IPPITSU and ENSOO – One Stroke, One Circle
一筆だるま と 円相だるま (一筆達磨)
enso, enzo and Zen
Ensoo Painting by Busen Sensei

source : Busen Sensei
Just One Stroke, Just One Circle
Another Ensoo Daruma Illustration

Click for more photos !

Ippitsu Daruma in Stone
At Temple Nosaka-Ji, Nr. 12 at the Chichibu Pilgrimage
十二番 佛道山 野坂寺
source : windywillows
Famous Painting at Jikyu-An in Kyoto and one by
Nanten-boo 中原南天棒

More about Nantenboo by Gabi Greve

Painted by Furukawa Taiko
(1871-1968) Zen. Rinzai. Temple Myoshin-ji, Kyoto.
And this is a nice wish for the year 2004. By Busen Sensei.
This is a very simple form of an IPPITSU Daruma, I think.
He even has the word KATSU! On his belly.
Red Ensoo Daruma Painting


by Onishi Ryokei 大西良慶 (1895 - 1983)
Click for more Enso Daruma !
Noren, Door Curtains with Daruma のれん
Here the first one on the blue door curtain is supposed a One-Stroke-Daruma, the next one is a plain circle.

Two Ensoo Daruma Noren
ENSOO, the circle of things,
is also expressed through the large earrings of Daruma san.
Here is my own story on that subject of MIMIKAZARI.
Earrings of Daruma, by Gabi Greve

........................................... o just one stroke
........................................... o just three lines
........................................... o just one life

CLICK for more photos of Ippitsu !

CLICK for more photos of Enso !
four concentric circles
just four circles
to confuse the mind -
thanks to facebook

source : Jeremy Rassmussen, Facebook August 2009

Enso: Zen Circles of Enlightenment
Seo, Audrey Yoshiko / Loori, John Daido
"Life, the circle,
a measurement with no beginning and no end."
-- Phillip Deere, MUSKOGEE-CREEK
The circle teaches us how the Creator made things and how to live.
It teaches us how we should look at creation.
Life travels in a circle.
In the East is the baby,
to the South is the youth,
in the West is the adult and
in the North is the Elder.
Then we return to the Earth Mother to start the cycle again.
We observe what is `around us' from the center of the circle.
This develops our point of view.
We must be careful not to become self-centered.
--- quote from
Meditations with Native American Elders: The Four Seasons

“Drawing Manual –
Album of Drawing with one Stroke of the Brush"
Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849)
- reference -
. Ippitsu ryuu 一筆龍 One stroke dragon .
晄秋家 - Kooshuuya
***** . Roundness and Spirituality .
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Tea Ceremony Aesthetics
. Japanese Tea Ceremony 茶の湯 Cha no Yu, 茶道 Chado .
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. Japanese Aesthetics エスセティクス - Nihon no bigaku 日本の美学 .
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