
Kamon family crest


Family Crest 家紋 kamon

© PHOTO : yotchan

This is a
. Daruma from Shirakawa 白川だるま  


Mon (紋), also monshō (紋章) Monsho,
mondokoro (紋所), and kamon (家紋),
are Japanese emblems used to decorate and identify an individual or family. While mon is an encompassing term that may refer to any such device, kamon and mondokoro refer specifically to emblems used to identify a family.

The devices are similar to the badges and coats of arms in European heraldic tradition, which likewise are used to identify individuals and families. Mon are often referred to as crests in Western literature, which is another European heraldic device that approximates the mon in function.

On the battlefield, mon served as army standards, even though this usage was not universal and uniquely designed army standards were just as common as mon-based standards.

Check a long list of famous Japanese crests!
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montsuki 紋付 formal wear with the family crest

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monuwaeshi, mon uwa eshi 紋上絵師 painting family crests

The space for a family crest was usually left white by the cloth dyer and a special painter added the pattern and colors.
Since crests had become quite popular with the townspeople of Edo, they were used not only for official robes but also for decorations of every-day things, even 手ぬぐい tenugui hand towels.
The workshop of a crest painter did not take up much space and could be done in a small home in Edo.

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There are different styles of mon too. In the picture below, showing three variations of icho (ginko) mon, you can see three versions of a the mon: hinata – full sun (left), kage – shadow (middle), and nakakage – mid shadow (right). The more subtle versions are for slightly less formal occasions. There are also embroidered mon, called nui mon.

hinata mon 日向紋  - - - kage mon 陰紋 - - - nakakage mon 中陰紋

A family may choose a mon that is associated with their family (a family mon is called a kamon) or just opt for one they like instead. They are seen on all sorts of items in Japan: clothing, signs, boxes, ceramics, banners etc.
- source : wafuku.wordpress.com -

上絵の道具 tools of a crest painter

(左から)from left to right
①分廻し(一本)bunmawashi compass to make a circle
②上絵筆(一本) ③定規 ④丸棒(二本) ⑤小刀(一本)
⑥丸刀(大、小) ⑦摺り込み刷毛(大,中、小) ⑧平刷毛(大、小)
⑨つや刷毛(大、中) ⑩平ゴテ ⑪丸ゴテ ⑫押さえゴテ
- Look at more photos how the tools are used:
- reference source : homepage2.nifty.com/montake/dougu -

「紋直し mon naoshi」「紋入れ・入れ紋 mon ire」「抜き紋 nuki mon」
「摺り込み紋 surikomi mon」「切り付け紋 kiritsuke mon 」
「のり落とし上絵 nori-otoshi uwa-e」「加賀紋 kaga mon」
(Kaga mon is a crest for a "fashionable person" and was very colorful, sometimes with embroidery.)
- with detailed descriptions
- reference source : homepage2.nifty.com/montake/eigyo -

- Check out the detailed page of 紋章上絵師 
Itoo 伊藤武雄 Ito Takeo
- reference source : homepage2.nifty.com/montake/mon -


. Edo craftsmen 江戸の職人 .

mongata shi 紋形師 craftsman making Mon patterns

source : edoichiba.jp.. mongata...


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Family-crest master fears he’s one of a dying breed
- Tomoko Ontake - Japan Times -
Dressed in a black kimono and wearing a pair of eye-catching black, triple-framed spectacles, Shoryu Hatoba straightens his back as he sits on the tatami floor of his quaint studio in Ueno, central Tokyo, holding a pair of bamboo compasses fitted with a brush dipped in ink in place of a pencil.
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But 56-year-old Hatoba is now one of a dying breed of monshō uwae shi (family-crest painters and designers). “I’m an endangered species,” the Tokyo native concedes.

That’s because Japan is now on the verge of losing the tradition of making and preserving the ritual or everyday use of kamon (family crests) — which pretty much everyone in the nation once had. That’s despite the fact that its first known family crests date from the eighth century, when nobles at the Imperial court, and then samurai warriors, started using them as badges of identity or ownership.

But unlike in the West, where family crests were exclusively for the nobility, in Japan their adoption grew exponentially during the Edo Period (1603-1867), and especially during its economically and culturally vibrant golden age known as the Genroku era (1688-1704), Hatoba explains.

Then everyone, but men mostly, started featuring them in whatever design they liked on their kimono. That even included commoners — who mostly had no family names at all until a law in the modernizing Meiji Era (1868-1912) required everyone to have one — though Hatoba says women were generally late to the kamon party, only adopting them at the end of the Edo Period.
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The crests’ motifs are derived from a wide range of plants, birds and other animals.
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As a profession, monshō uwae shi demands microscopic attention to detail and command of many sophisticated techniques — not to mention aesthetic sensibilities. And, as Hatoba explains, a crest’s component parts all have to be rendered in a circular design on average only 38 mm in diameter for men’s kimono, and 21 mm for women’s. Interestingly, too, the number of crests on a kimono ranges from one to five — with more crests reflecting an occasion’s greater formality.
Hatoba, who apprenticed under a kamon craftsman for five years before opening his shop, is determined to keep the tradition alive. To do that, he has collaborated with creators and corporations in various genres, featuring kamon designs on everything from bags to boxes of wagashi (traditional Japanese) sweets.
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- source : Japan Times 2013 -

. Edo shokunin 江戸の職人 Edo craftsmen .


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Some crests covered in the Daruma Museum

. Mitsuba Aoi 三つ葉葵 Hollycock of Tokugawa Clan  

. Tokugawa Ieyasu 徳川家康  

. Tokugawa Mitsukuni 徳川 光圀   
The famous inro box with the "mondokoro" from Mito Komon.


. Asa no ha 麻の葉の家紋 Hemp leaf  

. Kuyoo no mon, 九曜の紋
Nine planets, nine deities representing the stars

. Myooga 茗荷 Japanese Ginger  

. Rindoo no mon 竜胆 gentian blossoms  

. Rokumon sen 六文銭 Six coins of Sanada  


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Daruma in a turtle shell crest


More than 90 Crests from shrines and temples
shinmon 神紋 Shrine crest - jimon 寺紋 Temple crest

source : secure.ne.jp/~x181007/kamon


- quote
A tomoe (巴), also 鞆絵, and tomowe (ともゑ) in its archaic form, is a Japanese abstract shape described as a swirl that resembles a comma or the usual form of a magatama. The origin of tomoe is uncertain. Some think that it originally meant tomoe (鞆絵), or drawings on tomo (鞆), a round arm protector used by an archer, whereas others see tomoe as stylized magatama.
It is a common design element in Japanese family emblems (家紋 kamon) and corporate logos, particularly in triplicate whorls known as mitsudomoe (三つ巴).

A mitsudomoe design on a taiko drum (note the negative space in the center forms a triskelion)

Some view the mitsudomoe as representative of the threefold division (Man, Earth, and Sky) at the heart of the Shinto religion. Originally, it was associated with the Shinto war deity Hachiman, and through that was adopted by the samurai as their traditional symbol. One mitsudomoe variant, the Hidari Gomon, is the traditional symbol of Okinawa.
The Koyasan Shingon sect of Buddhism uses the Hidari Gomon as a visual representation of the cycle of life.
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. Hachiman Shrines in the Edo period .

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Okinawan Symbols and History of the Hidari-Gomon
The Hidari Gomon and it was once the Royal crest of Ryukyu Kingdom in Okinawa. In Japanese it is called the Hidari mitsudomoe and is a common design element in Japanese family emblems (家紋) and corporate logos. The Hidari Gonon is the primary traditional symbol of Okinawa. It is unclear who used the symbol first but it has special significance to the Okinawan people especially those practicing the ancient art of Okinawan Karate. I have heard a couple different interpretations of the meaning of the symbol so their may be more than one definition for the symbol.

The Koyasan Shingon sect of Buddhism which came from China to Japan uses the Hidari Gomon as a visual representation of the cycle of life. Others believe that the symbol is Shinto related because in Shinto mythology the symbol is often used to signify the structure taking place between three worlds. Such worlds include heaven, Earth, and the Underworld.

One explanation that was particularly interesting to me was the Okinawan folktale where they interpret the "Hidari Gomon" as representing loyalty, heroism, and altruism to a proud island people and their descendants. They believe it to be expressed through a past full of struggle and hardship, but also a willingness to face the difficulties the ahead no matter what the cost.

Later, back in the Ryukyu Kingdom, the envoy described the death of three warriors to the King. The King after hearing the story of the Ryukyu guards deaths had up the Hidari-Gomon drawn up to symbolize their heroic action. The symbol is said to portray the three Ryukyu warriors spinning around in the pot giving their lives for the greater good of the people. The symbol has since become the symbol of the Ryukyu Kingdom, a symbol which can now be found just about everywhere in Okinawa.
Many Karate dojos have also incorporated its use into the symbols they use to represent their particular style of the ancient Okinawan art of Karate
- source : chicagookinawakenjinkai.blogspot.jp


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tomoemon 巴文
1 - Also tomoe 巴. A pattern of one or more curled tadpole shapes inside a circle. The pattern is also called right tomoe, migidomoe 右巴, or left tomoe, hidaridomoe 左巴, depending on the direction in which the pattern curves. When the comma shapes are placed in opposite directions, the term kaeruko domoe 蛙子巴 is used. The expressions double tomoe, futatsudomoe 二つ巴, or triple tomoe, mitsudomoe 三つ巴 are used depending on the number of tadpole shapes used.
The pattern was used to decorate the eave-end semi-cylindrical tiles *nokidomoegawara 軒巴瓦, *nokimarugawara 軒丸瓦 on Buddhist temples.
The pattern first appeared in the Heian period and has continued to be popular to the present day. Sharp pointed tomoemon forms in the Heian period gradually changed to short rounded forms by the Edo period. The same is design is also found on roof-tiles in China, where the tomoemon is associated with water. Therefore, the tiles are believed to ward off fire. A tile with this design is known as *tomoegawara 巴瓦 or *hanamarugawara 端丸瓦.

2 -
A design pattern comprised of one or more spherical head-like shapes each with a connected curving tail-like shape which ends in a point. The character tomoe 巴 means eddy or whirlpool; however, it is not clear if this was the original idea of the design. Some scholars are convinced that it stems from the design on leather guard worn by ancient archers-tomo 鞆 thus tomo-e 鞆絵, a tomo picture.
Others say it was originally a representation of a coiled snake. It may be the oldest design in Japan, because it is similar in shape to the *magatama 曲玉 jewelry beads of the Yayoi period. It appears as a design on the wall paintings of the Byoudouin *Hououdou 平等院鳳凰堂 (1053) in Kyoto, and in the Illustrated Handscroll of the Tale of Genji Genji monogatari emaki 源氏物語絵巻 (early 12c). It was widely used from the Kamakura period onward and is often found on utensils, roof tiles and family and shrine heraldry. Its frequent appearance in connection with Shinto shrines indicates that it was thought to express the spirit of the gods. Patterns of one, two and three tomoe exist, some facing left, others right.
- source : JAANUS -


kite with a tomoe 巴(ともえ)Tomoe pattern

. 静岡の凧 Kites from Shizuoka .


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kani botan, kani-botan 蟹牡丹 crab and peony
A crest where the blossoms and leaves of a peony are formed in a way to represent a crab.
It was often used for cloths and carpets.

. Kani Yakushi 蟹薬師 "Crab Yakushi" Temple .
Ochiai, Gifu

Sendai Botan 蟹牡丹(仙台牡丹)- Date clan

鍋島緞通 carpet from Nabeshima
蟹牡丹唐草文 kani botan karakusa mon

Carpet with kani botan pattern.
- source : bunka.nii.ac.jp/heritages -

. karakusa 唐草 / からくさ Karakusa art motives .
karakusa moyoo 唐草模様 Karakusa pattern. Karakusa arabesque
Chinesischen Arabesken und Rankenornamente


source : cocomiura3.cocolog-nifty.com
色絵牡丹文変形皿 kanibotan pattern - Nabeshima


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

kamon 家紋 family crest

If people fought about the parents of a child, in former times, they used to wash the 胞衣placenta in water and when it floated up, the proper Kamon would show.

愛知県 Aichi 岩倉町 Iwakura

daija 大蛇 big serpent

青森県 Aomori 大間町 Oma

hotoke no zaisho ホトケの罪障 Buddhist attonement for sins
Once a man about 38 years of age came to the temple asking what to do. He felt very weak and could not go to work any more. After some explanation this became clear:
In former times at this fisherman's home a dead body got caught in the net. The family had taken care of it in a funeral, but since the family crest was different, the man's sould could not go to the Buddhist paradise. So they performed a special ritual and he was healed.

愛媛県 Ehime 成妙村 Narutaemura

shirohebi 白蛇 white serpent

岐阜県 Gifu 池田町 Ikeda

yamanba 山姥 old woman in a mountain

神奈川県 Kanagawa 小田原市 Odawara

hato 鳩 dove

鹿児島県 Kagoshima 伊佐郡 Isa district

Garappa, the Kappa ガラッパ / 河童
If people wear a robe with a family crest, put up a candle and look through the long sleeve of the kimono, they could see a Garappa.

Gataro ガタロ Kappa
If people went swimming in the river during the 祇園さん(天王さん Gion Festival, the Gataro would pull them in the water, so swimming was not allowed during that time.
The Shrine crest of the Gion shrine was a cucumber cut in slices, a favorite food of the Kappa. So during that festival people were not allowed to eat cucumbers.

祇園さんの神紋 Gion Shrine Crest

. Kappa Legends from Kyushu  河童伝説 - 九州 .

宮城県 Miyagi 東松島市 Higashi Matsushima

kitsune 狐 the fox
Once upon a time
at a place called Ipponsugi 一本杉 (one cedar tree) a fox used to come out clad as a human in a 紋付羽織 haori coat with a family crest.

島根県 Shimane 鹿島町 Kashima

ryuuja 竜蛇 dragon-serpent and shinmon 神紋 Shrine crest


- source : nichibun yokai database -


- #tomoe #familycrest #kanibotan #kamon -


Harimi dustpan


Paper dustpan はりみ harimi

Small dustpans made of strong washi paper.
They look almost like Daruma san himself.

Some are plain red, others feature a small picture, like a bird or the face of O-Kame.
The paper is made resistant with the extract of persimmons (kakishibu). They do not produce static electricity when used on tatami mats.

They are used with a soft broom to clean the tatami of traditional Japanese homes.

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chiritori ちりとり dustpan

chiritorinabe, chiritori nabe ちりとり鍋
Korean dish with a lot of kimchee
Hodgepodge with pork entrails.

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Reference .


. Chami, cha mi - scoop for tea 茶箕(ちゃみ)


mi み【箕】 winnow for grain

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This was a most useful tool for the farmers of old, usually made at home in the winter months with material that grows around the house. It was used for fanning grains and carrying vegetables. Now there are many maschines to do the work and these MI are shown in museums of farmers tools.

observance kigo for mid-winter

mi matsuri 箕祭 (みまつり)
festival when putting the winnow away

..... mi osame 箕納(みおさめ)

kuwa osame 鍬納(くわおさめ)putting the hoe/plough away

This was done in a ritual with a feast just before the New Year.

mimatsuri ya senso daidai kosaku noo

winnow festival -
since ancestors generations we are
tenant farmers

Matsuda Daisei 松田大声

. Farmers work in all seasons - KIGO


. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 .

seitake no mi o kaburu ko ya hatsu shigure

with a winnow the boy
covers his head...
first winter rain

Tr. David Lanoue


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

Kagawa 香川県 長尾町 Nagao

oomino 大箕 the great winnow
On the first birthday of a baby there is a special ritual. The baby is presented with a kind of rucksack containing (誕生餅) special birthday mochi and a winnow with a book, an abacus, a pen, scisors, a ruler, a hammer or other things with the wish for a bright future as a craftsman.

. Soroban, Abacus 算盤、そろばん Abakus .


Kochi, Nishi-Tosa 土佐
. shichinin misaki 七人ミサキ "Misaki of seven people" .
If someone gets ill, he has to stand at the entrance of the home, facing outside and the family members fan him with a 箕 winnow to make the illness go away.

- reference source : nichibun yokai database -
箕 61 legends to explore





Keeki Cake


Cake ケーキ keeki
Cakes decorated with Daruma だるまケーキ

This is just the tip of an iceberg collection.
. . Daruma Cake - Originals . .



Feng Shui Daruma cake in lucky colors

The Four Directions - Feng Shui 風水

for more delicious photos


. Sushi Cake 寿司ケーキ sushicake  

Daruma and Food ... LINKS





Fue Flute


Flute (笛)

CLICK for enlargement
source : haigaonline 2005

song of spring -
the flute of Daruma
in my valley

This is a little Daruma of Kutani pottery, playing the flute himself.


A small flute, with a kokeshi Daruma.

. Kokeshi, Wooden Dolls こけし


Kasaburo Tachibana

. Shakuhachi 尺八 the Bamboo Flute  

. Flute (fue, yokobue) Kigo and Haiku  

. Gakki, Musical Instruments   


spring breeze
the flutes of Fukushima
are silent

spring tsunami
the mourning sounds
of flutes

Ella Wagemakers, Holland

March 11, 2011
. Japan after the BIG earthquake .  





Etegami postcards


Postcards including paintings
etegami 絵手紙

Letters, but mostly in the form of postcards painted with an encouragement or greeting to a friend. Some even contain a haiku and are almost like haiku with paintings (haiga).

CLICK on each thumbnail for more photos !


Etegami is a Japanese folk art consisting of simple hand-painted drawings accompanied by a few apt words, and they are almost always done on postcards for quick and easy mailing. The basic concept has been around for a long time; the tradition of handmade New Years cards testifies to this. But the present day surge in etegami popularity began after the work of artist Koike Kunio was taken up by the media in the late 1970s.

Koike is the current president of the Japan Etegami Society, and may rightly be considered the father of the modern etegami movement. The etegami motto, which he made famous, is “heta de ii, heta ga ii” (roughly translated:
It’s fine to be clumsy.
In fact, the best etegami are clumsy!)

Encouraged by this motto, more and more ordinary folk–people who don’t think of themselves as “artists”– both young and old, have taken up etegami as an enjoyable and relaxing pastime. If you google “etegami,” you are likely to find an increasing number of non-Japanese references to it, evidence that its popularity is gradually spreading to other parts of the world.

There are very few hard-and-fast rules to etegami. The traditional tools include writing brushes, sumi ink, gansai color blocks, and absorbent washi postcards, but non-traditional tools are acceptable. However, if it doesn’t have both drawing and words, it isn’t an etegami. Etegami are meant to be sent, rather than hoarded or displayed in frames.
source : www.nihonsun.com

further to explore
. dosankodebbie's etegami notebook

CLICK for more ENGLISH links


. Etegami with flowers

. Etegami with animals

. Etegami - do it yourself books

. . . . .

. Etegami of spring

. Etegami of summer

. Etegami of autumn

. Etegami of winter

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CLICK for more etegami photos !


The Japanese words on this etegami are from a song that is sung to accompany a child’s game where one tries to stare down an opponent. “Daruma, daruma, let’s play the staring game!” The first one to look away or burst out laughing loses.

This is an original Etegami painting on a soft washi card. Etegami is a traditional Japanese folk art that combines simple images with thoughtful words.
source : www.etsy.com shop


Travelling, the two of us
with haiku and postcards

Etegami with haiku 絵手紙 俳句

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. Ono Katsuhiko 大野勝彦  

He lost both arms in an agricultural accident and someone discribed him as a "upper body living Daruma"
上半身生きだるま になってしまったのです。


CLICK for the other volumes


A well loved TV series with Chii-San walking around Tokyo, introducing special places and do one painting each time.


. Nengajo New Year Cards with Daruma  

. Haiga 俳画 Haiku and Paintings
Photo + Haiku ... Shahai 写俳




Agate and Jade


Agate Daruma 瑪瑙だるま Menoo

source : kawasemikun


Agate stone with Daruma formation
source : ychan777


. Agate stone from Wakasa
若狭のだるま- 漆と瑪瑙

The Izumo region is a famous producer of menoo めのう (瑪瑙) , 出雲めのう agate stone. Many are formed into ritual magatama jewels for the imperial family.
松江市玉湯町 Matsue Town, Tamayu-Cho.

. Magatama 勾玉おまもり Magatama jewels, curved beads .

The Itoigawa 糸魚川 region in Echigo (now Niigata) was also famous for its jade products (hisui 翡翠).


source : kawasemikun


hisui 翡翠 / ヒスイ jade

Jade Daruma



Chinese Dragon Art
. Jade is kown in China as
the Dragon Stone


. Art and craft from Shimane .




Eric Royal


Eric Royal Artist


Eric Royal and Daruma

An artist born and raised in Sacramento California, I moved to San Francisco to attend the illustrious Art Institute of California, San Francisco.

Tatoo Daruma Doll

© : Eric Royal, 2009


I started this painting like 6 months ago for the longest time it was just a daruma on a piece of wood for Christmas I decided to finish the painting by adding Hungarian (since Laura's family is Hungarian) flower designs inspired by their traditional style of embroidery, Kalocsa.
This seems to be something I have been doing combining Daruma's and western European culture, I hope it isn't too culturally insensitive of me, I just love the design of the Daruma as well as the cultural meaning. Surprisingly I think that the flowers and the daruma work well together and the Kalocsa was a fun style to work in.

source : Eric Royal Arts

Dharuma Punk


Daruma Santa

source : Christmas Ornaments


. Santa Claus meets Daruma san  



Oshaburi teething ring


Teething ring (oshaburi) おしゃぶり

This Daruma is about 7 cm long.

In old Japan, wooden kokeshi dolls were often given to teething babies.


The history of the teething ring

Teething rings have been around for thousands of years. The first recorded use has been found on Sumerian sandstone tablets, around 3000 years ago. The Egyptians used coral teething rings and they had a head of Bes inscribed, a god associated with child welfare. They also wore a child's first shed tooth as an amulet against the pains of teething.
Parents in the 1600s used white candy sticks as teething rings for their children.
Gum sticks and gum rings were also used in the 17th and 18th centuries. Wax candles were popular as gum sticks, as well as sticks of liquorice dipped in honey.

Legend has it that in 1683 in Vienna, Austria, a local Jewish baker wanted to thank the king of Poland for protecting his countrymen from Turkish invaders. As bagels gained popularity in Poland, they were officially sanctioned as gifts for women in childbirth and mentioned in community registers. Mothers used them as nutritious teething rings that their infants could easily grasp - a practice still popular today.

The expression 'born with a silver spoon in his mouth'
comes from the nineteenth century, when it was common practice for well-off parents to use a silver spoon as an aid to relieve the discomfort of teething. The well-healed also like to use teething rings made from mother-of-pearl.

During the mid-nineteenth century gum rings were manufactured using rubber. Within a few short years rubber had replaced other materials such as coral, bone, ivory and bread-crusts. The early rubber teething rings came in three colours, white, blue and black. Unfortunately, the white rubber models contained large quantities of lead!
source : my-teething-baby.com




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hone no kei shita oshaburi ya haru no inu

a teething ring
in the form of a bone -
dogs in spring

Seiko せいこ


rattle for teething ラトル・がらがら・歯固め

月齢3カ月 daruma ダルマ
made from wood of South Aizu, Fukushima

It comes with a red or blue bead or all made in wood.


. Baby suits ベビー服 bebii fuku .

. Baby bib - yodarekake よだれ掛け .
