
Imo potato Daruma

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Imo Daruma, いもだるま potatoe Daruma

harvest from my friend Ishino


Some real sweet potatoes, satsuma imo Daruma

and from the same author, some dolls of Daruma with the form of a long sweet potatoe

Imo Hime Daruma いも姫だるま

Imo Daishi Daruma 藷大師達磨

source : だるまさん色々


The sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), commonly called a yam in parts of North America (although they are not actually yams), is a dicotyledonous plant which belongs to the family Convolvulaceae. Amongst the approximately 50 genera and more than 1000 species of this family, only I. batatas is a crop plant whose large, starchy, sweet tasting tuberous roots are an important root vegetable. The young leaves and shoots are sometimes eaten as greens. The sweet potato is only distantly related to the potato (Solanum tuberosum). It is even more distantly related to the true yam (Dioscorea species), which is native to Africa and Asia.

CLICK for more photos

The genus Ipomoea that contains the sweet potato also includes several garden flowers called morning glories, though that term is not usually extended to Ipomoea batatas. Some cultivars of Ipomoea batatas are grown as ornamental plants.

This plant is a herbaceous perennial vine, bearing alternate heart-shaped or palmately lobed leaves and medium-sized sympetalous flowers. The edible tuberous root is long and tapered, with a smooth skin whose color ranges between red, purple, brown and white. Its flesh ranges from white through yellow, orange, and purple.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Nature and Daruma


. WKD : Potato (jagaimo)

. WKD : Sato-imo 里芋 Taro potato

. WKD : Sweet potatoe (satsuma imo 薩摩芋)




Wood Art

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Wood art ... Mokuzai Geijutsu

Daruma Face

© PHOTOS : だるまさん色々


. Photos - Daruma made from Wood .


. Daruma from Enju Wood エンジュ達磨 .

. Kumiki gangu 組木玩具 wooden puzzle toys .




Flexible Daruma

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Flexible Daruma

Could this be our Daruma san in action?

A present from a friend. Thanks so much !

Please send your contributions to Gabi Greve
Daruma Discussion Forum

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum



Zen Brush


Zen Mind Zen Brush

17 June – 13 August 2006

Art Gallery of New South Wales
Art Gallery Road, The Domain, Sydney
© Gitter-Yelen

Giant Daruma hanging scroll, ink on paper
65.5 x 31.5 cm
Gitter-Yelen Collection

Simple yet profound, spontaneous yet controlled, the art of Zen Buddhism is intended to communicate the vision of Zen masters and to reveal the essence of Zen. From June to August 2006, the Art Gallery of New South Wales will exhibit 80 works of Zen ink painting and calligraphy drawn from the remarkable private collection of
Dr Kurt A. Gitter and Alice Rae Yelen

The exhibition will provide an introduction to the art of Zenga, literally ‘zen painting’, a term that refers to the ink painting and calligraphy created by Zen monks in Japan from 1600 to the present day.

Zenga were used as a tool for meditation and spiritual teaching, and subjects range from fierce-looking Zen patriarchs to minimal landscapes, from intense calligraphy to whimsical illustrations of Zen conundrums. Characterised by their dynamic brushstrokes and often humorous images, these inspired works were mostly created by untrained painters who were monks first and artists second.

The exhibition will include zenga by the greatest Zen masters, such as the monks Fugai, Hakuin and Sengai, as well as works by Zen-inspired laymen and by monks from other Buddhist sects.


. Ito Jakuchu 伊藤若冲 .




Ishi Stones


Stones and Daruma 石、岩とだるま

Stone Daruma at a Marugame street corner, Shikoku

Shikoku Pilgrims, May 2006

Somebody put two stones for Daruma as feet.
- Shared by Ryosuke Ueda -
Joys of Japan, 2012

a stone Daruma
with stone feet -
take a walk !


Walking with style
The gallery daruma
Oh! So a la mode! (^ ^)

Ryosuke Ueda


軽石だるま(鹿児島県) Karuishi Daruma
Stone Daruma from Lava, Kagoshima prefecture.

karuishi ningyoo 軽石人形 dolls from lava

The God of the Fields on the right.

The stone comes from the active volcano at Sakurajima. Many represent the God of the Fields 田の神 and a long-living Daruma 寿だるま. The zodiac animals are also made.
They are not really carved, but scratched from pieces of lava.

Ta no kansa 田のカンサア the God of the Fields,
comes in various forms in different villages.

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - Kagoshima .

. Ta no Kami, God of the Rice Fields 田の神さま .


hight - 6.5 cm

- source : Daruma on Ebay


Stone painting from Ishino san

source : facebook, Takayoshi Shitara
From 西新井大師参道
Nishi-Arai Daishi Temple / Nishi Ii Daishi Adachi Tokyo

Nr. 26 - 西新井大師 Nishi-Nii Daishi 第二十六番
. 関東三十六不動霊場
Pilgrimage to 36 Fudo Temples in Kanto / Bando .


source : Tomohisa on facebook

島根県大田市 Shimane, Ota town


From 桂化石

This one is about 7,5 kilograms heavy.
Hight 24, width about 30 cm. With a wooden stand.

From All Sides

From my friend Ishino.


Photos from my friend Ishino

This stone weights 550 grams.
Its size is 100×73×45 mm.


At the Pass Mitsu Toge 三つ峠

The sanskrit letter on the stone reads "aak" and is a symbol of Dainichi Nyorai.

© PHOTO : azami.cool.ne.jp


At the temple Shuzen-Ji (Shuuzenji) 修禅寺(しゅうぜんじ)

© PHOTO : ayablogdiary


CLICK for more  ISHI DarumaCLICK for more Daruma ISHI photos !

CLICK for more Ishi Daruma, Daruma Ishi !


Stone from River Shonaigawa, Aichi


Made by Saint Fugai 風外上人
風外蝸室. 風外道人こと風外慧薫上人 Fuugai Ekun at about age 60
at Kifune Jinja, Manazuru 貴船神社
Fugai was a Zen painter/monk in the Early Edo Period.
He was the head priest at temple 成願寺 in Sagami and later lived in a cave in Soga, then in Ishioka. When he felt his death coming at about 87 years of age, he had his parishioners dig a hole, grabed his paintings of Daruma and Hotei and died in the hole. This is why they called him "fuugai".
Fugai lived in a cave in Manazuru for a while.
source : myluxurynight.com


I have various other entries on this subject.
Here is a list to them.

Stones like Daruma 達磨石

Cliff Buddhas Magaibutsu 磨崖仏

Suiseki ... 水石 ... Stone Appreciation .. だるま水石

Daruma Pebbles and Educationだるま小石

Daruma Petroglyphs in Mexico

Daruma Rock at Shiraishi Island 白石島のだるま岩

Stalagmite Daruma Shapes
Stalagmites, Ikura-Cave 井倉洞

Tokachi Daruma 十勝だるま From obisdian stone Hokkaido

Ishigami root Daruma from Philippe Boudin

Daruma Pilgrims in Japan: Heavy/light to lift stoned. Omokaru Ishi

Power Stones (chikara ishi) to test your strength


More Stone Daruma

In the category of stone sculpture, a crafted image of Daruma is known as a "Stone Daruma" (ishi Daruma 石だるま). These can have various forms, from large-scale figures to smaller-scale works. Sometimes the Daruma features are chiseled into an interestingly shaped stone. Sometimes the face is painted on a smooth, stream-worn pebble.

Little Kannon
This is a little Kannon, which I got from a friend.

Ishi .. Big One in my garden
Let us look at one Daruma made of stone. He was made in China and is now sold in many stone-producing areas of Japan. I got this one near Tamakatsu from a local stone dealer. This Daruma comes in two sizes and since he is mashine-made, he has many identical brothers.

Ishi from Kawasaki Daishi Temple

These two Daruma are painted in red and white on stone. The pebbles provide soft shapes on which to paint whimsical renditions of Darumas face. These tow are sold at a temple dedicated to Kooboo Daishi, whom we have met frequently. The Kawasaki Daishi Temple is located close to Tokyo and very famous for the crowds visiting during the first three days of the New Year. I tried once to go there too and had to stand in line from the station for three hours and not yet even reached the entrance gate when we gave up and posponed the visit to February.

. Kawasaki Daishi 川崎大師 and more Daruma


Ishi Nachi Hachimaki

We have already seen the pebbles from the Nachi area in the Kumano story.
. Kumano and Nachi 熊野と那智 Stone Daruma


This is only the face of a beautiful Daruma of Stone, which I found many years ago in the garden of the Temple Gohyaku Rakan in Odawara. He is as big and looks just like the laquer statue which we saw in the ABC story. Maybe they were made from the same pattern?

Look at his laquer friend HERE
. WHO is Daruma ?


Gohyaku Rakan 五百羅漢 Temples with 500 Arhat statues        
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Temple Buttsuu-ji 佛通寺 and 500 Arhats

The famous Daruma Temple Hoorin-ji in Kyoto
also has some stone statues, here are just two of them.

fushiki Daruma 不識 "I do not know "

with eto zodiac animals all around

Hoorin-ji 京都の法輪寺 Horinji Temple in Kyoto   


From the collection of Kido Takayoshi (1833 - 1877), displayed at his home
- reference source : 木戸孝允 -


Shizen 自然 Photoalbum with natural Daruma shapes

. My Photo Album
Stones formed like Daruma

. Magaibutsu 磨崖仏散歩 Stone Cliff Buddhas   


IWA Daruma kun 岩だるまくん GANDARUMA
Iwate International Daruma

The World helps Iwate prefecture after March 11, 2011.

. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011 .






introduced in the Daruma Forum
and some Daruma matsuri exhibitions だるま祭り

Zen Mind Zen Brush
featuring a Daruma painting by Ito JAKUCHU (1716-1800)

Nara National Museum Exhibition: Priest Chogen

From Sesshu to Pollock : Bridgestone museum

Saicho Exhibition in Tokyo

Hokusai and the Dragons


Enku, master carver

Mumon Kan, the Gate without Barriers

Japanese Prints and the World of Go / William Pinckard

Otsu-E pictures and the Folk Craft Museum Tokyo

Yoko Yamamoto, Prints

Eisei Bunko Museum: Chinese Stone Buddhas

Jim Breen's Ukiyo-E Gallery

Fantastic Mountains, an exhibition

. Daruma Museum

. Exhibitions of Dolls in - Hiratsuka ... Events  

ところ変わればだるまも変わる~ tokoro kawareba
Chofu Town, August 2013, Museum 調布市 郷土博物館

- reference -


- source : daruchan.jimdo.com

January 16 - 21, 2014 Temple Jindai-Ji



懐祭り ~山響屋の九州郷土玩具展~
Exhibition at Yamabikoya in Fukuoka - July 2016
- source : tabineko.seesaa.net -


新春招福だるま祭り - 2018

- reference : darumania -


- #darumaexhibition #darumamatsuri -





Petroglyphs at Albuquerque, New Mexico
Daruma in the Shadow of Basalt

I visited my sister in Albuguerque, New Mexico. There, with the small throng of relatives and inlaws (outlaws... hehehe) we viewed the petroglyphs. As is sometimes surprising I found the bushy eyebrowed image of Daruma in the shadow patterns on a basalt bolder.

Dennis Holmes "Chibi"

- Daruma Forum -


- quote
In archaeology, rock art is human-made markings placed on natural stone; it is also largely synonymous with parietal art. A global phenomenon, rock art is found in many different regions of the world, having been produced in many different contexts throughout human history, although the majority of rock art that has been ethnographically recorded has been produced as a part of ritual. Such artworks are often divided into three forms: petroglyphs which are carved into the rock surface, pictographs which are painted onto the surface, and earth figures engraved into the ground.

The oldest known rock art dates from the Upper Palaeolithic period, having been found in Europe, Australasia and Africa. Archaeologists studying these artworks believe that they likely had magico-religious significance.

Petroglyph attributed to Classic Vernal Style,
Fremont archaeological culture, eastern Utah, USA.

The archaeological sub-discipline of rock art studies first developed in the late-19th century among Francophone scholars studying the Upper Palaeolithic rock art found in the cave systems of Western Europe. Rock art also continues to be of importance to indigenous peoples in various parts of the world, who view them as both sacred items and significant components of their cultural patrimony.Such archaeological sites are also significant sources of cultural tourism, and have been utilised in popular culture for their aesthetic qualities.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

on stones
the rain polishes marks
of the past

The Karelian petroglyphs – the outstanding monuments which are world-renowned, which value it is comparable to such monuments, as Kizhi and "Kalevala" runes.

- Shared by Gennady Nov -
Haiku Culture Magazine, 2013


Shizen 自然 <> Photoalbum with natural Daruma forms

..... Shizen . Natural Daruma Shapes Stalagmites, Ikura-Cave 井倉洞





Hands of Daruma

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The Hands of Daruma

What is Daruma holding in his hands?
Jimotsu ... 持物 ― 達磨さんがなにを持っていますか?

. Jimotsu ... 持物 - What is Daruma holding?  

What is the meaning of the mudra (hand gestures) of a Buddhist statue and the meditation position of Zen?

. . . . . Click HERE for the answer !

Why does Daruma have his hands under his robe?

. . . . . Click HERE for the answer !


- - - - - Mudra

Gobu Shinkan :
Vizualizing the Five-Parted Heart-Mind.

"Gobushinkan" was brought back to Japan in 858 by Enchin.






Deutschland LINKS

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LINKS auf Deutsch

Bei YAHOO.DE gibt es mehr als 273.000 Hits mit DARUMA.

Bei GOOGLE.DE, Seiten auf Deutsch gibt es mehr als 25.400 Hits mit DARUMA.

Stand Mai 2006.


Der Buddhismus kam erst in der Mitte des 6. Jahrhunderts nach Japan - und zwar aus China. Eine Strömung innerhalb dieser Religion ist der Zen-Buddhismus, bei dem die Meditation im Zentrum steht. Als Begründer dieser Richtung gilt der indische Mönch Bodhidharma (jap. Daruma), der vor 534 in China gestorben sein soll.

Die Legende weiß zu berichten, daß er auf den Suzan Berg in Nordchina gegangan sei, dort neun Jahre meditierend vor einer Felswand gesessen habe und dadurch zur Erleuchtung (Satori) gelangt sei. 1191 verbreitete dann der japanische Mönch Eisai diesen Zen-Buddhismus ("Zen" heißt nichts anderes als Meditieren) in Japan.

Alle Bilder:© Nao Witting . Mehr auf diesem LINK


Der Daruma (jap. 達磨, eigentlich Bodhidharma) ist einer der beliebtesten Glücksbringer in Japan. Er besteht aus Pappmaché und wird mit einem Gewicht beschwert, damit er nicht umfallen kann. Somit macht er Mut, sich in jeder Situation wieder aufzurichten. Oft wird er in buddhistischen Tempeln verkauft. Die Figur stellt einen buddhistischen Mönch und einen großen Lehrer des Zen-Buddhismus (Bodhidharma) dar. Auf den Darumafiguren stehen die japanischen Schriftzeichen Glück oder Erfolg.

Die Darstellung der Figur ohne Arme und Beine geht darauf zurück, dass der Mönch Daruma angeblich 9 Jahre im Meditationssitz vor einer Felswand saß, um die Erleuchtung zu erlangen. Da man im Meditationssitz keine Arme und Beine braucht, fehlen sie auch bei dem Glücksbringer. Der Mönch soll außerdem Yoga und andere Kampfsportarten beherrscht haben und der Begründer des Kung Fu sein.

Daruma gilt als Helfer bei der Erfüllung von Wünschen. Zunächst wird ein Auge ausgemalt. Männer malen das linke Auge aus, Frauen das rechte. Der Glücksbringer sollte an einem Ort stehen, an dem man jeden Tag vorbeikommt. Ist der Wunsch in Erfüllung gegangen, wird das andere Auge ausgemalt. Dann kann die Figur in einem Tempel verbrannt werden.

Im 18. Jahrhundert wird die Figur mit dem Steh-auf-Männchen vereint.
Wikipedia ®
Wikipedia : Daruma


Ein online Lexikon, enzyklopda.de ,
Diese Seiten bietet Ihnen fast alles rund um die Begriffe „ Daruma“.
Sie finden hier, zu Daruma, die Beschreibung, Weblinks und Links zu Foren.
„Wissen ist Macht.“
Forenlinks zum Thema „Daruma“
Weblinks zum Thema „Daruma“
Sonstiges rund um „Daruma“


Please send your contributions to Gabi Greve
Daruma Discussion Forum

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum



Puns (dajare)

for temple Denbo-In, see below

Puns, dajare 駄洒落 ダジャレ, だじゃれ

Puns, share-kotoba しゃれ言葉, were very popular in Old Edo.
Dajare is also called "local dialect" jiguchi 地口.

In Old Edo, many people from all parts of Japan lived side by side.
Puns and playw with words were often used when people met for the first time to break the ice, so to speak, and make them feel comfortable. A person who could not tell a good pun was thought of rater dull (yabo やぼ 野暮), a country bumpkin.

yabo is itself a deformation of the word  「野夫」 a worker from the countryside.

hara ga herima daikon 腹が減りま大根

ari ga too nara imo mushi hatachi
ありが十(とお)なら いもむし二十(はたち)
蟻が十なら、芋虫ゃ二十 > ありがとうなら、いもむしはたち

kon te wa kuwana no yaki-hamaguri
その手は桑名の焼きはまぐり >
「その手は桑名い」 > 「その手は食わない」

osore iriya no kishibojin
「恐れ入谷の鬼子母神」 > 「恐れ入りました」 > 「恐れいりやした」
Kishibojin is the deity of a famous temple in Iriya.

atari maeda no kurakka

「馬勝った~牛負けた」 >

sore wa zannen binshiken
Ganen was a famous student of Confucius and well known at the temple schools of Edo.
Ganen > zannen

Here is a LINK with a lot more in Japanese
語呂合わせ goro awase


jiguchi andon 地口行灯 lanterns with puns and paintings

People painted a pun with image and words on a lantern for the annual festival of Chingo-Do 鎮護堂 in Asakusa, usually called おたぬきさん Otanuki-San at the temple 伝法院 Denbo-In

Denboin doori 伝法院通り Denboin-dori, Road along Denbo-In
famous for this custom to our day ! About 200 meters with the atmosphere of "Old Edo".
Denbo-In also has a famous garden.
- reference : denbouin-dori.com/midokoro-

- quote -
Denbo-in Teien Garden 伝法院庭園
Walking on Nakamise Street to Hozo-mon Gate and crossing Denbo-in-dori Street, you can find a solemn front gate at the secluded place from the left. Going through the front gate, you arrive at Denbo-in Temple which is the office of Senso-ji Temple and also the residence for head priest for generations. The garden covering the greater part of Denbo-in Temple is separated from the bustle of tourists, and a calm air is blowing among the garden. Here is one of the few temple gardens from the Edo period in Tokyo.
This garden is estimated to be originally landscaped in the Middle Ages. Old drawings and the style of landscape show that the present allocation of space arranging ponds on the north and west side of buildings is unchanged from the early Edo period.
Looking at the west pond from Ojoin (large drawing room) facing the garden, you see a large artificial hill on the left, the stone arrangement which represents a three-step dry fall from the top of the hill and the sandy beach which represents the water surface. Turning your eyes to the center, an undulating shore in islands spreads out. 
Strolling around the pond and standing on the island on the opposite side of Ojoin, you can see a full view of the fivestoried pagoda through the sandy beach arranging stepping-stones and Ojoin. Viewing the north shore which is gently undulating in contrast to the west, it is better to see standing on the stone bridge across a stream joining each pond. 
Denbo-in Teien was a secret garden as even the daimyo were not easily allowed to visit, because Denbo-in Temple was used as Gozen-sho (the place Tokugawa shoguns took a meal or rest) when they came. However, when the precinct of Senso-ji Temple was designated as a public park in 1873, this garden had been open to the public by Tokyo from 1930 to the outbreak of the Pacific War. At present, here is open to the public for a certaion period by Senso-ji Temple. This garden hands down the atmosphere of the Edo period to now, which was mostly lost from Asakusa in the Great Kanto Earthquakes and the Pacific War.
- source : syougai.metro.tokyo.... -


source : kakinokidai.web.fc2.com/JiguchiAndon


目出だるま me ga deru
to have good luck

The eyes of a dice, wishing for a SIX to win in gambling.

乗蓮寺 Temple Jooren-Ji
目が出る、が転じて 芽が出る、にかけているだるま。駄洒落!? と思ってしまう授与品が多いのも、神社めぐりの楽しみのひとつ。

More items for good luck on this LINK


dajare e-uta 駄洒落絵歌 Pun with Song and Picture

Da da Daruma no ningyoo wa
shaberitakute mo shaberenai

黙々だるま の 人形は
しゃべりたくとも しゃべれない
ぎょろり目玉で 世の中を
怒った顔して にらんでる

Copyright (C) 2004 Sora Eizo

Look at the Daruma on this LINK to see him develop as you read the full poem.

ANIME only





Here is a bit more on the ants ARI GA 蟻が play with words.
This is all a word joke on ARIGATOO, thank you.

3月9日は「サンキューの日」 Sankyuu の日 > Thank You !

「蟻が十匹猿五匹」 > (ありがとうござる)
「蟻が鯛なら芋虫ゃ鯨、百足汽車なら蝿が鳥」(信州) > (ありがたい)

.............................A Set of Contrasts

puns with the words katta and maketa
one is winning, one is loosing

kowakatta - oya maketa
恐かった~ : 子は勝った 親負けた

kayukatta - meshi maketa
痒かった  : 粥勝った  飯負けた

takakatta - tonbi maketa
高かった  : 鷹勝った  とんび負けた

amakatta - boozu maketa
甘かった  : 尼勝った  坊主負けた

fukakatta - same maketa (fuka and same are names for the shark)
深かった  : 鱶勝った  鮫負けた



kono ikura wa ikura このイクラはいくら How much costs this salmon roe?

konya kuu no wa konnyaku 今夜食うのは蒟蒻
tonight I am going to eat Konnyaku (devil's tongue jelly)

shio ga nai no wa shoo ga nai 塩がないのはしょうがない
It can’t be helped if there is no salt available.

sukii ga suki スキーが好き I like skiing


In our modern times, there is even English involved in the

oyaji gyagu おやじギャグ gags of elderly men

imakita sangyoo 今北産業 "now North Industry" -
ima kita 今来た I just joined, just came
san gyoo 三行 three lines, entering into an online conversation

Modern Pun-Ordering at the Sushi bar:

gareeji ガレージ garage - shako 車庫 - shako 蝦蛄 Shako shrimp

reinkooto レインコート raincoat - kappa 合羽 - kappamaki かっぱ巻き


Tokyo is situated in the Musashi plain 武蔵平野
MU SA SHI 。。。六三四 - 6 3 4
So when the tower had to be just a bit higher than the tower in China, they decided to make it

634 meters high.

. Tokyo Sky Tree 東京スカイツリー Skytree .


Puzzle pictures, Rebus of Old Edo, hanji-e 判じ絵


