeskin cover.


. akamono 赤もの red dolls .
from Fushimi, Kyoto 赤もの 伏見土人形

赤もの 三味線弾き akamono - Shamisen player
about 7 cm high


Listen to Chikuzan Jongara bushi
source : www.youtube.com..

Finding inner silence in the shamisen
When Catriona Sturton first arrived in Japan in August 2000, she knew very little about Japan or its culture. Little did the 24-year-old assistant language teacher know that she would become a skilled shamisen player. But that is exactly what happened -- her musical performances were recently broadcast on television in Hiroshima Prefecture and featured in an Asahi Shimbun article.

Water is an important element of the music played by (from left)
Chikuzen Tanaka, Catriona Sturton and Soken Danjo.

"It all started with Yoshio Watanabe, the English teacher at my high school here in Fukuyama, [Hiroshima Pref.]" Sturton says. "He invited me to get involved in a local old-houses restoration project. It was through this group that I met Danjo-san and Tanaka-san."

Buddhist priest Soken Danjo and local shamisen master Chikuzen Tanaka were producing a nonprofit CD recording of traditional Japanese healing music, for distribution to hospice programs around Japan. When he heard that Sturton had been a member of a popular indie rock band in her college days, Danjo invited her to join the chorus featured on the CD recording.

"That was the first time I visited a Buddhist temple," says Sturton. "It was a cold winter night, and the room was dark and mysterious. People involved in the recording were huddled around stoves, and when I heard Tanaka-san playing the shamisen for the first time, the experience left a profound impression on me."

It took another eight months for Sturton to pick up the three-stringed Japanese instrument for the first time.

"At the time I was busy playing bass guitar with a punk rock band in Fukuyama," says Sturton. "I was also jamming regularly with local country music, reggae and blues groups. Because I couldn't speak Japanese, I thought it would be too difficult to learn the shamisen. But when I heard a young performer at a local festival the following summer, I knew I wanted to give it a try. As a bass player, what I found really powerful was the lower tone of the shamisen."

Danjo, a skilled guitarist, sometimes invited Sturton to join blues sessions at his home. He suggested Sturton talk with Tanaka, who offered her a good deal on a used shamisen and began to give her lessons in the Tsugaru-jamisen tradition.

"A Japanese friend had warned me about studying shamisen," Sturton says. "They said most teachers were strict and expected their students to be serious. I was worried about that, but my teacher later told me that the relationship between teacher and student is like that of a mafia boss and his underlings. He suggested I watch yakuza movies to understand this. When we were not practicing, his wife and he were very lighthearted. They have a good sense of humor."
- snip -
How has the shamisen influenced Sturton?
"It's pretty difficult to describe how I feel when I play. In Japanese there is a word, mushin, that means 'nothing heart.' It's a kind of inner calm that I experience when I play the shamisen. As for studying with my teacher, anytime you meet somebody who is doing what they love for a living, I think that it is a great positive influence. It reminds you that there are so many paths to choose in life. After finishing the JET program, I'd like to study with him full time for at least six months and then create the opportunity for us to go on concert tour around Canada."
source : www.japantimes.co.jp

cold winter night -
remembering friends
with a warm heart

Gabi Greve, January 2012


cold winter night -
remembering a friend
with a sad heart

January 9, 2013
I had a call from Danjo san today.

Chikuzen has passed away a few days ago, after a battle with cancer.

Just this morning, before the phone call,
I had introduced the Shamisen to my haiku friends in Facebook and spent a few minutes with all the fond memories . . . and then . . .


Two geisha and a maid carrying a samisen box walking
Kitao Shigemasa


- quote
Tokyo Shamisen

Traditional Technologies and Techniques
1- A Tokyo Shamisen is comprised of three major components. These are joined together by tenon and mortise joints. 継手(つぎて)
2- Ayasugibori 綾杉彫り (the carving of wavy resonance patterns) occurs after the instrument's stop has been cut. The backside of the wood used to make the body of the instrument is chiseled away. A namazori 生反 (spear-shaped chisel) is then used to further shave down the back side of these pieces. Using yet another chisel carefully creates the distinctive ayasugi patterns. During this process, extreme care is taken in order to prevent even a single error occurring.
3- After the four pieces that will make the body of the instrument have undergone ayasugibori, they are joined together using nikawa glue 膠(にかわ). Being created from hardwood and fashioned in ellipse shapes, these pieces are affixed together using only glue with no metal fittings. Thus, the glued contact surfaces of the pieces must be precise.
4- The skin stretched to cover the instrument's sound hole is especially prepared. To moisten the skin, it is wrapped in a damp cloth that has been thoroughly wrung out in advance to remove excess water. Special clips called kisen 木栓(きせん) are then used to mount the skin on a stretching device called a haridai. Chords are then slowly tightened to stretch the skin over the sound hole.

Traditionally Used Raw Materials
Redwood, red sandalwood, oak, rosewood (karin), mulberry, skin (cat, dog), raw silk.

History and Characteristics
The ancestor of the Japanese shamisen is the Chinese three-stringed shamisen. The three-stringed shamisen was created in China, it coming to be known as the snake-skin shamisen when passing to the Kingdom of the Ryukyus (modern Okinawa Prefecture) at the end of the 14th century as snake skin was subsequently used in its manufacture.

It is believed that the first shamisen examples appearing in mainland Japan were landed at the Port of Sakaino after being traded from the Ryukyus. This event occurred during the Eiroku Era (1558-1570) as the Muromachi Period (1337-1573) drew to a close.

At around that time, when players of the biwa (the Japanese lute) played snake-skin shamisen in accompaniment to kouta (ballads) and dances, they encountered the problem of snake skins tearing. After trying a number of different skins as possible replacements for snake skin, these musicians decided to use cat skin.

Thus came about the development of a unique Japanese shamisen that was strummed using the pick of the biwa.

During the Edo Period (1603-1868) at around the time of the Kanei Era (1624-1643), master shamisen craftsmen such as Kanda Harumitsu and Ishimura Omi began to appear on the scene. The appearance of such craftsmen contributed to the development of musical styles such as nagauta (epic Kabuki songs), gidayu (puppet theater recitations), icchubushi (dramatic recitations accompanied by shamisen), tokiwatsu (a kabuki narrative), kiyomotobushi and shinnaibushi (narrative pieces). These styles represent the basis of the modern shamisen musical repertoire. The manufacturing of shamisen also flourished at this time.

When a shamisen string is plucked, it leaves behind a distinctive sound (resonance) called a sawari サワリ. The musical effect of the sawari has linkages to the ethnic identity of the Japanese.

In that Japanese people tend to prefer intermediate colors rather than primary ones, it also seems that they prefer complex sounds that contain overtones rather than simple ones. Traditional materials used in the neck of shamisen include (Indian) redwood, oak, rosewood and mulberry, while cat and dog skin is also used to cover the sound hole of the instrument.

Tokyo Japanese Musical Instruments Association
- source : www.sangyo-rodo.metro.tokyo.jp

. List of Edo craftsmen 江戸の職人 .
shamisenshi 三味線師 Shamisen maker

Cats playing the Shamisen
Utagawa Kuniyoshi 歌川 国芳

CLICK for more Shamisen Ukiyo-E


kigo for all spring

CLICK for more photos

. shamisengusa 三味線草(しゃみせんぐさ)
"Shamisen plant"

Sheperd's purse, nazuna 薺
It reminds us of the plectrum of the shamisen player.

CLICK for more photos

shamisen no ne no kobore-kite bakusho kana

the faint sound
of a shamisen -
early summer weather

Tr. Gabi Greve



source : zenmaitarow

And a Daruma sticking out his tongue!!

. snowed in -
Daruma having fun
on the shamisen .


- - - - - Matsuo Basho - - - - -

biwakoo no yo ya samisen no oto arare

Song of a lute
in the night - sounds as though
hailstones are falling

This haiku was influenced by Po Chu I’s poem, ‘Song of the Lute’, which he wrote while in exile at Chiu-chiang. He had been moved by someone playing the p’i—p’a, a lute. Upon enquiry it proved to be a former singing girl, who had fallen upon hard times. The poem contained two lines

The big strings plang—planged
like swift—falling rain
The little strings went buzz—buzz
like secret conversations

Tr. and comment : Bill Wyatt

Written in 1684 貞亨元年.
Basho had spent the night in Ogaki at the home of
Kondoo Jokoo 近藤如行 Kondo Joko.
As one attraction of the haikai meeting, Nyoko had asked a blind shamisen player 座頭 to perform for them.
It reminded Basho of the chinese poem Hakurakuten 白楽天, Haku Kyo'i 白 居易 (772 - 846) and his poem Biwakoo 琵琶行.

There is also another version of this poem

. zoosui ni biwa kiku noki no arare kana .
(summer) hail. falling on the eaves. sounds like a biwa lute. rice porridge

Nozarashi Kiko 野ざらし紀行
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

Kondoo Jokoo 近藤如行 Kondo Joko.
(? - ? 1708)
He was the first disciple of Basho in Ogaki 大垣. Also called 源大夫. As the last station of his trip to "Oku no Hosomichi" Basho wanted to reach the home of Nyoko, where he had stayed before. The home of Nyoko burned down in a fire in 1692 元禄5年9月4日.
Nyoko had left his position as a samurai and became a monk very early in life. He travelled a lot, just like his master, Basho.

Another hokku by Basho during his stay with Joko:

. kochoo ni mo narade aki furu namushi kana .

- - - - - Some poems by Joko:









source : itoyo/basho

MORE - Biwa lute poems by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


- - - - - Kobayashi Issa - - - - -

ko kojiki no uta sangen ya natsu no tsuki

a beggar child
sings to the shamisen -
summer moon

Tr. Gabi Greve

shamisen ni nakitsuku bakari chidori kana

plovers cry out
precisely to the rhythm
of shamisens

Tr. Chris Drake

This winter hokku is from the 10th month (November) of 1819, the year evoked in Year of My Life. Issa, in a somber mood after the death of his young daughter Sato, seems to be remembering his earlier life in Edo, since several hokku placed just before this one deal with Edo. The hokku preceding this one evokes the withered, frost-covered fields behind the Yoshiwara entertainment quarter where sex work was also legal, so this hokku, too, may deal with this area. Many of the oiran and other highly trained women entertainers in the Yoshiwara quarter were experts at the shamisen, a three-stringed instrument played with a wood or ivory plectrum that Portuguese traders compared to the lute but that is closer to the banjo in terms of the amplification created by its sound box and the twanging sound of its strings.

The Yoshiwara quarter stood alone in the fields on the northern edge of Edo, isolated from the downtown area by the shogunate because it, along with the theater district, was regarded as a "bad place." The strong, reverberating sounds of samisens that come from the quarter present a stark contrast with the rather quiet world of empty, frost-covered fields outside. There are, however, some bird cries. Not far away is a canal that leads to the big Sumida River, and plovers fly here and there along the embankment. Plovers are convivial birds that like to chat and move in small groups, and to Issa's ear, their cries seem to closely follow the sounds of the shamisens nearby.

The verb nakitsuku, to tearfully implore, is written with the character to weep (泣付く), but Issa uses a different character, one used for animal cries (鳴つく). He seems to be doing this to suggest that the plovers are not so much imploring as crying out in close response, as if they liked the shamisen sounds and wanted to reply or synchronize their own cries with them. The normal plover rhythms have disappeared, and a kind of choral relationship has taken their place. Since the plovers live near the Yoshiwara quarter, they seem to have become accustomed or even attached to the shamisen sounds. The same kind of symbiotic sound environment was also no doubt created in many other parts of Edo, since the shamisen was the most popular instrument in Issa's time and was played in all sorts of situations, including theaters and festivals, by men as well as women. Issa's hokku could work in any of these situations.

In the Yoshiwara the leading women were called either tayuu or oiran, so the shamisen shouldn't be associated exclusively with geisha. The word geisha meant "performing artist" and referred, for example, to renga and haikai masters as well as the top actors in a No or Kabuki troupe. Some less famous male geisha entertainers worked as male jesters and musicians in the Yoshiwara quarter and at private parties, and by Issa's time many women were also working discreetly as party performers, though the shogunate frowned on women appearing in public. Some female geisha even became ballad singers of long, original works. Since women were a minority, however, these women were usually called "women geisha." Many became independent, performing here and there in Edo, and some took on male patrons on the side, but they should not be confused with full-time sex workers. It was only after westernization began in 1868 that the word geisha became synonymous in the minds of many non-Japanese with female sex workers.

In Issa's time the shamisen was also called samisen and sangen, and the instrument in the hokku can be read in these three ways. The editors of Issa's Collected Works have added phonetic glosses here and there that give samisen for the characters Issa uses, but I have chosen shamisen instead. It is the only pronunciation included in the Japanese-Portuguese dictionary of 1603, and it remained the most common of the three pronunciations.

Below is a link to a woman shamisen teacher demonstrating how to play a short Edo shamisen piece that is usually performed during a Kabuki play to suggest plovers near a river. In Issa's time only men were permitted to be Kabuki actors or musicians.

This link shows a kind of emotional county shamisen style that was originally developed by wandering blind women goze musicians who in Issa's time performed in northern areas along the Japan Sea, some near Issa's hometown, so Issa may have heard shamisen playing in his hometown that was a bit similar to this. Today this style remains popular mainly in northern Aomori Prefecture, though it has recently been (re)gaining popularity around Japan due to the power of the media:

Chris Drake

. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .

. Plover (chidori) .


- #shamisen #sangen #jabisen #okinawa -



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Daruma in Taiwan



© PHOTO : だるまさん色々


Buddhism in Taiwan

Chan (Zen) Buddhism

Chan focuses on meditation that is able to generate instant enlightenment. Chan Buddhism has no emphasis on a concept of heaven, chanting the name of the Buddha or on moral teaching. Aspects of this type of Buddhism known in the West include the development of physical skills and meditation on paradoxes. Chan has encouraged practitioners to become highly skilled at physical tasks. The idea is that when one masters a physical task to the point that it may be done without thinking, then a deeper awareness of surrounding reality may be achieved.

This is the background to the famous Kung Fu skills of China's Shaolin Monks and the book, “Zen and the art of Motorcycle Maintenance”. Meditation on paradoxes such as the famous “what is the sound of one hand clapping?” is used to jar the mind loose from the bondage of language and enable deep mystical insights into the meaning of meaning.

Buddhism in Taiwan
Orthodox Buddhism has grown in Taiwan, however, when there is a clash between traditional Chinese values and Buddhism, Taiwanese usually choose to interpret Buddhism in terms of Chinese culture, not the other way around. Taiwanese organizations have built more Buddhist temples per capita than anyone else in the world but Taiwanese have much understanding of core Buddhist beliefs such as the Four Noble Truths and reincarnation only plays a minor part in their thinking of life after death.

Fifty years ago as most people in Taiwan looked to the West as the source of all progress Buddhism had the low image of the poor uneducated monk with nothing to offer a society looking to modernize. Today Buddhist organizations are affluent and are sending priests to gain doctorates at prestigious universities in the west.

Dharma Drum Mountain (DDM)
This organization was founded for the spread of Chan Buddhism. They are in the process of building a Buddhist global education complex which will include a research center, a university, a monastery, a museum and international conference hall. The organization is also known for its emphasis on environmental protection and reduction of waste in daily life.

 © OMF/taiwan/resources


Papermachee Dolls from Taiwan !!!

Please send your contributions to Gabi Greve
Daruma Discussion Forum

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Beads Daruma ビーズキット  福鈴(福だるま)

Make it yourself with this beads kit.

In four different colors
Little Talismans of "Seven down, eight up".

source :  hobbix 2006






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Seki Bunsen

Zen monk
Woodblock print by Bunsen, 1831.

quote from Andrew May
As a child I was fascinated by an old Japanese picture book which my grandfather occasionally let me look at - he'd bought it second-hand as a teenager in the first decade of the last century. Thanks to the internet (and to Richard Illing in particular) the book has now been identified as the 1855 reprint of Gyokunando Gafu, by a woodblock artist named Bunsen.

This particular print appears to depict one of the early Zen monks, probably Bodhidharma himself.

source : Andrew May

- source : Gyokunando gafu





Gyooten and me ga deru

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Gyooten ... looking at the sky

bikkuri gyooten ... an expression to show your utter surprize.
and "me ga deru", see below


about 30 cm high and 28 wide


Jintan 仁丹


Morishita Jintan Company


This is one from Daishō-in in Miyajima (Hiroshima prefecture)
大聖院(だいしょういん) Daishoo-In

It is also called "Daruma with protruding eyes",
medashi Daruma 目だしダルマ

me dashi, a play on words for "me ga deru", to have good luck.

source :  kevinjames.wordpress.com

. Daisho-In 大聖院 - Miyajima .

CLICK for more photos
CLICK for more photos.

From Imamiya Shrine Kyoto 今宮神社


Wood carving
about 14 cm

Photos from my friend Ishino


- source : facebook

. kokeshi こけし wooden dolls .


CLICK for more photos
Me da deru ... to have good luck
me ga deru ... also in gambling (ME is the word for the "eyes" on the dice).

Daruma san is also often used as o-mamori, even in the version with his eyes popping out as a sign of extra good luck. 
O-Mamori, お守り

This is one I got from a temple in Shikoku.

ME GA DERU is a kind of pun with words, well loved by the people of Edo.
I have written more about this :
dajare e-uta 駄洒落絵歌 Pun with Song and Picture

. mede Daruma 目出だるま Daruma with eyes popping out .
Tsunashiki Tenmangu Shrine 綱敷天満宮 Suma, Kobe


Me-ire - Painting Eyes for Daruma 達磨の目入れ
Daruma and his EYES


