Hibachi, Braziers 火鉢

The hibachi (火鉢, "fire bowl") is a traditional Japanese heating device. It consists of a round, cylindrical or a box-shaped open-topped container, made from or lined with a heatproof material and designed to hold burning charcoal.
In North America, the term "hibachi" is used to refer to a small cooking stove heated by charcoal (actually called shichirin in Japanese), or to an iron hot plate (teppan) used in Teppanyaki restaurants.
Although the word is Japanese and the device is strongly associated with Japan, the hibachi originated in China as a type of portable charcoal brazier used to heat the homes of the nobility. It is not known when the hibachi was first used in Japan; however written records suggest that it was used by the Heian period (798-1185AD). Owing to the low availability of metal in China and Japan, early hibachis were made from dug-out cypress wood lined with clay.
Traditional hibachis can be very attractive objects in themselves and are today sometimes sold as antiques.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. kirihibachi 桐鉢 hand warmer from paulownia wood .
oke 桶 see below
Made from Takatori Pottery, this is a sort of te-aburi, handwarmer, one to warm your hands in winter.
about 40 cm high. Beautiful glazing on the head, falling down like hair.

Metal Brazier

Metal hibachi, possibly brass; about 30 cm in hight. Rather sabi on the sides.
The two handles show little Daruma dolls.

My Collection, January 2007
Brazier with Daruma Face

Photo from my friend Ishino.
Princess Daruma Hibachi / Photos
Small black teaburi / 2 Photos

smiling Drauma on a small handwarmer
Made from clay
diameter 7.48in(19cm) x 6.69in(17cm)

© www.antique ichiroya.com
Two small teaburi handwarmers

© tokukobi
small hibachi from the Showa period
hight about 20 cm, diameter 24

side view

Photos from my friend Ishino
Read more details here:
Hibachi- Daruma Brazier to Keep You Warm
Te-aburi - Daruma as a Handwarmer
From Hagi Pottery

Photos from my friend Ishino
About 25 cm high.

kigo for all spring
haru hibachi 春火鉢 (はるひばち) brazier in spring
haru hioke, haru hi-oke 春火桶(はるひおけ)"fire box" in spring
kigo for all summer
natsu hibachi 夏火鉢(なつひばち) brazier in summer
kigo for late autumn
. hibachi hoshi 火鉢欲し(ひばちほし)to want a handwarmer
The evenings are slowly getting colder and a brazier is welcome.
kigo for all winter
. brazier, hibachi 火鉢 and other stoves
hand warmer, teaburi 手あぶり
Cat Warmer, neko hibachi 猫火鉢
..... hioke, hi-oke 火桶(ひおけ)"fire box"
kiri hioke 桐火桶(きりひおけ)hibachi from paulownia wood
..... kiri hibachi 桐火鉢(きりひばち)
hako hibachi 箱火鉢(はこひばち)hibachi in box format
nagahibachi 長火鉢(ながひばち)long square hibachi
. rentan hibachi 煉炭火鉢(れんたんひばち)hibachi for small briquettes
. HUMANITY KIGO - for all seasons
Brazier (jiko) Kenya. makaa (charcoal)
. Karematsu Jinja 枯松神社 and hidden Christians .

. Utagawa Kuniyoshi 歌川国芳 .
つじうらをきく Tsujiura no Kiku
shimo no nochi nadeshiko sakeru hioke kana
frost has come,
but a wild pink blossom
on the wooden brazier
Tr. Barnhill
after the frost comes
a pink blossom remains on
the wooden brazier
Tr. Chilcott
Written in the winter of 1690 元禄3年冬。
This is an allusion to the waka by
. Fujiwara no Teika 藤原定家 .
On a day with frost there is just one flower blossoming in the winter-withered field -
a Yamato Nadeshiko.
. WKD : nadeshiko 撫子 Pink, Fringed Pinks, wild carnation .
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
. okeya 桶屋 bucket maker .
In Edo, many worked in the Kyobashi 京橋 district and also in Okemachi.
taruya 樽屋 buying barrels, making barrels
okechoo, okemachi、桶町 Okecho, "Bucket district" in Edo
Many bucket makers lived in this area.

There was also a famous well with delicious water, yuzuri no i 譲りの井 "the Heritage Well". The owner of this well sold the cold waster to passers-by during the hot summer months, one cup for one Mon (文). His son inherited the well and the business, hence the name.
In March 10 / 11, 1641, there was a great fire in Oke-machi 桶町火事. More than 400 people lost their lives and 123 homes of Samurai were burned down.
The fire started in the home of a medicine maker (薬師 kusushi) named Matsuo 松尾, and spread fast in the strong wind.
The home of the Government official 大目付 Ometsuke 加賀爪忠澄 Kagatsume Tadazumi (1586 - March 11, 1641) burned down and he died in the fire.
After this fire, the Shogun Iemitsu established a firebrigade of the Daimyo, 大名火消 Daimyobikeshi.
Okemachi Chiba Doojoo 桶町千葉道場 Dojo training hall of sword master
千葉定吉 Sadakichi Chiba.
One of its famous members was . Sakamoto Ryōma 坂本龍馬 Sakamoto Ryoma .
. metsuke 目付 and Ōmetsuke 大目付 Inspector and Inspector General .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
103 to explore
10 火鉢
MORE - - -Pottery
Shichirin 七輪 portable cooking stove
- #hibachi #okeya #taruya -
shimo no nochi / nadeshiko sakeru / hioke kana
Matsuo Basho
oke 桶 bucket (made from wood)
They are used for many purposes.
Nakagawa Shuji: Oke Maker
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