- Legends about the Gingko Tree -
Daruma from the Chichibu area, 秩父だるま
with a Gingko Leaf

ichoo,ichō 銀杏 Icho, Itcho, gingko biloba
Papermachee, with the painting of the important mountain of Chichibu, Mt. Bukoo, the regional tree, our Gingko, and the regional bird, a swan.
(photo got lost)

source : blog.uu-life.com
Daruma san on a float of the Chichibu Night Festival
Chichibu Papermachee Dolls
. . . CLICK here for more Photos !
Sugar dispenser in Daruma shape

Look at many many more articles with Gingko design !
© www.ginkgodreams.com
Daruma Temples in Kyoto, with Autumn leaves
especially Gingko Trees

A wonderful LINK.
There are more autumn leaves and temples in Kyoto, click any.
Now let us look at more links
************ about the Gingko biloba tree
The complete Gingko Biloba Page
(Most of my following quotes are from this quote by Cor Kwant.)
I created this site because of my fascination and respect for this unique tree, a living fossil, unchanged since the time of the dinosaurs. It is the sole living link between the lower and higher plants, a symbol of longevity and is seen as one of the wonders of this world.
Cor Kwant
Gingko, the Chinese Name
Ginkgo : from the Chinese (later also Japanese) word Ginkyo meaning "silver apricot" (gin=silver, kyo=apricot). This term is thought to come from a romanized version for the Chinese ideograph Yin Hsing (Xing).
The Gingko Tree has many different names in different countries,
as you can see on the link below. Here is the Gingko World Leaf Design.
Mandarin ducks
are regarded as love symbols in China and Japan (duck foot). (The orange brown feather -right- is called Ichoo-ba in Japan.)
Look at the ducks and read more about the name here:
......................... Does it represent One living creature
......................... which has divided itself?
........................ Or are these Two, which have decided,
........................ that they should be as One?
Scientists thought that it had become extinct, but in 1691 the German Engelbert Kaempfer* discovered the Ginkgo in Japan. The Ginkgos had survived in China and there they were mainly found in monestaries in the mountains and in palace and temple gardens, where Buddhist monks cultivated the tree from about 1100 AD for its many good qualities. From there it spread (by seed) to Japan (around 1192 AD with some relation to Buddhism) and Korea.
Read more about the history of this tree.
*********** Medical Use

The seeds (baigo) are most used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, the leaves in western medicine. In Japan the seeds are called ginnan. The Japanese way of using Ginkgo as a medicine originates from the Chinese tradition.
Read a lot more about it.
Gingko Tea have been found to lower serum cholesterol and aid blood circulation. Besides, Gingko Tea is well known for helping to improve memory, reaction time and mental clarity. Gingko tea is particularly a favorite of Chinese tea drinking tradition. For more details on the health benefits of Gingko please read them at Gingko
Scientists in Japan prove one more time that gingko leaves are the best natural product to guard against and weaken the influence of radiation on relevant people exposed to radiation.
source : www.teacuppa.com
The A-Bomb and the Gingko Tree,
a Bearer of Hope in Hiroshima
At the end of World War II on August 6th 1945 an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima by the Americans. The plants and trees in the area around the epicentre were examined in September 1945. The Ginkgo situated near a temple about 1.1 km away from the blast center appeared to bud after the blast without any major deformations (the temple itself was destroyed).
Famous Gingko Trees in Kamakura.
... Shrine Tsurugaoka Hachimangu 鶴岡八幡宮
even after it fell down on March 10, 2010 !
More famous BIG Gingko in Japan
Temple Koosen-ji
In Downtown Utsunomiya
Mountains of Iseyama
Click on the other bottons on the right for more.
Also above the picture, click on the little box on the left [次へ] to see more.
Big Japanese Gingko Trees
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Ginkgo leaves can be mixed with vodka and a "mash" made over a couple of weeks.
That makes "mash" and American Sour Mash (whiskey).
American Sour Mash Whiskey Recipe:
Ginkgo "Mash" Recipe:
Opie (Kigo Hotline, 2011)
ichoo no hana 杏の花 (いちょうのはな) blossoms of the gingko tree
... hana ichoo 花銀杏(はないちょう)
... ginnan no hana ぎんなんの花(ぎんなんのはな)
kigo for late spring
ichoo momiji 銀杏黄葉(いちょうもみじ)yellow leaves of the gingko tree
ichoo chiru 銀杏散る (いちょうちる) gingko leaves falling
ginnan 銀杏 (ぎんなん) gingko nuts, gingko nut
... ichoo no mi 銀杏の実(いちょうのみ)
kigo for late autumn
ichoo ochiba 銀杏落葉 (いちょうおちば) fallen leaves of the gingko tree
kigo for early winter
ichoo karu 銀杏枯る(いちょうかる)gingko tree withers
kigo for all winter
銀杏散る 遠くに風の 音すれば
................... 富安風生 Tomiyasu Fuusei Sensei
gingko chiru tooku ni kaze no oto sureba
scattering gingko leaves -
faint sound from the wind
far away
Tr. Gabi Greve

- - Photo Gabi Greve
Gingko tree at Temple Tanjo-Ji, 2007
- Legends about the Gingko Tree -
- #gingko #icho #itchoo #ichoo #biloba -
children's games -
she hides yellow marbles
beneath ginkgo leaves
~ Andrew Otinga, Kenya
There is a 銀杏 Gingko tree in the town where the head of Masakado got hooked up on his flight to Kanto.
This kind of legend is also known in other regions on his way.
Taira no Masakado 平将門 / 平將門
Legend from Edo
Tokaiji Nana Fushigi 東海寺七不思議
A gingko tree in the compound grows its nuts only on one side of the tree.
松虫姫伝説 - Legend of Princess Matsumushi
The third daughter of Emperor 聖武天皇 Shomu Tenno, called Princess Matsumushi Hime, was very ill and her father sent her to this temple to pray to Yakushi Nyorai. She was eventually healed. She planted her tsue 杖 walking staff in the garden and from it a 銀杏 Gingko tree begun to sprout.
The temple and the village around it started to use her name, Matsumushi.
千葉県印西市松虫 / Matsumushi, Inzai, 印旛 Inba, Chiba
七仏薬師 瑠璃光如来 Yakushi Ruriko Nyorai.
Legends from Chiba
Legend from Tokushima
麻植郡 Oe district 山川町 Yamakawa cho town
. 山の神 and Tengu 天狗 the Mountain Goblin .
Once a man cut a branch from 銀杏 a Gingko tree which was in memory of the 赤穂浪士 Ako Roshi legend.
Since then there was often the sound of someone practising with the sword below the tree. But when looking closer, there was nobody.
The noise was also heard in 山の神の森 Yamanokami no Mori wood.
The person who cut down the Gingko tree was later killed, but he came back to life with the face of a Tengu.
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